2022-14 in zig

This commit is contained in:
Julien Dessaux 2022-12-22 09:55:35 +01:00
parent d9d870306c
commit a56453523d
Signed by: adyxax
GPG key ID: F92E51B86E07177E
4 changed files with 564 additions and 0 deletions

View file

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
498,4 -> 498,6 -> 496,6
503,4 -> 502,4 -> 502,9 -> 494,9

View file

@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
const std = @import("std");
const example = @embedFile("example");
const input = @embedFile("input");
var allocator: std.mem.Allocator = undefined;
pub fn main() anyerror!void {
var arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(std.heap.page_allocator);
defer arena.deinit();
allocator = arena.allocator();
try std.testing.expectEqual(try solve(example), 24);
const result = try solve(input);
try std.io.getStdOut().writer().print("{}\n", .{result});
const Line = struct {
data: std.ArrayList(u8),
x: u64,
fn get(l: *Line, x: u64) u8 {
if (x >= l.x and x < l.x + @intCast(u64, l.len())) return l.data.items[@intCast(usize, x - @intCast(u64, l.x))];
return ' ';
fn init() !*Line {
var l = try allocator.create(Line);
l.data = std.ArrayList(u8).init(allocator);
return l;
inline fn len(l: Line) usize {
return l.data.items.len;
fn set(l: *Line, x: u64, v: u8) !void {
if (l.len() == 0) { // this is en empty line
l.x = x;
try l.data.append(v);
const lx = @intCast(u64, l.len());
if (x >= l.x) {
if (x < l.x + lx) { // just set the value
l.data.items[@intCast(usize, x - l.x)] = v;
} else { // we need to add trailing spaces
var i: usize = l.len();
while (i < x - l.x) : (i += 1) {
try l.data.append(' ');
try l.data.append(v);
} else { // we need to shift right and add leading spaces
const oldLen = l.len();
l.data.items.len += @intCast(usize, l.x - x);
try l.data.ensureUnusedCapacity(l.len());
std.mem.copyBackwards(u8, l.data.items[@intCast(usize, l.x - x)..], l.data.items[0..oldLen]);
l.data.items[0] = v;
var i: usize = 1;
while (i < @intCast(usize, l.x - x)) : (i += 1) {
l.data.items[i] = ' ';
l.x = x;
pub const Field = struct {
x: u64 = 0,
y: u64 = 0,
lines: std.ArrayList(*Line),
lx: usize = 0,
pub fn get(f: *Field, x: u64, y: u64) u8 {
if (y >= f.y and y < f.y + @intCast(u64, f.lines.items.len)) return f.lines.items[@intCast(usize, y - @intCast(u64, f.y))].get(x);
return ' ';
fn init() !*Field {
var f = try allocator.create(Field);
f.x = undefined;
f.y = 0;
f.lines = std.ArrayList(*Line).init(allocator);
var l = try f.lines.addOne();
l.* = try Line.init();
f.lx = 0;
return f;
inline fn isIn(f: *Field, x: u64, y: u64) bool {
return x >= f.x and y >= f.y and x < f.x + @intCast(u64, f.lx) and y < f.y + @intCast(u64, f.lines.items.len);
inline fn len(f: Field) usize {
return f.lines.items.len;
pub fn set(f: *Field, x: u64, y: u64, v: u8) !void {
if (y >= f.y) {
if (y < f.y + @intCast(u64, f.lines.items.len)) { // the line exists
try f.lines.items[@intCast(usize, y - f.y)].set(x, v);
} else { // append lines
var i: usize = f.lines.items.len;
while (i < y - f.y) : (i += 1) {
try f.lines.append(try Line.init());
var l = try Line.init();
try l.set(x, v);
try f.lines.append(l);
} else { // preprend lines
const oldLen = f.lines.items.len;
f.lines.items.len += @intCast(usize, f.y - y);
try f.lines.ensureUnusedCapacity(f.lines.items.len);
std.mem.copyBackwards(*Line, f.lines.items[@intCast(usize, f.y - y)..], f.lines.items[0..oldLen]);
var l = try Line.init();
try l.set(x, v);
f.lines.items[0] = l;
var i: usize = 1;
while (i < @intCast(usize, f.y - y)) : (i += 1) {
f.lines.items[i] = try Line.init();
f.y = y;
if (x < f.x or x >= f.x + @intCast(u64, f.lx)) { // recalculate boundaries
f.x = std.math.maxInt(u64);
var x2: u64 = std.math.minInt(u64);
for (f.lines.items) |line| {
if (line.len() == 0) continue;
if (f.x > line.x) f.x = line.x;
if (x2 < line.x + @intCast(u64, line.len())) x2 = line.x + @intCast(u64, line.len());
f.lx = @intCast(usize, x2 - f.x);
fn solve(puzzle: []const u8) !u64 {
var it = std.mem.tokenize(u8, puzzle, "\n");
var field = try Field.init();
// process input
while (it.next()) |line| {
var coords = std.mem.tokenize(u8, line, " ->,");
var x = try std.fmt.parseInt(u64, coords.next() orelse continue, 10);
var y = try std.fmt.parseInt(u64, coords.next() orelse unreachable, 10);
try field.set(x, y, '#');
while (true) {
var a = try std.fmt.parseInt(u64, coords.next() orelse break, 10);
var b = try std.fmt.parseInt(u64, coords.next() orelse unreachable, 10);
while (x != a or y != b) {
if (x < a) {
x += 1;
} else if (x > a) {
x -= 1;
if (y < b) {
y += 1;
} else if (y > b) {
y -= 1;
try field.set(x, y, '#');
// run simulation
