-`project_id` (String) The identifier of the project the jobs are part of.
### Read-Only
-`elements` (Attributes List) The list of jobs. (see [below for nested schema](#nestedatt--elements))
### Nested Schema for `elements`
-`disabled` (Boolean) Whether the job is disabled or not.
-`id` (String) The identifier of the job.
-`spec` (Attributes) The specification of the job. (see [below for nested schema](#nestedatt--elements--spec))
### Nested Schema for `elements.spec`
-`concurrent` (Boolean) Whether to allow concurrent executions for this job or not.
-`description` (String) A textual description of the job.
-`environment` (Map of String) A set of environment variables mapping names to values to be defined during job execution.
-`identities` (Set of String) Set of eventline identities names to inject during job execution.
-`name` (String) The name of the job.
-`parameters` (Attributes List) (see [below for nested schema](#nestedatt--elements--spec--parameters))
-`retention` (Number) The number of days after which past executions of this job will be deleted. This value override the global job_retention setting.
-`runner` (Attributes) The specification of the runner used to execute the job. (see [below for nested schema](#nestedatt--elements--spec--runner))
-`steps` (Attributes List) A list of steps which will be executed sequentially. (see [below for nested schema](#nestedatt--elements--spec--steps))
-`trigger` (Attributes) The specification of a trigger indicating when to execute the job. (see [below for nested schema](#nestedatt--elements--spec--trigger))
### Nested Schema for `elements.spec.parameters`
-`description` (String) A textual description of the parameter.
-`environment` (String) The name of an environment variable to be used to inject the value of this parameter during execution.
-`name` (String) The name of the parameter.
-`type` (String) The type of the parameter. The following types are supported:
- number: Either an integer or an IEEE 754 double precision floating point value.
- integer: An integer.
- string: A character string.
- boolean: A boolean.
-`values` (List of String) For parameters of type string, the list of valid values.
### Nested Schema for `elements.spec.runner`
-`identity` (String) The name of an identity to use for runners which require authentication. For example the ssh runner needs an identity to initiate an ssh connection.
-`name` (String) The name of the runner.
### Nested Schema for `elements.spec.steps`
-`code` (String) The fragment of code to execute for this step.
-`command` (Attributes) The command to execute for this step. (see [below for nested schema](#nestedatt--elements--spec--steps--command))
-`label` (String) A short description of the step which will be displayed on the web interface.
-`script` (Attributes) The command to execute for this step. (see [below for nested schema](#nestedatt--elements--spec--steps--script))
### Nested Schema for `elements.spec.steps.script`
-`arguments` (List of String) The list of arguments to pass to the command.
-`content` (String) The script file contents.
-`path` (String) The path of the script file relative to the job file.
### Nested Schema for `elements.spec.trigger`
-`event` (String) The event to react to formatted as <connector>/<event>.
-`identity` (String) The name of an identity to use for events which require authentication. For example the github/push event needs an identity to create the GitHub hook used to listen to push events.