diff options
authorJulien Dessaux2022-10-24 23:39:27 +0200
committerJulien Dessaux2022-10-24 23:39:27 +0200
commit62240e8370e6bc656a17eaef595275a92020a617 (patch)
parentGet started with ejs templating (diff)
Added favicon, split view in multiple parts
7 files changed, 182 insertions, 73 deletions
diff --git a/main.js b/main.js
index b4b626b..2765c83 100644
--- a/main.js
+++ b/main.js
@@ -1,36 +1,14 @@
import express from "express";
-export const app = express();
+import playRouter from "./routes/play.js";
+const app = express();
app.set("views", "./views");
app.set("view engine", "ejs");
-let CWDATA = {
- board: [
- [ "", "", "", "", "","", "", "", "", "","", "", "", "", "" ],
- [ "", "", "", "", "","", "", "", "", "","", "", "", "", "" ],
- [ "", "", "", "", "","", "", "", "", "","", "", "", "", "" ],
- [ "", "", "", "", "","", "", "", "", "","", "", "", "", "" ],
- [ "", "", "", "", "","", "", "", "", "","", "", "", "", "" ],
- [ "", "", "", "", "","", "", "", "", "","", "", "", "", "" ],
- [ "", "", "", "", "","", "", "", "", "","", "", "", "", "" ],
- [ "", "", "", "", "","", "", "T", "E", "S","T", "", "", "", "" ],
- [ "", "", "", "", "","", "", "", "", "","", "", "", "", "" ],
- [ "", "", "", "", "","", "", "", "", "","", "", "", "", "" ],
- [ "", "", "", "", "","", "", "", "", "","", "", "", "", "" ],
- [ "", "", "", "", "","", "", "", "", "","", "", "", "", "" ],
- [ "", "", "", "", "","", "", "", "", "","", "", "", "", "" ],
- [ "", "", "", "", "","", "", "", "", "","", "", "", "", "" ],
- [ "", "", "", "", "","", "", "", "", "","", "", "", "", "" ]
- ],
- letters: [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "JOKER" ]
-app.get("/", (req, res) => {
- return res.render("index", {CWDATA: CWDATA});
+app.use("/play", playRouter);
const port = process.env.PORT || 3000;
app.listen(port, () => console.log(`listening on port ${port}`));
diff --git a/routes/play.js b/routes/play.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5e904c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/routes/play.js
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+import express from "express";
+const router = express.Router();
+router.get("/", (req, res) => {
+ const CWDATA = {
+ board: [
+ [ "", "", "", "", "","", "", "", "", "","", "", "", "", "" ],
+ [ "", "", "", "", "","", "", "", "", "","", "", "", "", "" ],
+ [ "", "", "", "", "","", "", "", "", "","", "", "", "", "" ],
+ [ "", "", "", "", "","", "", "", "", "","", "", "", "", "" ],
+ [ "", "", "", "", "","", "", "", "", "","", "", "", "", "" ],
+ [ "", "", "", "", "","", "", "", "", "","", "", "", "", "" ],
+ [ "", "", "", "", "","", "", "", "", "","", "", "", "", "" ],
+ [ "", "", "", "", "","", "", "T", "E", "S","T", "", "", "", "" ],
+ [ "", "", "", "", "","", "", "", "", "","", "", "", "", "" ],
+ [ "", "", "", "", "","", "", "", "", "","", "", "", "", "" ],
+ [ "", "", "", "", "","", "", "", "", "","", "", "", "", "" ],
+ [ "", "", "", "", "","", "", "", "", "","", "", "", "", "" ],
+ [ "", "", "", "", "","", "", "", "", "","", "", "", "", "" ],
+ [ "", "", "", "", "","", "", "", "", "","", "", "", "", "" ],
+ [ "", "", "", "", "","", "", "", "", "","", "", "", "", "" ]
+ ],
+ letters: [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "JOKER" ]
+ };
+ return res.render("play", {CWDATA: CWDATA, title: "Jouer"});
+export default router;
diff --git a/static/favicon.svg b/static/favicon.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..971d573