var i: usize = 0;
outer: while (true) : (i += 1) { // add sand forever
var x: u64 = 500;
var y: u64 = field.y;
while (true) { // let the sand fall
if (!field.isIn(x, y)) {
break :outer;
switch (field.get(x, y + 1)) {
' ' => y += 1, // we can fall straight down
else => {
switch (field.get(x - 1, y + 1)) {
' ' => { // we can fall down to the left
x -= 1;
y += 1;
else => {
switch (field.get(x + 1, y + 1)) {
' ' => { // we can fall down to the right
x += 1;
y += 1;
else => { // we stop falling
try field.set(x, y, 'o');
return i;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
520,96 -> 520,92 -> 520,96 -> 522,96 -> 522,86 -> 522,96 -> 524,96 -> 524,92 -> 524,96 -> 526,96 -> 526,93 -> 526,96 -> 528,96 -> 528,95 -> 528,96 -> 530,96 -> 530,88 -> 530,96 -> 532,96 -> 532,88 -> 532,96 -> 534,96 -> 534,91 -> 534,96 -> 536,96 -> 536,92 -> 536,96 -> 538,96 -> 538,88 -> 538,96
490,15 -> 501,15 -> 501,14
503,68 -> 508,68
513,60 -> 513,61 -> 523,61 -> 523,60
503,37 -> 503,31 -> 503,37 -> 505,37 -> 505,29 -> 505,37 -> 507,37 -> 507,29 -> 507,37 -> 509,37 -> 509,29 -> 509,37 -> 511,37 -> 511,32 -> 511,37 -> 513,37 -> 513,29 -> 513,37 -> 515,37 -> 515,34 -> 515,37 -> 517,37 -> 517,36 -> 517,37 -> 519,37 -> 519,36 -> 519,37
524,136 -> 529,136
520,96 -> 520,92 -> 520,96 -> 522,96 -> 522,86 -> 522,96 -> 524,96 -> 524,92 -> 524,96 -> 526,96 -> 526,93 -> 526,96 -> 528,96 -> 528,95 -> 528,96 -> 530,96 -> 530,88 -> 530,96 -> 532,96 -> 532,88 -> 532,96 -> 534,96 -> 534,91 -> 534,96 -> 536,96 -> 536,92 -> 536,96 -> 538,96 -> 538,88 -> 538,96
509,64 -> 514,64
529,159 -> 529,153 -> 529,159 -> 531,159 -> 531,151 -> 531,159 -> 533,159 -> 533,156 -> 533,159 -> 535,159 -> 535,152 -> 535,159 -> 537,159 -> 537,154 -> 537,159 -> 539,159 -> 539,156 -> 539,159
518,46 -> 522,46
529,159 -> 529,153 -> 529,159 -> 531,159 -> 531,151 -> 531,159 -> 533,159 -> 533,156 -> 533,159 -> 535,159 -> 535,152 -> 535,159 -> 537,159 -> 537,154 -> 537,159 -> 539,159 -> 539,156 -> 539,159
520,96 -> 520,92 -> 520,96 -> 522,96 -> 522,86 -> 522,96 -> 524,96 -> 524,92 -> 524,96 -> 526,96 -> 526,93 -> 526,96 -> 528,96 -> 528,95 -> 528,96 -> 530,96 -> 530,88 -> 530,96 -> 532,96 -> 532,88 -> 532,96 -> 534,96 -> 534,91 -> 534,96 -> 536,96 -> 536,92 -> 536,96 -> 538,96 -> 538,88 -> 538,96
521,71 -> 521,73 -> 514,73 -> 514,79 -> 527,79 -> 527,73 -> 525,73 -> 525,71
503,37 -> 503,31 -> 503,37 -> 505,37 -> 505,29 -> 505,37 -> 507,37 -> 507,29 -> 507,37 -> 509,37 -> 509,29 -> 509,37 -> 511,37 -> 511,32 -> 511,37 -> 513,37 -> 513,29 -> 513,37 -> 515,37 -> 515,34 -> 515,37 -> 517,37 -> 517,36 -> 517,37 -> 519,37 -> 519,36 -> 519,37
532,109 -> 532,103 -> 532,109 -> 534,109 -> 534,106 -> 534,109 -> 536,109 -> 536,102 -> 536,109 -> 538,109 -> 538,107 -> 538,109 -> 540,109 -> 540,107 -> 540,109 -> 542,109 -> 542,100 -> 542,109 -> 544,109 -> 544,106 -> 544,109
532,109 -> 532,103 -> 532,109 -> 534,109 -> 534,106 -> 534,109 -> 536,109 -> 536,102 -> 536,109 -> 538,109 -> 538,107 -> 538,109 -> 540,109 -> 540,107 -> 540,109 -> 542,109 -> 542,100 -> 542,109 -> 544,109 -> 544,106 -> 544,109
518,82 -> 518,83 -> 529,83 -> 529,82
530,124 -> 535,124
520,96 -> 520,92 -> 520,96 -> 522,96 -> 522,86 -> 522,96 -> 524,96 -> 524,92 -> 524,96 -> 526,96 -> 526,93 -> 526,96 -> 528,96 -> 528,95 -> 528,96 -> 530,96 -> 530,88 -> 530,96 -> 532,96 -> 532,88 -> 532,96 -> 534,96 -> 534,91 -> 534,96 -> 536,96 -> 536,92 -> 536,96 -> 538,96 -> 538,88 -> 538,96
532,109 -> 532,103 -> 532,109 -> 534,109 -> 534,106 -> 534,109 -> 536,109 -> 536,102 -> 536,109 -> 538,109 -> 538,107 -> 538,109 -> 540,109 -> 540,107 -> 540,109 -> 542,109 -> 542,100 -> 542,109 -> 544,109 -> 544,106 -> 544,109
503,37 -> 503,31 -> 503,37 -> 505,37 -> 505,29 -> 505,37 -> 507,37 -> 507,29 -> 507,37 -> 509,37 -> 509,29 -> 509,37 -> 511,37 -> 511,32 -> 511,37 -> 513,37 -> 513,29 -> 513,37 -> 515,37 -> 515,34 -> 515,37 -> 517,37 -> 517,36 -> 517,37 -> 519,37 -> 519,36 -> 519,37
542,112 -> 547,112
536,118 -> 541,118
529,159 -> 529,153 -> 529,159 -> 531,159 -> 531,151 -> 531,159 -> 533,159 -> 533,156 -> 533,159 -> 535,159 -> 535,152 -> 535,159 -> 537,159 -> 537,154 -> 537,159 -> 539,159 -> 539,156 -> 539,159
528,139 -> 528,141 -> 521,141 -> 521,146 -> 534,146 -> 534,141 -> 531,141 -> 531,139
534,133 -> 539,133
543,118 -> 548,118
508,49 -> 508,52 -> 504,52 -> 504,55 -> 516,55 -> 516,52 -> 514,52 -> 514,49
532,109 -> 532,103 -> 532,109 -> 534,109 -> 534,106 -> 534,109 -> 536,109 -> 536,102 -> 536,109 -> 538,109 -> 538,107 -> 538,109 -> 540,109 -> 540,107 -> 540,109 -> 542,109 -> 542,100 -> 542,109 -> 544,109 -> 544,106 -> 544,109
