description: a good use for a golang static binary deployed on nixos
date: 2024-04-03
- golang
## Introduction
After seeing my parents use mobile applications full of ads just to check if a word is valid to play in the famous scrabble game (french version), I decided I could do something about it. This is a few hours project to build and deploy a small web application with just an input form and a backend that checks if words are valid or not. It is also an opportunity to look into go 1.22 stdlib routing improvements.
The "Officiel Du Scrabble" (ODS for short) is what the official dictionary for this game is called. One very sad thing is that this dictionary is not free! You cannot download it digitally, which seems crazy for a simple list of words. You might use your google-fu and maybe find it on some random GitHub account if you look for it, but I certainly did not.
While it does not feel optimal in terms of validation since I am not parsing the users' input, this input is normalized: accents and diacritics are converted to the corresponding ASCII character and spaces are trimmed at the beginning and at the end of the input. Then it is a simple matter of comparing strings while iterating over the full list of words.
Building a trie would make the search a lot faster, but the simplest loop takes less than 2ms on my server and therefore is good enough for a service that will barely peak at a few requests per minutes.
I build a static binary with `CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -ldflags "-s -w -extldflags \"-static\"" .` and since there is no `/usr/local` on nixos I simply copy this static binary to `/srv/ods/ods`. The nixos way would be to write a derivation but I find it too unwieldily for such a simple use case.