path: root/content/blog/kubernetes/pg_dump_restore.md
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+title: "Dump and restore a postgresql database on kubernetes"
+linkTitle: "Dump and restore a postgresql database"
+date: 2020-06-25
+## Dumping
+Assuming we are working with a postgresql statefulset, our namespace is named `miniflux` and our master pod is named `db-postgresql-0`, trying to
+dump a database named `miniflux`:
+{{< highlight sh >}}
+export POSTGRES_PASSWORD=$(kubectl get secret --namespace miniflux db-postgresql -o jsonpath="{.data.postgresql-password}" | base64 --decode)
+kubectl run db-postgresql-client --rm --tty -i --restart='Never' --namespace miniflux --image docker.io/bitnami/postgresql:11.8.0-debian-10-r19 --env="PGPASSWORD=$POSTGRES_PASSWORD" --command -- pg_dump --host db-postgresql -U postgres -d miniflux > miniflux.sql-2020062501
+{{< /highlight >}}
+## Restoring
+Assuming we are working with a postgresql statefulset, our namespace is named `miniflux` and our master pod is named `db-postgresql-0`, trying to
+restore a database named `miniflux`:
+{{< highlight sh >}}
+kubectl -n miniflux cp miniflux.sql-2020062501 db-postgresql-0:/tmp/miniflux.sql
+kubectl -n miniflux exec -ti db-postgresql-0 -- psql -U postgres -d miniflux
+miniflux=# \i /tmp/miniflux.sql
+kubectl -n miniflux exec -ti db-postgresql-0 -- rm /tmp/miniflux.sql
+{{< /highlight >}}