508,49 -> 508,52 -> 504,52 -> 504,55 -> 516,55 -> 516,52 -> 514,52 -> 514,49
503,37 -> 503,31 -> 503,37 -> 505,37 -> 505,29 -> 505,37 -> 507,37 -> 507,29 -> 507,37 -> 509,37 -> 509,29 -> 509,37 -> 511,37 -> 511,32 -> 511,37 -> 513,37 -> 513,29 -> 513,37 -> 515,37 -> 515,34 -> 515,37 -> 517,37 -> 517,36 -> 517,37 -> 519,37 -> 519,36 -> 519,37
500,18 -> 500,20 -> 496,20 -> 496,24 -> 511,24 -> 511,20 -> 504,20 -> 504,18
530,130 -> 535,130
520,96 -> 520,92 -> 520,96 -> 522,96 -> 522,86 -> 522,96 -> 524,96 -> 524,92 -> 524,96 -> 526,96 -> 526,93 -> 526,96 -> 528,96 -> 528,95 -> 528,96 -> 530,96 -> 530,88 -> 530,96 -> 532,96 -> 532,88 -> 532,96 -> 534,96 -> 534,91 -> 534,96 -> 536,96 -> 536,92 -> 536,96 -> 538,96 -> 538,88 -> 538,96
508,49 -> 508,52 -> 504,52 -> 504,55 -> 516,55 -> 516,52 -> 514,52 -> 514,49
520,96 -> 520,92 -> 520,96 -> 522,96 -> 522,86 -> 522,96 -> 524,96 -> 524,92 -> 524,96 -> 526,96 -> 526,93 -> 526,96 -> 528,96 -> 528,95 -> 528,96 -> 530,96 -> 530,88 -> 530,96 -> 532,96 -> 532,88 -> 532,96 -> 534,96 -> 534,91 -> 534,96 -> 536,96 -> 536,92 -> 536,96 -> 538,96 -> 538,88 -> 538,96
532,109 -> 532,103 -> 532,109 -> 534,109 -> 534,106 -> 534,109 -> 536,109 -> 536,102 -> 536,109 -> 538,109 -> 538,107 -> 538,109 -> 540,109 -> 540,107 -> 540,109 -> 542,109 -> 542,100 -> 542,109 -> 544,109 -> 544,106 -> 544,109
503,37 -> 503,31 -> 503,37 -> 505,37 -> 505,29 -> 505,37 -> 507,37 -> 507,29 -> 507,37 -> 509,37 -> 509,29 -> 509,37 -> 511,37 -> 511,32 -> 511,37 -> 513,37 -> 513,29 -> 513,37 -> 515,37 -> 515,34 -> 515,37 -> 517,37 -> 517,36 -> 517,37 -> 519,37 -> 519,36 -> 519,37
546,115 -> 551,115
524,46 -> 528,46
532,109 -> 532,103 -> 532,109 -> 534,109 -> 534,106 -> 534,109 -> 536,109 -> 536,102 -> 536,109 -> 538,109 -> 538,107 -> 538,109 -> 540,109 -> 540,107 -> 540,109 -> 542,109 -> 542,100 -> 542,109 -> 544,109 -> 544,106 -> 544,109
520,96 -> 520,92 -> 520,96 -> 522,96 -> 522,86 -> 522,96 -> 524,96 -> 524,92 -> 524,96 -> 526,96 -> 526,93 -> 526,96 -> 528,96 -> 528,95 -> 528,96 -> 530,96 -> 530,88 -> 530,96 -> 532,96 -> 532,88 -> 532,96 -> 534,96 -> 534,91 -> 534,96 -> 536,96 -> 536,92 -> 536,96 -> 538,96 -> 538,88 -> 538,96
521,71 -> 521,73 -> 514,73 -> 514,79 -> 527,79 -> 527,73 -> 525,73 -> 525,71
520,96 -> 520,92 -> 520,96 -> 522,96 -> 522,86 -> 522,96 -> 524,96 -> 524,92 -> 524,96 -> 526,96 -> 526,93 -> 526,96 -> 528,96 -> 528,95 -> 528,96 -> 530,96 -> 530,88 -> 530,96 -> 532,96 -> 532,88 -> 532,96 -> 534,96 -> 534,91 -> 534,96 -> 536,96 -> 536,92 -> 536,96 -> 538,96 -> 538,88 -> 538,96
503,37 -> 503,31 -> 503,37 -> 505,37 -> 505,29 -> 505,37 -> 507,37 -> 507,29 -> 507,37 -> 509,37 -> 509,29 -> 509,37 -> 511,37 -> 511,32 -> 511,37 -> 513,37 -> 513,29 -> 513,37 -> 515,37 -> 515,34 -> 515,37 -> 517,37 -> 517,36 -> 517,37 -> 519,37 -> 519,36 -> 519,37
503,37 -> 503,31 -> 503,37 -> 505,37 -> 505,29 -> 505,37 -> 507,37 -> 507,29 -> 507,37 -> 509,37 -> 509,29 -> 509,37 -> 511,37 -> 511,32 -> 511,37 -> 513,37 -> 513,29 -> 513,37 -> 515,37 -> 515,34 -> 515,37 -> 517,37 -> 517,36 -> 517,37 -> 519,37 -> 519,36 -> 519,37
537,124 -> 542,124
532,109 -> 532,103 -> 532,109 -> 534,109 -> 534,106 -> 534,109 -> 536,109 -> 536,102 -> 536,109 -> 538,109 -> 538,107 -> 538,109 -> 540,109 -> 540,107 -> 540,109 -> 542,109 -> 542,100 -> 542,109 -> 544,109 -> 544,106 -> 544,109
529,159 -> 529,153 -> 529,159 -> 531,159 -> 531,151 -> 531,159 -> 533,159 -> 533,156 -> 533,159 -> 535,159 -> 535,152 -> 535,159 -> 537,159 -> 537,154 -> 537,159 -> 539,159 -> 539,156 -> 539,159
528,139 -> 528,141 -> 521,141 -> 521,146 -> 534,146 -> 534,141 -> 531,141 -> 531,139
500,18 -> 500,20 -> 496,20 -> 496,24 -> 511,24 -> 511,20 -> 504,20 -> 504,18
539,115 -> 544,115
503,37 -> 503,31 -> 503,37 -> 505,37 -> 505,29 -> 505,37 -> 507,37 -> 507,29 -> 507,37 -> 509,37 -> 509,29 -> 509,37 -> 511,37 -> 511,32 -> 511,37 -> 513,37 -> 513,29 -> 513,37 -> 515,37 -> 515,34 -> 515,37 -> 517,37 -> 517,36 -> 517,37 -> 519,37 -> 519,36 -> 519,37
503,37 -> 503,31 -> 503,37 -> 505,37 -> 505,29 -> 505,37 -> 507,37 -> 507,29 -> 507,37 -> 509,37 -> 509,29 -> 509,37 -> 511,37 -> 511,32 -> 511,37 -> 513,37 -> 513,29 -> 513,37 -> 515,37 -> 515,34 -> 515,37 -> 517,37 -> 517,36 -> 517,37 -> 519,37 -> 519,36 -> 519,37
521,71 -> 521,73 -> 514,73 -> 514,79 -> 527,79 -> 527,73 -> 525,73 -> 525,71
532,109 -> 532,103 -> 532,109 -> 534,109 -> 534,106 -> 534,109 -> 536,109 -> 536,102 -> 536,109 -> 538,109 -> 538,107 -> 538,109 -> 540,109 -> 540,107 -> 540,109 -> 542,109 -> 542,100 -> 542,109 -> 544,109 -> 544,106 -> 544,109
