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Deploy the Nvidia device plugin for kubernetes Using OpenTofu/terraform 2025-01-19


The Nvidia device plugin for kubernetes is a daemonset that allows you to exploit GPUs in a kubernetes cluster. In particular, it allows you to request a number of GPUs from the pods' spec.

This article presents the device plugin's installation and usage on AWS EKS.


The main pre-requisite is that your nodes have the nvidia drivers and container toolkit installed. On EKS, this means using an AL2_x86_64_GPU AMI.

The device plugin daemonset can be setup using the following OpenTofu/terraform code, which is adapted from https://raw.githubusercontent.com/NVIDIA/k8s-device-plugin/master/deployments/static/nvidia-device-plugin.yml :

resource "kubernetes_daemon_set_v1" "nvidia-k8s-device-plugin" {
 metadata {
   name      = "nvidia-device-plugin"
   namespace = "kube-system"
 spec {
   selector {
     match_labels = {
       name = "nvidia-device-plugin"
   strategy {
     type = "RollingUpdate"
   template {
     metadata {
       annotations = {
         "adyxax.org/promtail" = true
       labels = {
         name = "nvidia-device-plugin"
     spec {
       container {
         image = format(
         name = "nvidia-device-plugin-ctr"
         security_context {
           allow_privilege_escalation = false
           capabilities {
             drop = ["ALL"]
         volume_mount {
           mount_path = "/var/lib/kubelet/device-plugins"
           name       = "data"
       node_selector = {
         adyxax-gpu-node = true
       priority_class_name = "system-node-critical"
       toleration {
         effect   = "NoSchedule"
         key      = "nvidia.com/gpu"
         operator = "Exists"
       volume {
         host_path {
           path = "/var/lib/kubelet/device-plugins"
         name = "data"
 wait_for_rollout = false

I add a node_selector to only provision the device plugin on nodes that need it, since I am also running non GPU nodes in my clusters.


To grant GPU access to a pod, you set a resources limit and request. It is important that you set both since GPUs are a non overcommittable resource on kubernetes. When you request some you also need to set an equal limit.

    nvidia.com/gpu: 8
    nvidia.com/gpu: 8

Note that all GPUs are detected as equal by the device plugin. If your cluster mixes nodes with different GPU hardware configurations, you will need to use taints and tolerations to make sure your workloads are assigned correctly.


It works well as is. I have not played with neither GPU time slicing nor MPS.