path: root/content/docs/adyxax.org/services
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'content/docs/adyxax.org/services')
5 files changed, 169 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/content/docs/adyxax.org/services/_index.md b/content/docs/adyxax.org/services/_index.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..405c2ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/content/docs/adyxax.org/services/_index.md
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+title: "Services"
+linkTitle: "Services"
+weight: 1
+description: >
+ Here are the services provided by adyxax.org
diff --git a/content/docs/adyxax.org/services/checkmk.md b/content/docs/adyxax.org/services/checkmk.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f8a8bf6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/content/docs/adyxax.org/services/checkmk.md
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+title: "checkmk"
+linkTitle: "checkmk"
+weight: 1
+description: >
+ checkmk
+## Updating
+- Download latest raw edition package from http://mathias-kettner.com/check_mk_download_version.php?HTML=yes&version=1.2.8p15&edition=cre and install it.
+- `run omd backup adyxax adyxax.bak`
+- `run omd update adyxax`
+- If all went well, apt purge the previous check_mk version to free space.
diff --git a/content/docs/adyxax.org/services/git.md b/content/docs/adyxax.org/services/git.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a7a9374
--- /dev/null
+++ b/content/docs/adyxax.org/services/git.md
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+title: "git"
+weight: 1
+description: >
+ adyxax.org git server
+git.adyxax.org is a gitea instance. For about 10 years I used a gitolite installation but I finally went for a gui instead in order to host repositories for non tech people.
+## Preparing the postgresql database
+I am currently hosting this gitea instance on an OpenBSD server. Obviously postgresql is packaged on this system so the installation is as simple as :
+{{< highlight sh >}}
+pkg_add postgresql-server
+su - __postgresql
+mkdir /var/postgresql/data
+initdb -D /var/postgresql/data -U postgres -A scram-sha-256 -E UTF8 -W
+rcctl enable postgresql
+rcctl start postgresql
+su - ___postgresql
+psql -U postgresql
+{{< /highlight >}}
+Since it is OpenBSD the defaults are secure for a local usage, therefore no other configuration is necessary.
+## Installing gitea
+Gitea is packaged on OpenBSD so the installation is as simple as :
+{{< highlight sh >}}
+pkg_add gitea
+nvim /etc/gitea/app.ini
+rcctl enable gitea
+rcctl start gitea
+{{< /highlight >}}
+## TODO Serving the website
+{{< highlight sh >}}
+nvim /etc/h2o/h2o.conf
+{{< /highlight >}}
diff --git a/content/docs/adyxax.org/services/nethack.md b/content/docs/adyxax.org/services/nethack.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e9aa7a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/content/docs/adyxax.org/services/nethack.md
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+title: "nethack"
+linkTitle: "nethack"
+weight: 1
+description: >
+ nethack
+## dgamelaunch
+{{< highlight sh >}}
+groupadd -r games
+useradd -r -g games nethack
+git clone
+{{< /highlight >}}
+## nethack
+{{< highlight sh >}}
+{{< /highlight >}}
+## scores script
+{{< highlight sh >}}
+{{< /highlight >}}
+## copying shared libraries
+{{< highlight sh >}}
+cd /opt/nethack
+for i in `ls bin`; do for l in `ldd bin/$i | tail -n +1 | cut -d'>' -f2 | awk '{print $1}'`; do if [ -f $l ]; then echo $l; cp $l lib64/; fi; done; done
+for l in `ldd dgamelaunch | tail -n +1 | cut -d'>' -f2 | awk '{print $1}'`; do if [ -f $l ]; then echo $l; cp $l lib64/; fi; done
+for l in `ldd nethack-3.7.0-r1/games/nethack | tail -n +1 | cut -d'>' -f2 | awk '{print $1}'`; do if [ -f $l ]; then echo $l; cp $l lib64/; fi; done
+{{< /highlight >}}
+## making device nodes
+TODO! For now I mount all of /dev in the chroot :
+{{< highlight sh >}}
+#mknod -m 666 dev/ptmx c 5 2
+mount -R /dev /opt/nethack/dev
+{{< /highlight >}}
+## debugging
+{{< highlight sh >}}
+gdb chroot
+run --userspec=nethack:games /opt/nethack/ /dgamelaunch
+{{< /highlight >}}
diff --git a/content/docs/adyxax.org/services/www.md b/content/docs/adyxax.org/services/www.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..852cfcc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/content/docs/adyxax.org/services/www.md
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+title: "www"
+linkTitle: "www"
+weight: 1
+description: >
+ adyxax.org main entry website. www.adyxax.org, wiki.adyxax.org and blog.adyxax.org all point here.
+This is the website you are currently reading. It is a static website built using [hugo](https://github.com/gohugoio/hugo). This article details how I
+installed hugo, how I initialised this website and how I manage it. I often refer to it as wiki.adyxax.org because I hosted a unique dokuwiki for a long
+time as my main website (and a pmwiki before that), but with hugo it has become more than that. It is now a mix of wiki, blog and showcase of my work and interests.
+For a log of how I made the initial setup, see [this blog article.]({{< relref "/blog/miscellaneous/switching-to-hugo.md" >}})
+## Installing hugo
+I am currently hosting this website on an OpenBSD server. Hugo is packaged on this system so the installation is as simple as :
+{{< highlight sh >}}
+pkg_add hugo--extended
+{{< / highlight >}}
+## Bootstraping this site
+The website is on my gitea :
+{{< highlight sh >}}
+cd /var/www/htdocs
+git clone --recurse-submodules _gitea@git.adyxax.org:adyxax/www.git
+cd www
+{{< / highlight >}}
+The docsy theme requires two nodejs programs to run :
+{{< highlight sh >}}
+npm install -D --save autoprefixer
+npm install -D --save postcss-cli
+{{< / highlight >}}
+## hugo commands
+To publish the website in the `public` folder :
+{{< highlight sh >}}
+hugo --minify
+{{< / highlight >}}
+## TODO
+TODO deploy on push to git.adyxax.org
+TODO web server config