520,96 -> 520,92 -> 520,96 -> 522,96 -> 522,86 -> 522,96 -> 524,96 -> 524,92 -> 524,96 -> 526,96 -> 526,93 -> 526,96 -> 528,96 -> 528,95 -> 528,96 -> 530,96 -> 530,88 -> 530,96 -> 532,96 -> 532,88 -> 532,96 -> 534,96 -> 534,91 -> 534,96 -> 536,96 -> 536,92 -> 536,96 -> 538,96 -> 538,88 -> 538,96
520,96 -> 520,92 -> 520,96 -> 522,96 -> 522,86 -> 522,96 -> 524,96 -> 524,92 -> 524,96 -> 526,96 -> 526,93 -> 526,96 -> 528,96 -> 528,95 -> 528,96 -> 530,96 -> 530,88 -> 530,96 -> 532,96 -> 532,88 -> 532,96 -> 534,96 -> 534,91 -> 534,96 -> 536,96 -> 536,92 -> 536,96 -> 538,96 -> 538,88 -> 538,96
533,127 -> 538,127
518,82 -> 518,83 -> 529,83 -> 529,82
503,37 -> 503,31 -> 503,37 -> 505,37 -> 505,29 -> 505,37 -> 507,37 -> 507,29 -> 507,37 -> 509,37 -> 509,29 -> 509,37 -> 511,37 -> 511,32 -> 511,37 -> 513,37 -> 513,29 -> 513,37 -> 515,37 -> 515,34 -> 515,37 -> 517,37 -> 517,36 -> 517,37 -> 519,37 -> 519,36 -> 519,37
506,66 -> 511,66
503,37 -> 503,31 -> 503,37 -> 505,37 -> 505,29 -> 505,37 -> 507,37 -> 507,29 -> 507,37 -> 509,37 -> 509,29 -> 509,37 -> 511,37 -> 511,32 -> 511,37 -> 513,37 -> 513,29 -> 513,37 -> 515,37 -> 515,34 -> 515,37 -> 517,37 -> 517,36 -> 517,37 -> 519,37 -> 519,36 -> 519,37
535,161 -> 535,162 -> 544,162 -> 544,161
529,159 -> 529,153 -> 529,159 -> 531,159 -> 531,151 -> 531,159 -> 533,159 -> 533,156 -> 533,159 -> 535,159 -> 535,152 -> 535,159 -> 537,159 -> 537,154 -> 537,159 -> 539,159 -> 539,156 -> 539,159
500,18 -> 500,20 -> 496,20 -> 496,24 -> 511,24 -> 511,20 -> 504,20 -> 504,18
520,96 -> 520,92 -> 520,96 -> 522,96 -> 522,86 -> 522,96 -> 524,96 -> 524,92 -> 524,96 -> 526,96 -> 526,93 -> 526,96 -> 528,96 -> 528,95 -> 528,96 -> 530,96 -> 530,88 -> 530,96 -> 532,96 -> 532,88 -> 532,96 -> 534,96 -> 534,91 -> 534,96 -> 536,96 -> 536,92 -> 536,96 -> 538,96 -> 538,88 -> 538,96
520,96 -> 520,92 -> 520,96 -> 522,96 -> 522,86 -> 522,96 -> 524,96 -> 524,92 -> 524,96 -> 526,96 -> 526,93 -> 526,96 -> 528,96 -> 528,95 -> 528,96 -> 530,96 -> 530,88 -> 530,96 -> 532,96 -> 532,88 -> 532,96 -> 534,96 -> 534,91 -> 534,96 -> 536,96 -> 536,92 -> 536,96 -> 538,96 -> 538,88 -> 538,96
503,37 -> 503,31 -> 503,37 -> 505,37 -> 505,29 -> 505,37 -> 507,37 -> 507,29 -> 507,37 -> 509,37 -> 509,29 -> 509,37 -> 511,37 -> 511,32 -> 511,37 -> 513,37 -> 513,29 -> 513,37 -> 515,37 -> 515,34 -> 515,37 -> 517,37 -> 517,36 -> 517,37 -> 519,37 -> 519,36 -> 519,37
490,15 -> 501,15 -> 501,14
535,161 -> 535,162 -> 544,162 -> 544,161
508,49 -> 508,52 -> 504,52 -> 504,55 -> 516,55 -> 516,52 -> 514,52 -> 514,49
518,82 -> 518,83 -> 529,83 -> 529,82
513,66 -> 518,66
532,109 -> 532,103 -> 532,109 -> 534,109 -> 534,106 -> 534,109 -> 536,109 -> 536,102 -> 536,109 -> 538,109 -> 538,107 -> 538,109 -> 540,109 -> 540,107 -> 540,109 -> 542,109 -> 542,100 -> 542,109 -> 544,109 -> 544,106 -> 544,109
532,109 -> 532,103 -> 532,109 -> 534,109 -> 534,106 -> 534,109 -> 536,109 -> 536,102 -> 536,109 -> 538,109 -> 538,107 -> 538,109 -> 540,109 -> 540,107 -> 540,109 -> 542,109 -> 542,100 -> 542,109 -> 544,109 -> 544,106 -> 544,109
558,124 -> 563,124
520,96 -> 520,92 -> 520,96 -> 522,96 -> 522,86 -> 522,96 -> 524,96 -> 524,92 -> 524,96 -> 526,96 -> 526,93 -> 526,96 -> 528,96 -> 528,95 -> 528,96 -> 530,96 -> 530,88 -> 530,96 -> 532,96 -> 532,88 -> 532,96 -> 534,96 -> 534,91 -> 534,96 -> 536,96 -> 536,92 -> 536,96 -> 538,96 -> 538,88 -> 538,96
532,109 -> 532,103 -> 532,109 -> 534,109 -> 534,106 -> 534,109 -> 536,109 -> 536,102 -> 536,109 -> 538,109 -> 538,107 -> 538,109 -> 540,109 -> 540,107 -> 540,109 -> 542,109 -> 542,100 -> 542,109 -> 544,109 -> 544,106 -> 544,109
532,109 -> 532,103 -> 532,109 -> 534,109 -> 534,106 -> 534,109 -> 536,109 -> 536,102 -> 536,109 -> 538,109 -> 538,107 -> 538,109 -> 540,109 -> 540,107 -> 540,109 -> 542,109 -> 542,100 -> 542,109 -> 544,109 -> 544,106 -> 544,109
503,37 -> 503,31 -> 503,37 -> 505,37 -> 505,29 -> 505,37 -> 507,37 -> 507,29 -> 507,37 -> 509,37 -> 509,29 -> 509,37 -> 511,37 -> 511,32 -> 511,37 -> 513,37 -> 513,29 -> 513,37 -> 515,37 -> 515,34 -> 515,37 -> 517,37 -> 517,36 -> 517,37 -> 519,37 -> 519,36 -> 519,37
529,159 -> 529,153 -> 529,159 -> 531,159 -> 531,151 -> 531,159 -> 533,159 -> 533,156 -> 533,159 -> 535,159 -> 535,152 -> 535,159 -> 537,159 -> 537,154 -> 537,159 -> 539,159 -> 539,156 -> 539,159
528,139 -> 528,141 -> 521,141 -> 521,146 -> 534,146 -> 534,141 -> 531,141 -> 531,139
520,96 -> 520,92 -> 520,96 -> 522,96 -> 522,86 -> 522,96 -> 524,96 -> 524,92 -> 524,96 -> 526,96 -> 526,93 -> 526,96 -> 528,96 -> 528,95 -> 528,96 -> 530,96 -> 530,88 -> 530,96 -> 532,96 -> 532,88 -> 532,96 -> 534,96 -> 534,91 -> 534,96 -> 536,96 -> 536,92 -> 536,96 -> 538,96 -> 538,88 -> 538,96
