216 lines
8.6 KiB
216 lines
8.6 KiB
-- requires cabal install --lib megaparsec parser-combinators
module Main (main) where
import Control.Monad (mapM_, void, when)
import Data.List (elemIndex, foldl', intercalate, intersect, transpose)
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, fromJust, isJust)
import Data.Map qualified as M
import Data.Void (Void)
import Text.Megaparsec
import Text.Megaparsec.Char
import System.Exit (die)
exampleExpectedOutput = 273
type TileID = Int
type Edge = [Bool]
type Image = [Edge]
data Tile = Tile { tileID :: TileID
, image :: Image
, edgesPermutations :: [Edge]
type Input = [Tile]
type Parser = Parsec Void String
parseInt :: Parser Int
parseInt = do
n <- some digitChar
return $ read n
parseLine :: Parser Edge
parseLine = do
elts <- some (char '#' <|> char '.')
void $ char '\n'
return $ map (== '#') elts
parseTile :: Parser Tile
parseTile = do
void $ string "Tile "
n <- parseInt
void $ string ":\n"
image <- some parseLine
let edges = [head image, last image, map head image, map last image]
inverted = map reverse edges
return $ Tile n image (edges ++ inverted)
parseInput' :: Parser Input
parseInput' = do
tiles <- some $ parseTile <* (optional $ char '\n')
void eof
return tiles
parseInput :: String -> IO Input
parseInput filename = do
input <- readFile filename
case runParser parseInput' filename input of
Left bundle -> die $ errorBundlePretty bundle
Right input' -> return input'
oneCornerTopLeftOriented :: [Tile] -> Tile
oneCornerTopLeftOriented tiles = topLeftOrientation $ (map fst . filter ((== 4) . snd) $ map matchingEdges tiles) !! 0
matchingEdges :: Tile -> (Tile, Int)
matchingEdges tile = (tile, sum $ map (matches tile) tiles)
matches :: Tile -> Tile -> Int
matches Tile{tileID=a, image=_, edgesPermutations=e} Tile{tileID=b, image=_, edgesPermutations=f}
| a == b = 0
| otherwise = length $ intersect e f
topLeftOrientation :: Tile -> Tile
topLeftOrientation Tile{tileID=tID, image=img, edgesPermutations=e} = case (leftMatches, topMatches) of
(False, False) -> Tile tID img e
(False, True) -> Tile tID (rotateRight img) e
(True, False) -> Tile tID (rotateLeft img) e
(True, True) -> Tile tID (rotateRight $ rotateRight img) e
leftMatches = or $ map (edgeMatch tID (map head img)) tiles
topMatches = or $ map (edgeMatch tID (head img)) tiles
edgeMatch :: TileID -> Edge -> Tile -> Bool
edgeMatch i e tile
| i == tileID tile = False
| otherwise = isJust $ elemIndex e (edgesPermutations tile)
orientToMatchLeft :: Edge -> Image -> Image
orientToMatchLeft edge img = rotateLeft . orientToMatchTop (reverse edge) $ rotateRight img -- it took me a long time to find out I needed to reverse the edge!
orientToMatchTop :: Edge -> Image -> Image
orientToMatchTop edge img
| edge == head img = img -- top is top
| redg == head img = map reverse img -- top is reverse top
| edge == head timg = timg -- top is left
| redg == head timg = map reverse timg -- top is reverse left
| edge == head rimg = rimg -- top is bottom
| redg == head rimg = map reverse rimg -- top is reverse bottom
| edge == head rtimg = rtimg -- top is right
| redg == head rtimg = map reverse rtimg -- top is reverse right
redg = reverse edge
timg = transpose img
rimg = reverse img
rtimg = reverse timg
buildTileGrid :: [[Tile]] -> M.Map TileID Tile -> [[Tile]]
buildTileGrid tiles tilesMap
| M.size tilesMap == 0 = tiles
| isJust nextTileToTheRight = buildTileGrid ((init tiles) ++ [(last tiles) ++ [fromJust nextTileToTheRight]]) (M.delete (tileID $ fromJust nextTileToTheRight) tilesMap)
| otherwise = buildTileGrid (tiles ++ [[nextTileBellow]]) (M.delete (tileID nextTileBellow) tilesMap)
lastPlacedTile :: Tile
lastPlacedTile = last $ last tiles
firstOnLastLine :: Tile
firstOnLastLine = head $ last tiles
nextTileToTheRight :: Maybe Tile
nextTileToTheRight = case filter (edgeMatch rightEdge) (M.elems tilesMap) of
[] -> Nothing
[a] -> Just (orientedOnTheLeft a)
