
short : A simple, privacy friendly URL shortener written in nim

This repository contains code for a nim web service that can shorten a valid URL. The goals of the project are to be simple to use, light (about 7M of ram), self-hosted, open source and privacy friendly : anonymous usage, no tracking. I especially wanted an URL shortener that would display the target URL for people to review before clicking, and not simply redirect.

It is also a learning project, being my first web service written in nim.



nim is required. Only nim version >= 1.4.8 on linux amd64 (Gentoo) is being regularly tested.

The following nim libraries will be pulled by nimble when installing : * jester * nanoid * nimja * tiny_sqlite

Quick Install

To install, clone this repository then run :

nimble install


Launching the interpreter is as simple as :


The server needs to be started from a place with a ./data/ directory. It will open (or create if it does not already exist) a sqlite3 database in ./data/short.db, then start listening on for http connections.


For a debug build, use :

nimble build

For a release build, use :

nimble build -d:release

Running tests

To run unit tests, use :

nimble tests

To debug a particular tests, use :

nim c --debugger:on --parallelBuild:1 --debuginfo --linedir:on tests/database.nim
gdb tests/database
b src/truc.nim:123