529,159 -> 529,153 -> 529,159 -> 531,159 -> 531,151 -> 531,159 -> 533,159 -> 533,156 -> 533,159 -> 535,159 -> 535,152 -> 535,159 -> 537,159 -> 537,154 -> 537,159 -> 539,159 -> 539,156 -> 539,159
520,96 -> 520,92 -> 520,96 -> 522,96 -> 522,86 -> 522,96 -> 524,96 -> 524,92 -> 524,96 -> 526,96 -> 526,93 -> 526,96 -> 528,96 -> 528,95 -> 528,96 -> 530,96 -> 530,88 -> 530,96 -> 532,96 -> 532,88 -> 532,96 -> 534,96 -> 534,91 -> 534,96 -> 536,96 -> 536,92 -> 536,96 -> 538,96 -> 538,88 -> 538,96
554,121 -> 559,121
520,96 -> 520,92 -> 520,96 -> 522,96 -> 522,86 -> 522,96 -> 524,96 -> 524,92 -> 524,96 -> 526,96 -> 526,93 -> 526,96 -> 528,96 -> 528,95 -> 528,96 -> 530,96 -> 530,88 -> 530,96 -> 532,96 -> 532,88 -> 532,96 -> 534,96 -> 534,91 -> 534,96 -> 536,96 -> 536,92 -> 536,96 -> 538,96 -> 538,88 -> 538,96
508,49 -> 508,52 -> 504,52 -> 504,55 -> 516,55 -> 516,52 -> 514,52 -> 514,49
540,121 -> 545,121
520,96 -> 520,92 -> 520,96 -> 522,96 -> 522,86 -> 522,96 -> 524,96 -> 524,92 -> 524,96 -> 526,96 -> 526,93 -> 526,96 -> 528,96 -> 528,95 -> 528,96 -> 530,96 -> 530,88 -> 530,96 -> 532,96 -> 532,88 -> 532,96 -> 534,96 -> 534,91 -> 534,96 -> 536,96 -> 536,92 -> 536,96 -> 538,96 -> 538,88 -> 538,96
503,37 -> 503,31 -> 503,37 -> 505,37 -> 505,29 -> 505,37 -> 507,37 -> 507,29 -> 507,37 -> 509,37 -> 509,29 -> 509,37 -> 511,37 -> 511,32 -> 511,37 -> 513,37 -> 513,29 -> 513,37 -> 515,37 -> 515,34 -> 515,37 -> 517,37 -> 517,36 -> 517,37 -> 519,37 -> 519,36 -> 519,37
529,159 -> 529,153 -> 529,159 -> 531,159 -> 531,151 -> 531,159 -> 533,159 -> 533,156 -> 533,159 -> 535,159 -> 535,152 -> 535,159 -> 537,159 -> 537,154 -> 537,159 -> 539,159 -> 539,156 -> 539,159
529,159 -> 529,153 -> 529,159 -> 531,159 -> 531,151 -> 531,159 -> 533,159 -> 533,156 -> 533,159 -> 535,159 -> 535,152 -> 535,159 -> 537,159 -> 537,154 -> 537,159 -> 539,159 -> 539,156 -> 539,159
547,121 -> 552,121
503,37 -> 503,31 -> 503,37 -> 505,37 -> 505,29 -> 505,37 -> 507,37 -> 507,29 -> 507,37 -> 509,37 -> 509,29 -> 509,37 -> 511,37 -> 511,32 -> 511,37 -> 513,37 -> 513,29 -> 513,37 -> 515,37 -> 515,34 -> 515,37 -> 517,37 -> 517,36 -> 517,37 -> 519,37 -> 519,36 -> 519,37
503,37 -> 503,31 -> 503,37 -> 505,37 -> 505,29 -> 505,37 -> 507,37 -> 507,29 -> 507,37 -> 509,37 -> 509,29 -> 509,37 -> 511,37 -> 511,32 -> 511,37 -> 513,37 -> 513,29 -> 513,37 -> 515,37 -> 515,34 -> 515,37 -> 517,37 -> 517,36 -> 517,37 -> 519,37 -> 519,36 -> 519,37
520,96 -> 520,92 -> 520,96 -> 522,96 -> 522,86 -> 522,96 -> 524,96 -> 524,92 -> 524,96 -> 526,96 -> 526,93 -> 526,96 -> 528,96 -> 528,95 -> 528,96 -> 530,96 -> 530,88 -> 530,96 -> 532,96 -> 532,88 -> 532,96 -> 534,96 -> 534,91 -> 534,96 -> 536,96 -> 536,92 -> 536,96 -> 538,96 -> 538,88 -> 538,96
503,37 -> 503,31 -> 503,37 -> 505,37 -> 505,29 -> 505,37 -> 507,37 -> 507,29 -> 507,37 -> 509,37 -> 509,29 -> 509,37 -> 511,37 -> 511,32 -> 511,37 -> 513,37 -> 513,29 -> 513,37 -> 515,37 -> 515,34 -> 515,37 -> 517,37 -> 517,36 -> 517,37 -> 519,37 -> 519,36 -> 519,37
500,18 -> 500,20 -> 496,20 -> 496,24 -> 511,24 -> 511,20 -> 504,20 -> 504,18
532,109 -> 532,103 -> 532,109 -> 534,109 -> 534,106 -> 534,109 -> 536,109 -> 536,102 -> 536,109 -> 538,109 -> 538,107 -> 538,109 -> 540,109 -> 540,107 -> 540,109 -> 542,109 -> 542,100 -> 542,109 -> 544,109 -> 544,106 -> 544,109
529,159 -> 529,153 -> 529,159 -> 531,159 -> 531,151 -> 531,159 -> 533,159 -> 533,156 -> 533,159 -> 535,159 -> 535,152 -> 535,159 -> 537,159 -> 537,154 -> 537,159 -> 539,159 -> 539,156 -> 539,159
512,46 -> 516,46
544,124 -> 549,124
503,37 -> 503,31 -> 503,37 -> 505,37 -> 505,29 -> 505,37 -> 507,37 -> 507,29 -> 507,37 -> 509,37 -> 509,29 -> 509,37 -> 511,37 -> 511,32 -> 511,37 -> 513,37 -> 513,29 -> 513,37 -> 515,37 -> 515,34 -> 515,37 -> 517,37 -> 517,36 -> 517,37 -> 519,37 -> 519,36 -> 519,37
521,71 -> 521,73 -> 514,73 -> 514,79 -> 527,79 -> 527,73 -> 525,73 -> 525,71
532,109 -> 532,103 -> 532,109 -> 534,109 -> 534,106 -> 534,109 -> 536,109 -> 536,102 -> 536,109 -> 538,109 -> 538,107 -> 538,109 -> 540,109 -> 540,107 -> 540,109 -> 542,109 -> 542,100 -> 542,109 -> 544,109 -> 544,106 -> 544,109
528,139 -> 528,141 -> 521,141 -> 521,146 -> 534,146 -> 534,141 -> 531,141 -> 531,139
520,96 -> 520,92 -> 520,96 -> 522,96 -> 522,86 -> 522,96 -> 524,96 -> 524,92 -> 524,96 -> 526,96 -> 526,93 -> 526,96 -> 528,96 -> 528,95 -> 528,96 -> 530,96 -> 530,88 -> 530,96 -> 532,96 -> 532,88 -> 532,96 -> 534,96 -> 534,91 -> 534,96 -> 536,96 -> 536,92 -> 536,96 -> 538,96 -> 538,88 -> 538,96
528,139 -> 528,141 -> 521,141 -> 521,146 -> 534,146 -> 534,141 -> 531,141 -> 531,139
533,121 -> 538,121
