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authorJulien Dessaux2009-08-13 00:04:49 +0200
committerJulien Dessaux2009-08-13 00:04:49 +0200
commit65646eb07fa559e072ed53b32d168ecd314cae14 (patch)
parentRethought the way I handled IRC data. (diff)
Added server states, in order to handle rebooting more cleanly (still missing saving the chan)
2 files changed, 25 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/Hsbot/Core.hs b/Hsbot/Core.hs
index 5e4853f..c62ae58 100644
--- a/Hsbot/Core.hs
+++ b/Hsbot/Core.hs
@@ -2,8 +2,10 @@ module Hsbot.Core
( Bot(..)
, Config(..)
, IrcServer(..)
+ , isConnected
, newbot
, sendstr
+ , saveServersStates
) where
import qualified Data.Map as M
@@ -30,7 +32,7 @@ data IrcServer = IrcServer
, password :: String -- the hsbot's password, optional
, realname :: String -- the hsbot's real name, optional
, administrators :: [String] -- bot admins nicknames
- } deriving (Eq, Show)
+ } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
-- | Returns a new, empty bot
newbot :: Bot
@@ -40,3 +42,15 @@ newbot = Bot (M.empty)
sendstr :: Handle -> String -> IO ()
sendstr handle str = hPrintf handle "%s\r\n" str
+-- | Are we already connected to this server?
+isConnected :: Bot -> IrcServer -> Bool
+isConnected (Bot bot) ircServer = ircServer `M.member` bot
+saveServerState :: Handle -> IrcServer -> Bot -> Bot
+saveServerState handle ircServer x@(Bot bot) =
+ if ircServer `M.member` bot then x
+ else (Bot $ M.insert ircServer handle bot)
+saveServersStates :: [(IrcServer,Handle)] -> Bot -> Bot
+saveServersStates liste bot = foldr (\(ircServer,handle) bot' -> saveServerState handle ircServer bot') bot liste
diff --git a/Hsbot/Main.hs b/Hsbot/Main.hs
index 9edd807..8c4be63 100644
--- a/Hsbot/Main.hs
+++ b/Hsbot/Main.hs
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ module Hsbot.Main
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Concurrent.Chan
import Control.Monad
+import qualified Data.Map as M
import System.IO
import System.Plugins
@@ -22,16 +23,19 @@ imain modul' reboot = imain' modul' reboot newbot
-- | Bot's main entry point
imain' :: Module -> Reboot -> Bot -> IO ()
imain' modul' reboot bot = do
- putStrLn "yeah"
+ -- The chan passing to reboot (or another way to keep it) is still missing
putStrLn "Connecting servers..."
- servers' <- mapM connectServer (ircServers C.config)
+ let newServers = filter (not . isConnected bot) (ircServers C.config)
+ newServers' <- mapM connectServer newServers
putStrLn "Joining channels..."
- mapM_ initServer servers'
+ mapM_ initServer newServers'
putStrLn "Spawning threads..."
+ let bot' = saveServersStates newServers' bot
+ Bot x = bot'
chan <- newChan :: IO (Chan IrcLine)
- mapM_ (forkIO . listener chan) servers'
- state <- monitor chan bot
- reboot modul' bot
+ mapM_ (forkIO . listener chan) (M.toList x)
+ bot'' <- monitor chan bot'
+ reboot modul' bot''
-- | Bot main loop, monitors the threads states and handle reboot
monitor :: (Chan IrcLine) -> Bot -> IO Bot