This is the website you are currently reading. It is a static website built using hugo. This article details how I installed hugo, how I initialised this website and how I manage it. I often refer to it as because I hosted a unique dokuwiki for a long time as my main website (and a pmwiki before that), but with hugo it has become more than that. It is now a mix of wiki, blog and showcase of my work and interests.
You probably won't encounter this issue but this command failed at the time I installed hugo because the master branch in one of the dependencies was
tainted. I fixed it with by using a stable tag for this project and continue installing hugo from there:
cd go/src/
tig --all
git checkout v2.6.1
go get
This did not build me the extended version of hugo that I need for the [docsy]( theme I chose, so I had to get it by doing :