503,37 -> 503,31 -> 503,37 -> 505,37 -> 505,29 -> 505,37 -> 507,37 -> 507,29 -> 507,37 -> 509,37 -> 509,29 -> 509,37 -> 511,37 -> 511,32 -> 511,37 -> 513,37 -> 513,29 -> 513,37 -> 515,37 -> 515,34 -> 515,37 -> 517,37 -> 517,36 -> 517,37 -> 519,37 -> 519,36 -> 519,37
521,43 -> 525,43
500,18 -> 500,20 -> 496,20 -> 496,24 -> 511,24 -> 511,20 -> 504,20 -> 504,18
527,133 -> 532,133
503,37 -> 503,31 -> 503,37 -> 505,37 -> 505,29 -> 505,37 -> 507,37 -> 507,29 -> 507,37 -> 509,37 -> 509,29 -> 509,37 -> 511,37 -> 511,32 -> 511,37 -> 513,37 -> 513,29 -> 513,37 -> 515,37 -> 515,34 -> 515,37 -> 517,37 -> 517,36 -> 517,37 -> 519,37 -> 519,36 -> 519,37
503,37 -> 503,31 -> 503,37 -> 505,37 -> 505,29 -> 505,37 -> 507,37 -> 507,29 -> 507,37 -> 509,37 -> 509,29 -> 509,37 -> 511,37 -> 511,32 -> 511,37 -> 513,37 -> 513,29 -> 513,37 -> 515,37 -> 515,34 -> 515,37 -> 517,37 -> 517,36 -> 517,37 -> 519,37 -> 519,36 -> 519,37
529,159 -> 529,153 -> 529,159 -> 531,159 -> 531,151 -> 531,159 -> 533,159 -> 533,156 -> 533,159 -> 535,159 -> 535,152 -> 535,159 -> 537,159 -> 537,154 -> 537,159 -> 539,159 -> 539,156 -> 539,159
520,96 -> 520,92 -> 520,96 -> 522,96 -> 522,86 -> 522,96 -> 524,96 -> 524,92 -> 524,96 -> 526,96 -> 526,93 -> 526,96 -> 528,96 -> 528,95 -> 528,96 -> 530,96 -> 530,88 -> 530,96 -> 532,96 -> 532,88 -> 532,96 -> 534,96 -> 534,91 -> 534,96 -> 536,96 -> 536,92 -> 536,96 -> 538,96 -> 538,88 -> 538,96
531,136 -> 536,136
503,37 -> 503,31 -> 503,37 -> 505,37 -> 505,29 -> 505,37 -> 507,37 -> 507,29 -> 507,37 -> 509,37 -> 509,29 -> 509,37 -> 511,37 -> 511,32 -> 511,37 -> 513,37 -> 513,29 -> 513,37 -> 515,37 -> 515,34 -> 515,37 -> 517,37 -> 517,36 -> 517,37 -> 519,37 -> 519,36 -> 519,37
515,43 -> 519,43
532,109 -> 532,103 -> 532,109 -> 534,109 -> 534,106 -> 534,109 -> 536,109 -> 536,102 -> 536,109 -> 538,109 -> 538,107 -> 538,109 -> 540,109 -> 540,107 -> 540,109 -> 542,109 -> 542,100 -> 542,109 -> 544,109 -> 544,106 -> 544,109
532,109 -> 532,103 -> 532,109 -> 534,109 -> 534,106 -> 534,109 -> 536,109 -> 536,102 -> 536,109 -> 538,109 -> 538,107 -> 538,109 -> 540,109 -> 540,107 -> 540,109 -> 542,109 -> 542,100 -> 542,109 -> 544,109 -> 544,106 -> 544,109
503,37 -> 503,31 -> 503,37 -> 505,37 -> 505,29 -> 505,37 -> 507,37 -> 507,29 -> 507,37 -> 509,37 -> 509,29 -> 509,37 -> 511,37 -> 511,32 -> 511,37 -> 513,37 -> 513,29 -> 513,37 -> 515,37 -> 515,34 -> 515,37 -> 517,37 -> 517,36 -> 517,37 -> 519,37 -> 519,36 -> 519,37
521,71 -> 521,73 -> 514,73 -> 514,79 -> 527,79 -> 527,73 -> 525,73 -> 525,71
521,71 -> 521,73 -> 514,73 -> 514,79 -> 527,79 -> 527,73 -> 525,73 -> 525,71
513,60 -> 513,61 -> 523,61 -> 523,60
503,37 -> 503,31 -> 503,37 -> 505,37 -> 505,29 -> 505,37 -> 507,37 -> 507,29 -> 507,37 -> 509,37 -> 509,29 -> 509,37 -> 511,37 -> 511,32 -> 511,37 -> 513,37 -> 513,29 -> 513,37 -> 515,37 -> 515,34 -> 515,37 -> 517,37 -> 517,36 -> 517,37 -> 519,37 -> 519,36 -> 519,37
537,130 -> 542,130
520,96 -> 520,92 -> 520,96 -> 522,96 -> 522,86 -> 522,96 -> 524,96 -> 524,92 -> 524,96 -> 526,96 -> 526,93 -> 526,96 -> 528,96 -> 528,95 -> 528,96 -> 530,96 -> 530,88 -> 530,96 -> 532,96 -> 532,88 -> 532,96 -> 534,96 -> 534,91 -> 534,96 -> 536,96 -> 536,92 -> 536,96 -> 538,96 -> 538,88 -> 538,96
508,49 -> 508,52 -> 504,52 -> 504,55 -> 516,55 -> 516,52 -> 514,52 -> 514,49
545,136 -> 550,136
538,136 -> 543,136
520,96 -> 520,92 -> 520,96 -> 522,96 -> 522,86 -> 522,96 -> 524,96 -> 524,92 -> 524,96 -> 526,96 -> 526,93 -> 526,96 -> 528,96 -> 528,95 -> 528,96 -> 530,96 -> 530,88 -> 530,96 -> 532,96 -> 532,88 -> 532,96 -> 534,96 -> 534,91 -> 534,96 -> 536,96 -> 536,92 -> 536,96 -> 538,96 -> 538,88 -> 538,96
532,109 -> 532,103 -> 532,109 -> 534,109 -> 534,106 -> 534,109 -> 536,109 -> 536,102 -> 536,109 -> 538,109 -> 538,107 -> 538,109 -> 540,109 -> 540,107 -> 540,109 -> 542,109 -> 542,100 -> 542,109 -> 544,109 -> 544,106 -> 544,109
528,139 -> 528,141 -> 521,141 -> 521,146 -> 534,146 -> 534,141 -> 531,141 -> 531,139
503,37 -> 503,31 -> 503,37 -> 505,37 -> 505,29 -> 505,37 -> 507,37 -> 507,29 -> 507,37 -> 509,37 -> 509,29 -> 509,37 -> 511,37 -> 511,32 -> 511,37 -> 513,37 -> 513,29 -> 513,37 -> 515,37 -> 515,34 -> 515,37 -> 517,37 -> 517,36 -> 517,37 -> 519,37 -> 519,36 -> 519,37
532,109 -> 532,103 -> 532,109 -> 534,109 -> 534,106 -> 534,109 -> 536,109 -> 536,102 -> 536,109 -> 538,109 -> 538,107 -> 538,109 -> 540,109 -> 540,107 -> 540,109 -> 542,109 -> 542,100 -> 542,109 -> 544,109 -> 544,106 -> 544,109
508,49 -> 508,52 -> 504,52 -> 504,55 -> 516,55 -> 516,52 -> 514,52 -> 514,49
532,109 -> 532,103 -> 532,109 -> 534,109 -> 534,106 -> 534,109 -> 536,109 -> 536,102 -> 536,109 -> 538,109 -> 538,107 -> 538,109 -> 540,109 -> 540,107 -> 540,109 -> 542,109 -> 542,100 -> 542,109 -> 544,109 -> 544,106 -> 544,109
503,37 -> 503,31 -> 503,37 -> 505,37 -> 505,29 -> 505,37 -> 507,37 -> 507,29 -> 507,37 -> 509,37 -> 509,29 -> 509,37 -> 511,37 -> 511,32 -> 511,37 -> 513,37 -> 513,29 -> 513,37 -> 515,37 -> 515,34 -> 515,37 -> 517,37 -> 517,36 -> 517,37 -> 519,37 -> 519,36 -> 519,37
529,159 -> 529,153 -> 529,159 -> 531,159 -> 531,151 -> 531,159 -> 533,159 -> 533,156 -> 533,159 -> 535,159 -> 535,152 -> 535,159 -> 537,159 -> 537,154 -> 537,159 -> 539,159 -> 539,156 -> 539,159
510,68 -> 515,68
520,96 -> 520,92 -> 520,96 -> 522,96 -> 522,86 -> 522,96 -> 524,96 -> 524,92 -> 524,96 -> 526,96 -> 526,93 -> 526,96 -> 528,96 -> 528,95 -> 528,96 -> 530,96 -> 530,88 -> 530,96 -> 532,96 -> 532,88 -> 532,96 -> 534,96 -> 534,91 -> 534,96 -> 536,96 -> 536,92 -> 536,96 -> 538,96 -> 538,88 -> 538,96
550,118 -> 555,118
520,96 -> 520,92 -> 520,96 -> 522,96 -> 522,86 -> 522,96 -> 524,96 -> 524,92 -> 524,96 -> 526,96 -> 526,93 -> 526,96 -> 528,96 -> 528,95 -> 528,96 -> 530,96 -> 530,88 -> 530,96 -> 532,96 -> 532,88 -> 532,96 -> 534,96 -> 534,91 -> 534,96 -> 536,96 -> 536,92 -> 536,96 -> 538,96 -> 538,88 -> 538,96
528,139 -> 528,141 -> 521,141 -> 521,146 -> 534,146 -> 534,141 -> 531,141 -> 531,139
529,159 -> 529,153 -> 529,159 -> 531,159 -> 531,151 -> 531,159 -> 533,159 -> 533,156 -> 533,159 -> 535,159 -> 535,152 -> 535,159 -> 537,159 -> 537,154 -> 537,159 -> 539,159 -> 539,156 -> 539,159
532,109 -> 532,103 -> 532,109 -> 534,109 -> 534,106 -> 534,109 -> 536,109 -> 536,102 -> 536,109 -> 538,109 -> 538,107 -> 538,109 -> 540,109 -> 540,107 -> 540,109 -> 542,109 -> 542,100 -> 542,109 -> 544,109 -> 544,106 -> 544,109
529,159 -> 529,153 -> 529,159 -> 531,159 -> 531,151 -> 531,159 -> 533,159 -> 533,156 -> 533,159 -> 535,159 -> 535,152 -> 535,159 -> 537,159 -> 537,154 -> 537,159 -> 539,159 -> 539,156 -> 539,159
521,71 -> 521,73 -> 514,73 -> 514,79 -> 527,79 -> 527,73 -> 525,73 -> 525,71
541,133 -> 546,133
529,159 -> 529,153 -> 529,159 -> 531,159 -> 531,151 -> 531,159 -> 533,159 -> 533,156 -> 533,159 -> 535,159 -> 535,152 -> 535,159 -> 537,159 -> 537,154 -> 537,159 -> 539,159 -> 539,156 -> 539,159
520,96 -> 520,92 -> 520,96 -> 522,96 -> 522,86 -> 522,96 -> 524,96 -> 524,92 -> 524,96 -> 526,96 -> 526,93 -> 526,96 -> 528,96 -> 528,95 -> 528,96 -> 530,96 -> 530,88 -> 530,96 -> 532,96 -> 532,88 -> 532,96 -> 534,96 -> 534,91 -> 534,96 -> 536,96 -> 536,92 -> 536,96 -> 538,96 -> 538,88 -> 538,96
513,60 -> 513,61 -> 523,61 -> 523,60
518,40 -> 522,40
517,68 -> 522,68
500,18 -> 500,20 -> 496,20 -> 496,24 -> 511,24 -> 511,20 -> 504,20 -> 504,18
520,96 -> 520,92 -> 520,96 -> 522,96 -> 522,86 -> 522,96 -> 524,96 -> 524,92 -> 524,96 -> 526,96 -> 526,93 -> 526,96 -> 528,96 -> 528,95 -> 528,96 -> 530,96 -> 530,88 -> 530,96 -> 532,96 -> 532,88 -> 532,96 -> 534,96 -> 534,91 -> 534,96 -> 536,96 -> 536,92 -> 536,96 -> 538,96 -> 538,88 -> 538,96
520,96 -> 520,92 -> 520,96 -> 522,96 -> 522,86 -> 522,96 -> 524,96 -> 524,92 -> 524,96 -> 526,96 -> 526,93 -> 526,96 -> 528,96 -> 528,95 -> 528,96 -> 530,96 -> 530,88 -> 530,96 -> 532,96 -> 532,88 -> 532,96 -> 534,96 -> 534,91 -> 534,96 -> 536,96 -> 536,92 -> 536,96 -> 538,96 -> 538,88 -> 538,96
529,159 -> 529,153 -> 529,159 -> 531,159 -> 531,151 -> 531,159 -> 533,159 -> 533,156 -> 533,159 -> 535,159 -> 535,152 -> 535,159 -> 537,159 -> 537,154 -> 537,159 -> 539,159 -> 539,156 -> 539,159
520,96 -> 520,92 -> 520,96 -> 522,96 -> 522,86 -> 522,96 -> 524,96 -> 524,92 -> 524,96 -> 526,96 -> 526,93 -> 526,96 -> 528,96 -> 528,95 -> 528,96 -> 530,96 -> 530,88 -> 530,96 -> 532,96 -> 532,88 -> 532,96 -> 534,96 -> 534,91 -> 534,96 -> 536,96 -> 536,92 -> 536,96 -> 538,96 -> 538,88 -> 538,96
520,96 -> 520,92 -> 520,96 -> 522,96 -> 522,86 -> 522,96 -> 524,96 -> 524,92 -> 524,96 -> 526,96 -> 526,93 -> 526,96 -> 528,96 -> 528,95 -> 528,96 -> 530,96 -> 530,88 -> 530,96 -> 532,96 -> 532,88 -> 532,96 -> 534,96 -> 534,91 -> 534,96 -> 536,96 -> 536,92 -> 536,96 -> 538,96 -> 538,88 -> 538,96
529,159 -> 529,153 -> 529,159 -> 531,159 -> 531,151 -> 531,159 -> 533,159 -> 533,156 -> 533,159 -> 535,159 -> 535,152 -> 535,159 -> 537,159 -> 537,154 -> 537,159 -> 539,159 -> 539,156 -> 539,159
535,161 -> 535,162 -> 544,162 -> 544,161
551,124 -> 556,124
500,18 -> 500,20 -> 496,20 -> 496,24 -> 511,24 -> 511,20 -> 504,20 -> 504,18

View file

@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
const std = @import("std");
const example = @embedFile("example");
const input = @embedFile("input");
var allocator: std.mem.Allocator = undefined;
pub fn main() anyerror!void {
var arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(std.heap.page_allocator);
defer arena.deinit();
allocator = arena.allocator();
try std.testing.expectEqual(try solve(example), 93);
const result = try solve(input);
try std.io.getStdOut().writer().print("{}\n", .{result});
const Line = struct {
data: std.ArrayList(u8),
x: u64,
fn get(l: *Line, x: u64) u8 {
if (x >= l.x and x < l.x + @intCast(u64, l.len())) return l.data.items[@intCast(usize, x - @intCast(u64, l.x))];
return ' ';
fn init() !*Line {
var l = try allocator.create(Line);
l.data = std.ArrayList(u8).init(allocator);
return l;
inline fn len(l: Line) usize {
return l.data.items.len;
fn set(l: *Line, x: u64, v: u8) !void {
if (l.len() == 0) { // this is en empty line
l.x = x;
try l.data.append(v);
const lx = @intCast(u64, l.len());
if (x >= l.x) {
if (x < l.x + lx) { // just set the value
l.data.items[@intCast(usize, x - l.x)] = v;
} else { // we need to add trailing spaces
var i: usize = l.len();
while (i < x - l.x) : (i += 1) {
try l.data.append(' ');
try l.data.append(v);
} else { // we need to shift right and add leading spaces
const oldLen = l.len();
l.data.items.len += @intCast(usize, l.x - x);
try l.data.ensureUnusedCapacity(l.len());
std.mem.copyBackwards(u8, l.data.items[@intCast(usize, l.x - x)..], l.data.items[0..oldLen]);
l.data.items[0] = v;
var i: usize = 1;
while (i < @intCast(usize, l.x - x)) : (i += 1) {
l.data.items[i] = ' ';
l.x = x;
pub const Field = struct {
x: u64 = 0,
y: u64 = 0,
lines: std.ArrayList(*Line),
lx: usize = 0,
pub fn get(f: *Field, x: u64, y: u64) u8 {
if (y >= f.y and y < f.y + @intCast(u64, f.lines.items.len)) return f.lines.items[@intCast(usize, y - @intCast(u64, f.y))].get(x);
return ' ';
fn init() !*Field {
var f = try allocator.create(Field);
f.x = undefined;
f.y = 0;
f.lines = std.ArrayList(*Line).init(allocator);
var l = try f.lines.addOne();
l.* = try Line.init();
f.lx = 0;
return f;
inline fn isIn(f: *Field, x: u64, y: u64) bool {
return x >= f.x and y >= f.y and x < f.x + @intCast(u64, f.lx) and y < f.y + @intCast(u64, f.lines.items.len);
inline fn len(f: Field) usize {
return f.lines.items.len;
pub fn set(f: *Field, x: u64, y: u64, v: u8) !void {
if (y >= f.y) {
if (y < f.y + @intCast(u64, f.lines.items.len)) { // the line exists
try f.lines.items[@intCast(usize, y - f.y)].set(x, v);
} else { // append lines
var i: usize = f.lines.items.len;
while (i < y - f.y) : (i += 1) {
try f.lines.append(try Line.init());
var l = try Line.init();
try l.set(x, v);
try f.lines.append(l);
} else { // preprend lines
const oldLen = f.lines.items.len;
f.lines.items.len += @intCast(usize, f.y - y);
try f.lines.ensureUnusedCapacity(f.lines.items.len);
std.mem.copyBackwards(*Line, f.lines.items[@intCast(usize, f.y - y)..], f.lines.items[0..oldLen]);
var l = try Line.init();
try l.set(x, v);
f.lines.items[0] = l;
var i: usize = 1;
while (i < @intCast(usize, f.y - y)) : (i += 1) {
f.lines.items[i] = try Line.init();
f.y = y;
if (x < f.x or x >= f.x + @intCast(u64, f.lx)) { // recalculate boundaries
f.x = std.math.maxInt(u64);
var x2: u64 = std.math.minInt(u64);
for (f.lines.items) |line| {
if (line.len() == 0) continue;
if (f.x > line.x) f.x = line.x;
if (x2 < line.x + @intCast(u64, line.len())) x2 = line.x + @intCast(u64, line.len());
f.lx = @intCast(usize, x2 - f.x);
fn solve(puzzle: []const u8) !u64 {
var it = std.mem.tokenize(u8, puzzle, "\n");
var field = try Field.init();
// process input
while (it.next()) |line| {
var coords = std.mem.tokenize(u8, line, " ->,");
var x = try std.fmt.parseInt(u64, coords.next() orelse continue, 10);
var y = try std.fmt.parseInt(u64, coords.next() orelse unreachable, 10);
try field.set(x, y, '#');
while (true) {
var a = try std.fmt.parseInt(u64, coords.next() orelse break, 10);
var b = try std.fmt.parseInt(u64, coords.next() orelse unreachable, 10);
while (x != a or y != b) {
if (x < a) {
x += 1;
} else if (x > a) {
x -= 1;
if (y < b) {
y += 1;
} else if (y > b) {
y -= 1;
try field.set(x, y, '#');
// run simulation
const maxY = field.y + field.len();
var i: usize = 0;
while (true) : (i += 1) { // add sand forever
var x: u64 = 500;
var y: u64 = field.y;
while (true) { // let the sand fall
if (y == maxY) {
try field.set(x - 1, y + 1, '#');
try field.set(x, y + 1, '#');
try field.set(x + 1, y + 1, '#');
switch (field.get(x, y + 1)) {
' ' => y += 1, // we can fall straight down
else => {
switch (field.get(x - 1, y + 1)) {
' ' => { // we can fall down to the left
x -= 1;
y += 1;
else => {
switch (field.get(x + 1, y + 1)) {
' ' => { // we can fall down to the right
x += 1;
y += 1;
else => { // we stop falling
try field.set(x, y, 'o');
if (x == 500 and y == 0) {
return i + 1;