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Get zoom to work 2018-01-02 How to get the zoom video conferencing tool to work on gentoo

The problem

The zoom video conderencing tool works on gentoo, but since it is not integrated in a desktop environment on my machine (I am running an i3 window manager) I cannot authenticate on the google corporate domain where I work. Here is how to work around that.

Running the client

{{< highlight yaml >}} ./ZoomLauncher {{< /highlight >}}

Working around the "zoommtg address not understood" error

When you try to authenticate you will have your web browser pop up with a link it cannot interpret. You need to get the zoommtg://.* thing and run it in another ZoomLauncher (do not close the zoom process that spawned this authentication link or the authentication will fail : {{< highlight yaml >}} ./ZoomLauncher 'zoommtg://zoom.us/google?code=XXXXXXXX' {{< /highlight >}}