orientedOnTheLeft :: Tile -> Tile
orientedOnTheLeft Tile{tileID=tid, image=img, edgesPermutations=e} = Tile{tileID=tid, image=orientToMatchLeft rightEdge img, edgesPermutations=e}
rightEdge :: Edge
rightEdge = map last $ image lastPlacedTile
nextTileBellow :: Tile
nextTileBellow = orientedOnTop . head $ filter (edgeMatch bottomEdge) (M.elems tilesMap)
orientedOnTop :: Tile -> Tile
orientedOnTop Tile{tileID=tid, image=img, edgesPermutations=e} = Tile{tileID=tid, image=orientToMatchTop bottomEdge img, edgesPermutations=e}
bottomEdge :: Edge
bottomEdge = last . image $ firstOnLastLine
edgeMatch :: Edge -> Tile -> Bool
edgeMatch e tile = isJust $ elemIndex e (edgesPermutations tile)
cropImage :: Image -> Image
cropImage = tail . init . transpose . tail . init . transpose
assembleLines :: [Image] -> Image
assembleLines images
| length (images !! 0) == 0 = []
| otherwise = (concat $ map head images) : (assembleLines $ map tail images)
rotateLeft :: Image -> Image
rotateLeft = reverse . transpose
rotateRight :: Image -> Image
rotateRight = transpose . reverse
monster :: Image
monster = [[ False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, True, False ]
,[ True, False, False, False, False, True, True, False, False, False, False, True, True, False, False, False, False, True, True, True ]
,[ False, True, False, False, True, False, False, True, False, False, True, False, False, True, False, False, True, False, False, False ]]
countMonsters :: Bool -> Image -> Int
countMonsters goDown i = --(if length z1 < length monster
-- then 0
-- else if length (z2 !! 0) < length (monster !! 0)
-- then 0
-- else if match then 1 else 0
(if match then 1 else 0) + nexts
z1 :: [(Edge, Edge)]
z1 = zip i monster
z2 :: [[(Bool, Bool)]]
z2 = map (\(e, e') -> zip e e') $ z1
match :: Bool
match = and $ map (and . map matchOne) z2
matchOne :: (Bool, Bool) -> Bool
matchOne (_, False) = True
matchOne (i, True) = i
nexts :: Int
nexts = (if goDown && length i > 3 then (countMonsters True $ tail i) else 0) + (if length (i !! 0) > 20 then countMonsters False $ map tail i else 0)
compute :: Input -> Int
compute tiles = spots - (monsters * 15)
topLeftTile :: Tile
topLeftTile = oneCornerTopLeftOriented tiles
tilesMap :: M.Map TileID Tile
tilesMap = M.delete (tileID topLeftTile) (M.fromList $ zip (map tileID tiles) tiles)
imagesGrid :: [[Image]]
imagesGrid = map (map image) $ buildTileGrid [[topLeftTile]] tilesMap
croppedImages :: [[Image]]
croppedImages = map (map cropImage) imagesGrid
assembledImage :: Image
assembledImage = concat $ map assembleLines croppedImages
permutations :: [Image]
permutations = let r1 = rotateRight assembledImage
r2 = rotateRight r1
r3 = rotateRight r2
rotations = [assembledImage, r1, r2, r3]
inverted = map reverse rotations
in rotations ++ inverted
monsters :: Int
monsters = sum $ map (countMonsters True) permutations
spots :: Int
spots = length . filter id $ concat assembledImage
main :: IO ()
main = do
example <- parseInput "example"
--mapM_ (printImage . image) $ corners example
--let topLeftTile = oneCornerTopLeftOriented example
-- tilesMap = M.delete (tileID topLeftTile) (M.fromList $ zip (map tileID example) example)
-- imagesGrid = map (map image) $ buildTileGrid [[topLeftTile]] tilesMap
-- croppedImages = map (map cropImage) imagesGrid
-- assembledImage = concat $ map assembleLines croppedImages
-- permutations = let r1 = rotateRight assembledImage
-- r2 = rotateRight r2
-- r3 = rotateRight r3
-- rotations = [assembledImage, r1, r2, r3]
-- inverted = map reverse rotations
-- in rotations ++ inverted
--printImage assembledImage
let exampleOutput = compute example
when (exampleOutput /= exampleExpectedOutput) (die $ "example failed: got " ++ show exampleOutput ++ " instead of " ++ show exampleExpectedOutput)
input <- parseInput "input"
print $ compute input
-- printImage img = mapM_ print $ map (map (\x -> if x then '#' else '.')) img