--- /dev/null
+++ b/static/favicon.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
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diff --git a/views/footer.ejs b/views/footer.ejs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a78654e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/views/footer.ejs
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+ </main>
+ </body>
diff --git a/views/header.ejs b/views/header.ejs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ddc0b56
--- /dev/null
+++ b/views/header.ejs
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+ <head>
+ <meta charset="UTF-8">
+ <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
+ <link rel="icon" href="/favicon.svg">
+ <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="index.css" media="all">
+ <title>Jeu de mots - <%- title %></title>
+ </head>
+ <body>
+ <noscript>You need to enable JavaScript to run this app.</noscript>
+ <main>
diff --git a/views/index.ejs b/views/index.ejs
deleted file mode 100644
index 4e691f7..0000000
--- a/views/index.ejs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
- <head>
- <title>Jeu de mots</title>
- <meta charset="UTF-8">
- <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="index.css" media="all">
- </head>
- <body>
- <noscript>You need to enable JavaScript to run this app.</noscript>
- <main>
- <h1>Jeu de mots</h1>
- <table id="board">
- <tr><td id="s0_0" class="tw" title="triple word"><td id="s0_1"><td id="s0_2"><td id="s0_3" class="dl" title="double letter"><td id="s0_4"><td id="s0_5"><td id="s0_6"><td id="s0_7" class="tw" title="triple word"><td id="s0_8"><td id="s0_9"><td id="s0_10"><td id="s0_11" class="dl" title="double letter"><td id="s0_12"><td id="s0_13"><td id="s0_14" class="tw" title="triple word"></tr>
- <tr><td id="s1_0"><td id="s1_1" class="dw" title="double word"><td id="s1_2"><td id="s1_3"><td id="s1_4"><td id="s1_5" class="tl" title="triple letter"><td id="s1_6"><td id="s1_7"><td id="s1_8"><td id="s1_9" class="tl" title="triple letter"><td id="s1_10"><td id="s1_11"><td id="s1_12"><td id="s1_13" class="dw" title="double word"><td id="s1_14"></tr>
- <tr><td id="s2_0"><td id="s2_1"><td id="s2_2" class="dw" title="double word"><td id="s2_3"><td id="s2_4"><td id="s2_5"><td id="s2_6" class="dl" title="double letter"><td id="s2_7"><td id="s2_8" class="dl" title="double letter"><td id="s2_9"><td id="s2_10"><td id="s2_11"><td id="s2_12" class="dw" title="double word"><td id="s2_13"><td id="s2_14"></tr>
- <tr><td id="s3_0" class="dl" title="double letter"><td id="s3_1"><td id="s3_2"><td id="s3_3" class="dw" title="double word"><td id="s3_4"><td id="s3_5"><td id="s3_6"><td id="s3_7" class="dl" title="double letter"><td id="s3_8"><td id="s3_9"><td id="s3_10"><td id="s3_11" class="dw" title="double word"><td id="s3_12"><td id="s3_13"><td id="s3_14" class="dl" title="double letter"></tr>
- <tr><td id="s4_0"><td id="s4_1"><td id="s4_2"><td id="s4_3"><td id="s4_4" class="dw" title="double word"><td id="s4_5"><td id="s4_6"><td id="s4_7"><td id="s4_8"><td id="s4_9"><td id="s4_10" class="dw" title="double word"><td id="s4_11"><td id="s4_12"><td id="s4_13"><td id="s4_14"></tr>
- <tr><td id="s5_0"><td id="s5_1" class="tl" title="triple letter"><td id="s5_2"><td id="s5_3"><td id="s5_4"><td id="s5_5" class="tl" title="triple letter"><td id="s5_6"><td id="s5_7"><td id="s5_8"><td id="s5_9" class="tl" title="triple letter"><td id="s5_10"><td id="s5_11"><td id="s5_12"><td id="s5_13" class="tl" title="triple letter"><td id="s5_14"></tr>
