path: root/Hsbot/Plugin
diff options
authorJulien Dessaux2011-06-05 01:12:46 +0200
committerJulien Dessaux2011-06-05 01:30:44 +0200
commit066b27151074536d5598c8aedde5dc952c77ad68 (patch)
tree1b453b3b75f385bc98064d1ac2cc27d870158561 /Hsbot/Plugin
parentFixed inconsistencies in the duck module. (diff)
Simplified and greatly improved scoring for the duck game.
Diffstat (limited to 'Hsbot/Plugin')
1 files changed, 23 insertions, 38 deletions
diff --git a/Hsbot/Plugin/Duck.hs b/Hsbot/Plugin/Duck.hs
index 187c62d..4b05982 100644
--- a/Hsbot/Plugin/Duck.hs
+++ b/Hsbot/Plugin/Duck.hs
@@ -22,46 +22,29 @@ import Hsbot.Message
import Hsbot.Types
import Hsbot.Utils
--- | A user statistic
-data Stat = Stat
- { statRounds :: Int
- , statShot :: Int
- , statKilled :: Int
- } deriving (Show, Typeable)
--- | Default values for new stat
-emptyStat :: Stat
-emptyStat = Stat { statRounds = 0
- , statShot = 0
- , statKilled = 0 }
-- The statistics database
data StatDB = StatDB
- { nickStats :: M.Map String Stat
+ { nickStats :: M.Map String Int
} deriving (Show, Typeable)
-- | Statistics database initial state
emptyStatDB :: StatDB
emptyStatDB = StatDB { nickStats = M.empty }
-$(deriveSafeCopy 0 'base ''Stat)
$(deriveSafeCopy 0 'base ''StatDB)
-- | Statistics database transactions
-scoreAction :: String -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Update StatDB ()
-scoreAction sender rounds shots kills = do
+updateScore :: String -> Int -> Update StatDB ()
+updateScore sender score = do
statDB <- get
let stats = nickStats statDB
- stat = fromMaybe emptyStat $ M.lookup sender stats
- stat' = stat { statRounds = rounds + statRounds stat
- , statShot = shots + statShot stat
- , statKilled = kills + statKilled stat }
- put statDB { nickStats = M.insert sender stat' stats }
+ stat = fromMaybe 0 $ M.lookup sender stats
+ put statDB { nickStats = M.insert sender (stat + score) stats }
getDuckStats :: Query StatDB StatDB
getDuckStats = ask
-$(makeAcidic ''StatDB ['getDuckStats, 'scoreAction])
+$(makeAcidic ''StatDB ['getDuckStats, 'updateScore])
-- | The duck plugin identity
duck :: PluginId
@@ -85,21 +68,19 @@ theDuck channel seconds = do
-- First we kill the ducks that we find in the message
let kills = howManyDucksInThere . concat $ IRC.msg_params msg
when (kills /= "") $ answerMsg msg kills
- -- Then we check if someone shot some duck
when (getDestination msg == channel) $ do
+ -- Then we check if someone shot some duck
let shots = howManyBulletFiredInThere . concat $ IRC.msg_params msg
when (shots > 0) $ do
- _ <- update' statDB (ScoreAction (getSender msg) 0 shots 0)
- noDucksToShoot <- liftIO $ isEmptyMVar ducksMVar
- unless noDucksToShoot $ do
- ducksWaitingForDeath <- liftIO $ modifyMVar ducksMVar (\x -> return (x - shots, x))
- _ <- update' statDB (ScoreAction (getSender msg) 0 0 (min ducksWaitingForDeath shots))
- when (shots >= ducksWaitingForDeath) $ do
- _ <- liftIO $ takeMVar ducksMVar
- time <- liftIO $ readMVar timeMVar
- duckSpawner channel time ducksMVar
- _ <- update' statDB (ScoreAction (getSender msg) 1 0 0)
- return ()
+ empty <- liftIO $ isEmptyMVar ducksMVar
+ ducksWaitingForDeath <- if empty then return 0
+ else liftIO $ modifyMVar ducksMVar (\x -> return (x - shots, x))
+ _ <- update' statDB . UpdateScore (getSender msg) $ computeScore ducksWaitingForDeath shots
+ when (and [ ducksWaitingForDeath > 0, shots >= ducksWaitingForDeath ]) $ do
+ _ <- liftIO $ takeMVar ducksMVar
+ time <- liftIO $ readMVar timeMVar
+ duckSpawner channel time ducksMVar
+ return ()
-- Finally we check if we received some command
cmdArgs <- lift $ getCommand msg
case cmdArgs of
@@ -113,6 +94,11 @@ theDuck channel seconds = do
_ -> return ()
| otherwise = return ()
eval _ _ _ _ = return ()
+ computeScore :: Int -> Int -> Int
+ computeScore ducksWaitingForDeath shots
+ | shots < ducksWaitingForDeath = shots - 1
+ | shots == ducksWaitingForDeath = shots + 1
+ | otherwise = negate shots
-- | Spawns ducks on a channel, just waiting to be shot
duckSpawner :: String -> Int -> MVar Int -> Plugin (Env IO) ()
@@ -162,9 +148,8 @@ printDuckStats channel statDB = do
sendLine "Duck slaughter simulator - Hall of Fame"
mapM_ (sendLine . buildLine) $ M.toList (nickStats statDB)
- buildLine :: (String, Stat) -> String
- buildLine (nick, stat) = concat [ nick, ": ", show $ statRounds stat, " rounds won, ", show $ statShot stat
- , " shots fired, ", show $ statKilled stat, " ducks killed" ]
+ buildLine :: (String, Int) -> String
+ buildLine (nick, score) = concat [ nick, ": ", show score ]
sendLine :: String -> Plugin (Env IO) ()
sendLine msg = writeMsg . OutgoingMsg $ IRC.Message Nothing "PRIVMSG" [channel, msg]