dychotomy was really unnecessary

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Julien Dessaux 2022-12-07 16:14:51 +01:00
parent e6f0f92251
commit b307eb91b0
Signed by: adyxax
GPG key ID: F92E51B86E07177E

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@ -51,17 +51,12 @@ fn solve(puzzle: []const u8, allocator: std.mem.Allocator) !u64 {
try sizes.append(stack.items[n]); // we do not forget the last one
n = 30000000 - (70000000 - tot); // the amount of space we need to free
// let's run a dychotomy on the array
std.sort.sort(u64, sizes.items, {}, std.sort.asc(u64));
var a: usize = 0;
var b = sizes.items.len - 1;
while (b - a > 2) {
const m = a + (b - a) / 2;
if (sizes.items[m] < n) {
a = m;
} else {
b = m;
// let's find the minimum that is the closest to that
tot = 70000000;
for (sizes.items) |v| {
if (v > n and v < tot) {
tot = v;
return sizes.items[b];
return tot;