- <tr><td id="s6_0"><td id="s6_1"><td id="s6_2" class="dl" title="double letter"><td id="s6_3"><td id="s6_4"><td id="s6_5"><td id="s6_6" class="dl" title="double letter"><td id="s6_7"><td id="s6_8" class="dl" title="double letter"><td id="s6_9"><td id="s6_10"><td id="s6_11"><td id="s6_12" class="dl" title="double letter"><td id="s6_13"><td id="s6_14"></tr>
- <tr><td id="s7_0" class="tw" title="triple word"><td id="s7_1"><td id="s7_2"><td id="s7_3" class="dl" title="double letter"><td id="s7_4"><td id="s7_5"><td id="s7_6"><td id="s7_7" class="start dw" title="start double word"><td id="s7_8"><td id="s7_9"><td id="s7_10"><td id="s7_11" class="dl" title="double letter"><td id="s7_12"><td id="s7_13"><td id="s7_14" class="tw" title="triple word"></tr>
- <tr><td id="s8_0"><td id="s8_1"><td id="s8_2" class="dl" title="double letter"><td id="s8_3"><td id="s8_4"><td id="s8_5"><td id="s8_6" class="dl" title="double letter"><td id="s8_7"><td id="s8_8" class="dl" title="double letter"><td id="s8_9"><td id="s8_10"><td id="s8_11"><td id="s8_12" class="dl" title="double letter"><td id="s8_13"><td id="s8_14"></tr>
- <tr><td id="s9_0"><td id="s9_1" class="tl" title="triple letter"><td id="s9_2"><td id="s9_3"><td id="s9_4"><td id="s9_5" class="tl" title="triple letter"><td id="s9_6"><td id="s9_7"><td id="s9_8"><td id="s9_9" class="tl" title="triple letter"><td id="s9_10"><td id="s9_11"><td id="s9_12"><td id="s9_13" class="tl" title="triple letter"><td id="s9_14"></tr>
- <tr><td id="s10_0"><td id="s10_1"><td id="s10_2"><td id="s10_3"><td id="s10_4" class="dw" title="double word"><td id="s10_5"><td id="s10_6"><td id="s10_7"><td id="s10_8"><td id="s10_9"><td id="s10_10" class="dw" title="double word"><td id="s10_11"><td id="s10_12"><td id="s10_13"><td id="s10_14"></tr>
- <tr><td id="s11_0" class="dl" title="double letter"><td id="s11_1"><td id="s11_2"><td id="s11_3" class="dw" title="double word"><td id="s11_4"><td id="s11_5"><td id="s11_6"><td id="s11_7" class="dl" title="double letter"><td id="s11_8"><td id="s11_9"><td id="s11_10"><td id="s11_11" class="dw" title="double word"><td id="s11_12"><td id="s11_13"><td id="s11_14" class="dl" title="double letter"></tr>
- <tr><td id="s12_0"><td id="s12_1"><td id="s12_2" class="dw" title="double word"><td id="s12_3"><td id="s12_4"><td id="s12_5"><td id="s12_6" class="dl" title="double letter"><td id="s12_7"><td id="s12_8" class="dl" title="double letter"><td id="s12_9"><td id="s12_10"><td id="s12_11"><td id="s12_12" class="dw" title="double word"><td id="s12_13"><td id="s12_14"></tr>
- <tr><td id="s13_0"><td id="s13_1" class="dw" title="double word"><td id="s13_2"><td id="s13_3"><td id="s13_4"><td id="s13_5" class="tl" title="triple letter"><td id="s13_6"><td id="s13_7"><td id="s13_8"><td id="s13_9" class="tl" title="triple letter"><td id="s13_10"><td id="s13_11"><td id="s13_12"><td id="s13_13" class="dw" title="double word"><td id="s13_14"></tr>
- <tr><td id="s14_0" class="tw" title="triple word"><td id="s14_1"><td id="s14_2"><td id="s14_3" class="dl" title="double letter"><td id="s14_4"><td id="s14_5"><td id="s14_6"><td id="s14_7" class="tw" title="triple word"><td id="s14_8"><td id="s14_9"><td id="s14_10"><td id="s14_11" class="dl" title="double letter"><td id="s14_12"><td id="s14_13"><td id="s14_14" class="tw" title="triple word"></tr>
- </table>
- <p>
- <table id="rack">
- <tr><td id="l0"><td id="l1"><td id="l2"><td id="l3"><td id="l4"><td id="l5"><td id="l6"></tr>
