path: root/2023/09-Mirage_Maintenance/first.hs
diff options
authorJulien Dessaux2023-12-09 18:28:43 +0100
committerJulien Dessaux2023-12-09 18:28:43 +0100
commit95417d3684bd31bdc3e603cbdbaf441cdea191da (patch)
tree0b11827f088069d13b147bac4df72e716d5cf868 /2023/09-Mirage_Maintenance/first.hs
parent2023-08 in haskell (diff)
2023-09 in haskell
Diffstat (limited to '2023/09-Mirage_Maintenance/first.hs')
1 files changed, 53 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/2023/09-Mirage_Maintenance/first.hs b/2023/09-Mirage_Maintenance/first.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9d91564
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2023/09-Mirage_Maintenance/first.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+-- requires cabal install --lib megaparsec parser-combinators
+module Main (main) where
+import Control.Applicative.Permutations
+import Control.Monad (void, when)
+import Data.Char qualified as C
+import Data.Either
+import Data.Functor
+import Data.List qualified as L
+import Data.Map qualified as M
+import Data.Maybe
+import Data.Set qualified as S
+import Data.Void (Void)
+import Text.Megaparsec
+import Text.Megaparsec.Char
+import Debug.Trace
+exampleExpectedOutput = 114
+type History = [Int]
+type Input = [History]
+type Parser = Parsec Void String
+parseNumber :: Parser Int
+parseNumber = read <$> some (char '-' <|> digitChar) <* hspace
+parseInput' :: Parser Input
+parseInput' = some (some parseNumber <* eol) <* eof
+parseInput :: String -> IO Input
+parseInput filename = do
+ input <- readFile filename
+ case runParser parseInput' filename input of
+ Left bundle -> error $ errorBundlePretty bundle
+ Right input' -> return input'
+compute :: Input -> Int
+compute = sum . map next
+ where
+ next :: History -> Int
+ next = sum . map last . takeWhile (any (/= 0)) . iterate differences
+ differences :: History -> History
+ differences xs = zipWith (flip (-)) xs (tail xs)
+main :: IO ()
+main = do
+ example <- parseInput "example"
+ let exampleOutput = compute example
+ when (exampleOutput /= exampleExpectedOutput) (error $ "example failed: got " ++ show exampleOutput ++ " instead of " ++ show exampleExpectedOutput)
+ input <- parseInput "input"
+ print $ compute input