path: root/HsbotIrcBot/Hsbot/Irc/Core.hs
diff options
authorJulien Dessaux2010-07-03 21:26:00 +0200
committerJulien Dessaux2010-07-03 22:40:17 +0200
commit11c2c16835b3e8368be77ccc5b7ddf949021eccd (patch)
tree7733132ee370335156219ff6eb4f0ef2dbd1c8ff /HsbotIrcBot/Hsbot/Irc/Core.hs
parentWrote most of the resume code for the core and the irc plugin. (diff)
Moved files around as a preliminary for architectural changes.
Diffstat (limited to 'HsbotIrcBot/Hsbot/Irc/Core.hs')
1 files changed, 177 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/HsbotIrcBot/Hsbot/Irc/Core.hs b/HsbotIrcBot/Hsbot/Irc/Core.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d65e975
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HsbotIrcBot/Hsbot/Irc/Core.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
+module Hsbot.Irc.Core
+ ( startIrcbot
+ ) where
+import Control.Concurrent
+import Control.Exception (AsyncException, Handler (..), IOException, catch, catches)
+import Control.Monad.State
+import qualified Data.Map as M
+import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
+import Network
+import Prelude hiding (catch)
+import System.IO
+import System.Posix.IO (fdToHandle, handleToFd)
+import System.Posix.Types (Fd)
+import Hsbot.Irc.Command
+import Hsbot.Irc.Config
+import Hsbot.Irc.Message
+import Hsbot.Irc.Plugin
+import Hsbot.Irc.Server
+import Hsbot.Irc.Types
+import Hsbot.Types
+-- | IrcBot's main entry point
+startIrcbot :: IrcConfig -> Chan BotMsg -> Chan BotMsg -> Maybe String -> IO ()
+startIrcbot config masterChan myChan txtResumeData = do
+ let resumeData = case txtResumeData of
+ Just txtData -> read txtData :: ResumeData -- TODO : catch exception
+ Nothing -> M.empty :: ResumeData
+ print resumeData
+ putStrLn "[IrcBot] Opening communication channel... "
+ chan <- newChan :: IO (Chan IrcBotMsg)
+ handle <- case M.lookup "HANDLE" resumeData of
+ Just txtFd -> do
+ let fd = read txtFd :: Fd
+ fdToHandle fd
+ Nothing -> do
+ putStrLn $ concat ["[IrcBot] Connecting to ", ircConfigAddress config, "... "]
+ handle <- connectTo (ircConfigAddress config) (ircConfigPort config)
+ hSetBuffering handle NoBuffering
+ hSetEncoding handle utf8
+ return handle
+ fd <- handleToFd handle
+ putStrLn "[IrcBot] Spawning reader threads..."
+ myOwnThreadId <- myThreadId
+ readerThreadId <- forkIO $ ircBotReader handle chan myOwnThreadId
+ masterReaderThreadId <- forkIO $ ircBotMasterReader myChan chan
+ putStrLn "[IrcBot] Initializing server connection..."
+ let ircServerState = IrcServerState { ircServerId = ircConfigAddress config
+ , ircServerChannels = []
+ , ircServerNickname = ircConfigNickname config
+ , ircServerCommandPrefix = ircConfigCommandPrefix config
+ , ircServerChan = chan }
+ ircBotState = IrcBotState { ircBotPlugins = M.empty
+ , ircBotCommands = M.empty
+ , ircBotChan = chan
+ , ircBotMasterChan = masterChan
+ , ircBotServerState = ircServerState
+ , ircBotHandle = handle
+ , ircBotConfig = config
+ , ircBotResumeData = M.singleton "HANDLE" (show fd) }
+ ircBotState' <- execStateT (initBotServerConnection config) ircBotState
+ putStrLn "[IrcBot] Spawning plugins..."
+ ircBotState'' <- execStateT spawnIrcPlugins ircBotState'
+ putStrLn "[IrcBot] Entering Core loop... "
+ ircBotState''' <- (execStateT ircBotLoop ircBotState'') `catches` [ Handler (\ (_ :: IOException) -> return (ircBotState''))
+ , Handler (\ (_ :: AsyncException) -> return (ircBotState'')) ]
+ putStrLn "[IrcBot] Killing reader threads..."