- </table>
- <aside>
- <button title="validate your move" onclick="onvalidatemoveclick()" id="validate" disabled>0 - Validate</button>
- <button onclick="onSelectSwapTilesClicked()" id="pass">Pass</button>
- </aside>
- </p>
- <p>
- <span id="player_1_name">player one name</span>: <span class="player_name" id="player_1_points">0</span><br>
- <span id="player_2_name">player two name</span>: <span class="player_name" id="player_2_points">0</span>
- </p>
- <p id="remaining_letters"></p>
- </main>
- </body>
- <script>var CWDATA = <%- JSON.stringify(CWDATA) %>;</script>
- <script type="module" src="index.js"></script>
diff --git a/views/play.ejs b/views/play.ejs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5998e40
--- /dev/null
+++ b/views/play.ejs
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+<%- include("header") %>
+<h1>Jeu de mots</h1>
+<table id="board">
+ <tr><td id="s0_0" class="tw" title="triple word"><td id="s0_1"><td id="s0_2"><td id="s0_3" class="dl" title="double letter"><td id="s0_4"><td id="s0_5"><td id="s0_6"><td id="s0_7" class="tw" title="triple word"><td id="s0_8"><td id="s0_9"><td id="s0_10"><td id="s0_11" class="dl" title="double letter"><td id="s0_12"><td id="s0_13"><td id="s0_14" class="tw" title="triple word"></tr>
+ <tr><td id="s1_0"><td id="s1_1" class="dw" title="double word"><td id="s1_2"><td id="s1_3"><td id="s1_4"><td id="s1_5" class="tl" title="triple letter"><td id="s1_6"><td id="s1_7"><td id="s1_8"><td id="s1_9" class="tl" title="triple letter"><td id="s1_10"><td id="s1_11"><td id="s1_12"><td id="s1_13" class="dw" title="double word"><td id="s1_14"></tr>
+ <tr><td id="s2_0"><td id="s2_1"><td id="s2_2" class="dw" title="double word"><td id="s2_3"><td id="s2_4"><td id="s2_5"><td id="s2_6" class="dl" title="double letter"><td id="s2_7"><td id="s2_8" class="dl" title="double letter"><td id="s2_9"><td id="s2_10"><td id="s2_11"><td id="s2_12" class="dw" title="double word"><td id="s2_13"><td id="s2_14"></tr>
+ <tr><td id="s3_0" class="dl" title="double letter"><td id="s3_1"><td id="s3_2"><td id="s3_3" class="dw" title="double word"><td id="s3_4"><td id="s3_5"><td id="s3_6"><td id="s3_7" class="dl" title="double letter"><td id="s3_8"><td id="s3_9"><td id="s3_10"><td id="s3_11" class="dw" title="double word"><td id="s3_12"><td id="s3_13"><td id="s3_14" class="dl" title="double letter"></tr>
+ <tr><td id="s4_0"><td id="s4_1"><td id="s4_2"><td id="s4_3"><td id="s4_4" class="dw" title="double word"><td id="s4_5"><td id="s4_6"><td id="s4_7"><td id="s4_8"><td id="s4_9"><td id="s4_10" class="dw" title="double word"><td id="s4_11"><td id="s4_12"><td id="s4_13"><td id="s4_14"></tr>
+ <tr><td id="s5_0"><td id="s5_1" class="tl" title="triple letter"><td id="s5_2"><td id="s5_3"><td id="s5_4"><td id="s5_5" class="tl" title="triple letter"><td id="s5_6"><td id="s5_7"><td id="s5_8"><td id="s5_9" class="tl" title="triple letter"><td id="s5_10"><td id="s5_11"><td id="s5_12"><td id="s5_13" class="tl" title="triple letter"><td id="s5_14"></tr>
+ <tr><td id="s6_0"><td id="s6_1"><td id="s6_2" class="dl" title="double letter"><td id="s6_3"><td id="s6_4"><td id="s6_5"><td id="s6_6" class="dl" title="double letter"><td id="s6_7"><td id="s6_8" class="dl" title="double letter"><td id="s6_9"><td id="s6_10"><td id="s6_11"><td id="s6_12" class="dl" title="double letter"><td id="s6_13"><td id="s6_14"></tr>
