Certification Authority Authorization (CAA) are a type of DNS records that allows the owner of a domain to restrict which Certificate Authority (CA) can emit a certificate for the domain. This is a protection mechanism that is easy to setup and that has absolutely no drawbacks.
One good reason to use CAA records in our modern world of servers running in the cloud is that when you decommission or change a server you very often lose access to its IP address and get a new one. If you mess up cleaning the old IP address from your DNS records and have no CAA records, someone who grabs it could then start issuing certificates for your domain.
There are several bits of syntax in the RFC that can be of interest, especially if you want to be notified when someone tries to issue a certificate from an unauthorized CA:
There are other extensions that allow domain owners to restrict even more things like which certificate validation method can be used. Just keep in mind that these extensions will vary from CA to CA and you will need to read the documentation of your CA of choice. A letsencrypt locked down certificate issuance to a specific account ID with a specific validation method looks like this:
Note that some DNS providers that offer hosting services will sometimes provision invisible CAA records on your behalf and it might not be obvious this is happening. For example if your domain is hosted on Cloudflare and you use their `pages` service, they will add CAA records to issue their certificates. You will be able to see these records using your lookup tool, but not if you look at your Cloudflare dashboard.
The following code examples will first feature a standard version (suitable for AWS, GCP and other providers), and one for Cloudflare. Cloudflare records are built different than other providers I know of because the Cloudflare terraform provider does some validation by itself while others simply rely on their APIs. Another important difference is that terraform resources use a list of records as input, while Cloudflare forces you to create one resource per value you need for a record. Yes this will clutter your terraform states!
Here is a more advanced definition that handles zones that have different needs than others, as well as CAs that have multiple signing domains like AWS does: