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git 1 adyxax.org git server

git.adyxax.org is a gitea instance. For about 10 years I used a gitolite installation but I finally went for a gui instead in order to host repositories for non tech people.

Preparing the postgresql database

I am currently hosting this gitea instance on an OpenBSD server. Obviously postgresql is packaged on this system so the installation is as simple as : {{< highlight sh >}} pkg_add postgresql-server su - __postgresql mkdir /var/postgresql/data initdb -D /var/postgresql/data -U postgres -A scram-sha-256 -E UTF8 -W rcctl enable postgresql rcctl start postgresql su - ___postgresql psql -U postgresql CREATE ROLE gitea WITH LOGIN PASSWORD 'XXXXX'; CREATE DATABASE gitea WITH OWNER gitea TEMPLATE template0 ENCODING UTF8 LC_COLLATE 'en_US.UTF-8' LC_CTYPE 'en_US.UTF-8'; {{< /highlight >}}

Since it is OpenBSD the defaults are secure for a local usage, therefore no other configuration is necessary.

Installing gitea

Gitea is packaged on OpenBSD so the installation is as simple as : {{< highlight sh >}} pkg_add gitea nvim /etc/gitea/app.ini rcctl enable gitea rcctl start gitea {{< /highlight >}}

TODO Serving the website

{{< highlight sh >}} nvim /etc/h2o/h2o.conf {{< /highlight >}}