+ <tr><td id="s7_0" class="tw" title="triple word"><td id="s7_1"><td id="s7_2"><td id="s7_3" class="dl" title="double letter"><td id="s7_4"><td id="s7_5"><td id="s7_6"><td id="s7_7" class="start dw" title="start double word"><td id="s7_8"><td id="s7_9"><td id="s7_10"><td id="s7_11" class="dl" title="double letter"><td id="s7_12"><td id="s7_13"><td id="s7_14" class="tw" title="triple word"></tr>
+ <tr><td id="s8_0"><td id="s8_1"><td id="s8_2" class="dl" title="double letter"><td id="s8_3"><td id="s8_4"><td id="s8_5"><td id="s8_6" class="dl" title="double letter"><td id="s8_7"><td id="s8_8" class="dl" title="double letter"><td id="s8_9"><td id="s8_10"><td id="s8_11"><td id="s8_12" class="dl" title="double letter"><td id="s8_13"><td id="s8_14"></tr>
+ <tr><td id="s9_0"><td id="s9_1" class="tl" title="triple letter"><td id="s9_2"><td id="s9_3"><td id="s9_4"><td id="s9_5" class="tl" title="triple letter"><td id="s9_6"><td id="s9_7"><td id="s9_8"><td id="s9_9" class="tl" title="triple letter"><td id="s9_10"><td id="s9_11"><td id="s9_12"><td id="s9_13" class="tl" title="triple letter"><td id="s9_14"></tr>
+ <tr><td id="s10_0"><td id="s10_1"><td id="s10_2"><td id="s10_3"><td id="s10_4" class="dw" title="double word"><td id="s10_5"><td id="s10_6"><td id="s10_7"><td id="s10_8"><td id="s10_9"><td id="s10_10" class="dw" title="double word"><td id="s10_11"><td id="s10_12"><td id="s10_13"><td id="s10_14"></tr>
+ <tr><td id="s11_0" class="dl" title="double letter"><td id="s11_1"><td id="s11_2"><td id="s11_3" class="dw" title="double word"><td id="s11_4"><td id="s11_5"><td id="s11_6"><td id="s11_7" class="dl" title="double letter"><td id="s11_8"><td id="s11_9"><td id="s11_10"><td id="s11_11" class="dw" title="double word"><td id="s11_12"><td id="s11_13"><td id="s11_14" class="dl" title="double letter"></tr>
+ <tr><td id="s12_0"><td id="s12_1"><td id="s12_2" class="dw" title="double word"><td id="s12_3"><td id="s12_4"><td id="s12_5"><td id="s12_6" class="dl" title="double letter"><td id="s12_7"><td id="s12_8" class="dl" title="double letter"><td id="s12_9"><td id="s12_10"><td id="s12_11"><td id="s12_12" class="dw" title="double word"><td id="s12_13"><td id="s12_14"></tr>
+ <tr><td id="s13_0"><td id="s13_1" class="dw" title="double word"><td id="s13_2"><td id="s13_3"><td id="s13_4"><td id="s13_5" class="tl" title="triple letter"><td id="s13_6"><td id="s13_7"><td id="s13_8"><td id="s13_9" class="tl" title="triple letter"><td id="s13_10"><td id="s13_11"><td id="s13_12"><td id="s13_13" class="dw" title="double word"><td id="s13_14"></tr>
+ <tr><td id="s14_0" class="tw" title="triple word"><td id="s14_1"><td id="s14_2"><td id="s14_3" class="dl" title="double letter"><td id="s14_4"><td id="s14_5"><td id="s14_6"><td id="s14_7" class="tw" title="triple word"><td id="s14_8"><td id="s14_9"><td id="s14_10"><td id="s14_11" class="dl" title="double letter"><td id="s14_12"><td id="s14_13"><td id="s14_14" class="tw" title="triple word"></tr>
+<table id="rack">
+ <tr><td id="l0"><td id="l1"><td id="l2"><td id="l3"><td id="l4"><td id="l5"><td id="l6"></tr>
+ <button title="validate your move" onclick="onvalidatemoveclick()" id="validate" disabled>0 - Validate</button>
+ <button onclick="onSelectSwapTilesClicked()" id="pass">Pass</button>
+<span id="player_1_name">player one name</span>: <span class="player_name" id="player_1_points">0</span><br>
+<span id="player_2_name">player two name</span>: <span class="player_name" id="player_2_points">0</span>
+<p id="remaining_letters"></p>
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