+ killThread readerThreadId
+ killThread masterReaderThreadId
+ putStrLn "[IrcBot] Killing active plugins... "
+ let resumeData' = ircBotResumeData ircBotState'''
+ ircPlugins = read (fromMaybe [] (M.lookup "PLUGINS" resumeData')) :: [String]
+ evalStateT (mapM_ killIrcPlugin ircPlugins) ircBotState'''
+ return ()
+-- | Runs the IrcBot's reader loop
+ircBotReader :: Handle -> Chan IrcBotMsg -> ThreadId -> IO ()
+ircBotReader handle chan fatherThreadId = forever $ do
+ str <- (hGetLine handle) `catch` handleIOException
+ let msg = parseIrcMsg str
+ case msg of
+ Right msg' -> writeChan chan (InIrcMsg msg')
+ _ -> return ()
+ where
+ handleIOException :: IOException -> IO (String)
+ handleIOException ioException = do
+ throwTo fatherThreadId ioException
+ myId <- myThreadId
+ killThread myId
+ return ""
+-- | Reads the Master's chan
+ircBotMasterReader :: Chan BotMsg -> Chan IrcBotMsg -> IO ()
+ircBotMasterReader masterChan _ = forever $ do
+ _ <- readChan masterChan
+ return ()
+ -- TODO : handle botMsg
+-- | Initialize the bot's server connection
+initBotServerConnection :: IrcConfig -> IrcBot ()
+initBotServerConnection config = do
+ ircBot <- get
+ let ircServerState = ircBotServerState ircBot
+ ircServerState' <- execStateT (initServerConnection config) ircServerState
+ put $ ircBot { ircBotServerState = ircServerState' }
+-- | Run the IrcBot's main loop
+ircBotLoop :: IrcBot ()
+ircBotLoop = forever $ do
+ chan <- gets ircBotChan
+ msg <- liftIO $ readChan chan
+ case msg of
+ InIrcMsg inIrcMsg -> dispatchMessage $ InIrcMsg inIrcMsg
+ OutIrcMsg outIrcMsg -> sendThisMessage outIrcMsg
+ IntIrcCmd intIrcCmd -> do
+ reboot <- processInternalCommand $ IntIrcCmd intIrcCmd
+ reportUpdate
+ if reboot == BotReboot
+ then processRebootCommand
+ else return ()
+ where
+ sendThisMessage :: IrcMsg -> IrcBot ()
+ sendThisMessage outputMsg = do
+ let str = serializeIrcMsg outputMsg
+ handle <- gets ircBotHandle
+ liftIO $ hPutStr handle (str ++ "\r\n")
+-- | Dispatches an input message
+dispatchMessage :: IrcBotMsg -> IrcBot ()
+dispatchMessage (InIrcMsg inIrcMsg) = do
+ config <- gets ircBotConfig
+ plugins <- gets ircBotPlugins
+ cmds <- gets ircBotCommands
+ if (isPluginCommand config)
+ then
+ let key = tail . head $ words getMsgContent
+ pluginNames = fromMaybe [] $ M.lookup key cmds
+ plugins' = fromMaybe [] $ mapM (flip M.lookup plugins) pluginNames
+ in mapM_ (sendRunCommand (tail getMsgContent) . first) plugins'
+ else
+ mapM_ (sendToPlugin (InIrcMsg inIrcMsg) . first) (M.elems plugins)
+ where
+ isPluginCommand :: IrcConfig -> Bool
+ isPluginCommand config =
+ and [ ircMsgCommand inIrcMsg == "PRIVMSG"
+ , (head getMsgContent) == ircConfigCommandPrefix config ]
+ sendRunCommand :: String -> IrcPluginState -> IrcBot ()
+ sendRunCommand cmd plugin = sendToPlugin (IntIrcCmd $ IrcCmd "RUN" "CORE" (ircPluginName plugin) cmd inIrcMsg) plugin
+ getMsgContent :: String
+ getMsgContent = unwords . tail $ ircMsgParameters inIrcMsg
+dispatchMessage _ = return ()
+-- | Reports an update to the master bot
+reportUpdate :: IrcBot ()
+reportUpdate = do
+ ircbot <- get
+ let masterChan = ircBotMasterChan ircbot
+ msg = UpdMsg $ ResMsg { resMsgFrom = ircConfigName $ ircBotConfig ircbot
+ , resMsgData = ircBotResumeData ircbot }
+ liftIO $ writeChan masterChan msg
+-- | Process a reboot command
+processRebootCommand :: IrcBot ()
+processRebootCommand = do
+ ircbot <- get
+ let masterChan = ircBotMasterChan ircbot
+ msg = IntMsg $ Msg { msgType = "REBOOT"
+ , msgFrom = ircConfigName $ ircBotConfig ircbot
+ , msgTo = "CORE"
+ , msgStuff = show $ ircBotResumeData ircbot
+ }
+ liftIO $ writeChan masterChan msg