path: root/2022/12-hill-climbing-algorithm/first.zig
diff options
authorJulien Dessaux2022-12-12 15:14:12 +0100
committerJulien Dessaux2022-12-12 15:14:12 +0100
commit2debf9a00ddabfd7a90952156745de87b0d7bdd0 (patch)
tree197d30cf373c08e866104234afdd16e3c44a0b72 /2022/12-hill-climbing-algorithm/first.zig
parent2022-11 in zig (diff)
2022-12 in zig
Diffstat (limited to '2022/12-hill-climbing-algorithm/first.zig')
1 files changed, 93 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/2022/12-hill-climbing-algorithm/first.zig b/2022/12-hill-climbing-algorithm/first.zig
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bf014b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2022/12-hill-climbing-algorithm/first.zig
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+const std = @import("std");
+const example = @embedFile("example");
+const input = @embedFile("input");
+pub fn main() anyerror!void {
+ var arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(std.heap.page_allocator);
+ defer arena.deinit();
+ const allocator = arena.allocator();
+ try std.testing.expectEqual(try solve(example, allocator), 31);
+ const result = try solve(input, allocator);
+ try std.io.getStdOut().writer().print("{}\n", .{result});
+const Node = struct {
+ x: u8,
+ y: u8,
+ cost: ?u64,
+ value: u8,
+ fn evalAndAdd(e: *Node, n: *Node, nq: *std.PriorityQueue(*Node, void, lesserThan)) !void {
+ if (e.cost == null and e.value <= n.value + 1) {
+ e.cost = n.cost.? + 1;
+ try nq.add(e);
+ }
+ }
+fn lesserThan(context: void, a: *Node, b: *Node) std.math.Order {
+ _ = context;
+ return std.math.order(a.cost.?, b.cost.?);
+fn solve(puzzle: []const u8, allocator: std.mem.Allocator) !u64 {
+ var it = std.mem.tokenize(u8, puzzle, "\n");
+ var grid = std.ArrayList(std.ArrayList(Node)).init(allocator);
+ var Sx: u8 = undefined;
+ var Sy: u8 = undefined;
+ var Ex: u8 = undefined;
+ var Ey: u8 = undefined;
+ // process input
+ var y: u8 = 0;
+ var line = it.next() orelse unreachable;
+ const width = line.len;
+ while (true) : (line = it.next() orelse break) {
+ var l = try grid.addOne();
+ l.* = try std.ArrayList(Node).initCapacity(allocator, width);
+ var x: u8 = 0;
+ while (x < line.len) : (x += 1) {
+ var n = l.*.addOneAssumeCapacity();
+ n.*.x = x;
+ n.*.y = y;
+ n.*.cost = null;
+ n.*.value = switch (line[x]) {
+ 'S' => blk: {
+ Sx = x;
+ Sy = y;
+ n.*.cost = 0;
+ break :blk 'a';
+ },
+ 'E' => blk: {
+ Ex = x;
+ Ey = y;
+ break :blk 'z';
+ },
+ else => line[x],
+ };
+ }
+ y += 1;
+ }
+ const height = grid.items.len;
+ // find shortest path
+ var nq = std.PriorityQueue(*Node, void, lesserThan).init(allocator, {});
+ try nq.add(&grid.items[Sy].items[Sx]);
+ while (true) {
+ var n = nq.remove();
+ if (n.x == Ex and n.y == Ey) {
+ return n.cost.?;
+ }
+ if (n.x > 0) {
+ try grid.items[n.y].items[n.x - 1].evalAndAdd(n, &nq);
+ }
+ if (n.x < width - 1) {
+ try grid.items[n.y].items[n.x + 1].evalAndAdd(n, &nq);
+ }
+ if (n.y > 0) {
+ try grid.items[n.y - 1].items[n.x].evalAndAdd(n, &nq);
+ }
+ if (n.y < height - 1) {
+ try grid.items[n.y + 1].items[n.x].evalAndAdd(n, &nq);
+ }
+ }