adyxax/advent-of-codeMy solutions to Dessaux43 hours
adyxax/b98A Befunge-98 irc botJulien Dessaux2 years
adyxax/bareos-zabbix-checkA Zabbix check for bareos backupsJulien Dessaux3 weeks
adyxax/borg-ansible-roleThe ansible role I use to orchestrate the backups on my personal infrastructure ...Julien Dessaux2 years
adyxax/ev-scriptsEventline jobs and scriptsJulien Dessaux21 months
adyxax/gofunge98a Funge-98 interpreter written in goJulien Dessaux3 weeks
adyxax/gonfConfiguration management tool in golangJulien Dessaux8 days
adyxax/grenade-brothersa pong like retro gameJulien Dessaux18 months
adyxax/jeux-de-motsa scrabble like web gameJulien Dessaux7 months
adyxax/nimfunge98a Funge-98 interpreter written in nimJulien Dessaux5 months
adyxax/odsa french crosswords dictionnary web applicationJulien Dessaux6 days
adyxax/portagea personal ebuild repositoryJulien Dessaux2 years
adyxax/shell-game-launcherA modern dgamelaunch alternativeJulien Dessaux2 years
adyxax/shortThe simple, self-hosted, open source and privacy friendly URL shortener : anonym...Julien Dessaux2 years
adyxax/spacetradersMy game client implementationJulien Dessaux30 hours
adyxax/syncthing-ansible-roleThe ansible role I use to orchestrate syncthing configurations on my personal in...Julien Dessaux18 months
adyxax/terraform-provider-eventlineA terraform provider for eventlineJulien Dessaux3 days
adyxax/trainsA simple web app to display train timetables for stations on France SNCF's netwo...Julien Dessaux2 years
adyxax/wwwMy personal websiteJulien Dessaux10 days
adyxax/zigfunge98a Funge-98 interpreter written in zigJulien Dessaux6 months
adyxax/zigoda configuration management and automation software to replace ansible on my infr...Julien Dessaux7 months
adyxax/avalon-arthurAI simulation IRC gameJulien Dessaux2 years
adyxax/bastionSSH bastion that features transparent connection and session recordingJulien Dessaux2 years
adyxax/cf-remoteCfengine remote host testing scriptJulien Dessaux2 years
adyxax/himawariGo program to bring himawari satellite image to your wallpaperJulien Dessaux2 years
adyxax/hsbotAn IRC bot written in haskellJulien Dessaux2 years
adyxax/masterfilesPolicy masterfiles that are shipped with CFEngine packagesJulien Dessaux2 years
adyxax/rocket-cli-clientA collection of tools to interact with rocket chatJulien Dessaux2 years
adyxax/shbotAn IRC bot written in bashJulien Dessaux2 years