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Adding a custom hugo markdown shortcode to calculate an age 2021-03-22 An example of custom hugo shortcode


On the [about-me]({{< ref "about-me" >}}) page I had hardcoded my age. I wanted a way to calculate it automatically when building the site, here is how to do this.

Adding the shortcode

Added a custom markdown shortcode in hugo in as simple as creating a layouts/shortcodes/ directory. Each html file created inside will define a shortcode from the filename. In my example I want to calculate my age so I named the shortcode age.html and added the following simple template code :

{{< highlight html >}} {{ div (sub now.Unix 493473600 ) 31556926 }} {{< / highlight >}}

The first number is the timestamp of my birthday, the second represents how many seconds there are in a year.

Using the shortcode

With this layouts/shortcodes/age.html file I can just add the following in a page to add my age :

{{< highlight html >}} {{< print "{{% age %}}" >}} {{< / highlight >}}

And if you are wondering how I am able to display a shortcode code inside this page without having it render, it is because I defined another shortcode that does exactly that here! Hugo really is a powerful static website generator, it is amazing.
