const std = @import("std"); const Line = struct { allocator: std.mem.Allocator, x: i64 = 0, data: std.ArrayList(i64), fn blank(l: *Line, x: i64) void { const lx = @intCast(i64, l.len()); if (x < l.x or x > l.x + lx - 1) { // outside the field return; } else if (x > l.x and x < l.x + lx - 1) { // just set the value[@intCast(usize, x - l.x)] = ' '; } else if (lx == 1) { // this was the last character on the line = 0; } else if (x == l.x) { // we need to remove leading spaces var i: usize = 1; while ([i] == ' ') : (i += 1) {} l.x += @intCast(i64, i); std.mem.copy(i64,[0 .. l.len() - i],[i..]); -= i; } else { // we need to remove trailing spaces var i: usize = l.len() - 1; while ([i - 1] == ' ') : (i -= 1) {} = i; } } test "blank" { var l = try Line.init(std.testing.allocator); defer l.deinit(); const initial = [_]i64{ 'b', 'a', '@', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f' }; try[0..]); l.x = -2; l.blank(-3); try std.testing.expectEqualSlices(i64,, initial[0..]); l.blank(8); try std.testing.expectEqualSlices(i64,, initial[0..]); l.blank(0); const zero = [_]i64{ 'b', 'a', ' ', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f' }; try std.testing.expectEqual(l.x, -2); try std.testing.expectEqualSlices(i64,, zero[0..]); l.blank(-2); const moins2 = [_]i64{ 'a', ' ', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f' }; try std.testing.expectEqual(l.x, -1); try std.testing.expectEqualSlices(i64,, moins2[0..]); l.blank(-1); const moins1 = [_]i64{ 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f' }; try std.testing.expectEqual(l.x, 1); try std.testing.expectEqualSlices(i64,, moins1[0..]); l.blank(4); const plus4 = [_]i64{ 'c', 'd', 'e' }; try std.testing.expectEqual(l.x, 1); try std.testing.expectEqualSlices(i64,, plus4[0..]); l.blank(2); const plus2 = [_]i64{ 'c', ' ', 'e' }; try std.testing.expectEqual(l.x, 1); try std.testing.expectEqualSlices(i64,, plus2[0..]); l.blank(3); const plus3 = [_]i64{'c'}; try std.testing.expectEqual(l.x, 1); try std.testing.expectEqualSlices(i64,, plus3[0..]); l.blank(1); try std.testing.expectEqual(l.len(), 0); } fn deinit(self: *Line) void {; self.allocator.destroy(self); } fn get(l: *Line, x: i64) i64 { if (x >= l.x and x < l.x + @intCast(i64, l.len())) return[@intCast(usize, x - @intCast(i64, l.x))]; return ' '; } fn init(allocator: std.mem.Allocator) !*Line { var l = try allocator.create(Line); l.allocator = allocator; = std.ArrayList(i64).init(allocator); return l; } inline fn len(l: Line) usize { return; } fn set(l: *Line, x: i64, v: i64) !void { if (l.len() == 0) { // this is en empty line l.x = x; try; return; } const lx = @intCast(i64, l.len()); if (x >= l.x) { if (x < l.x + lx) { // just set the value[@intCast(usize, x - l.x)] = v; } else { // we need to add trailing spaces var i: usize = l.len(); while (i < x - l.x) : (i += 1) { try' '); } try; } } else { // we need to shift right and add leading spaces const oldLen = l.len(); += @intCast(usize, l.x - x); try; std.mem.copyBackwards(i64,[@intCast(usize, l.x - x)..],[0..oldLen]);[0] = v; var i: usize = 1; while (i < @intCast(usize, l.x - x)) : (i += 1) {[i] = ' '; } l.x = x; } } test "set" { var l = try Line.init(std.testing.allocator); defer l.deinit(); try l.set(-1, '@'); const zero = [_]i64{'@'}; try std.testing.expectEqual(l.x, -1); try std.testing.expectEqualSlices(i64,, zero[0..]); try l.set(-1, 'a'); const a = [_]i64{'a'}; try std.testing.expectEqual(l.x, -1); try std.testing.expectEqualSlices(i64,, a[0..]); try l.set(0, 'b'); const b = [_]i64{ 'a', 'b' }; try std.testing.expectEqual(l.x, -1); try std.testing.expectEqualSlices(i64,, b[0..]); try l.set(2, 'c'); const c = [_]i64{ 'a', 'b', ' ', 'c' }; try std.testing.expectEqual(l.x, -1); try std.testing.expectEqualSlices(i64,, c[0..]); try l.set(-2, 'd'); const d = [_]i64{ 'd', 'a', 'b', ' ', 'c' }; try std.testing.expectEqual(l.x, -2); try std.testing.expectEqualSlices(i64,, d[0..]); try l.set(-4, 'e'); const e = [_]i64{ 'e', ' ', 'd', 'a', 'b', ' ', 'c' }; try std.testing.expectEqual(l.x, -4); try std.testing.expectEqualSlices(i64,, e[0..]); try std.testing.expectEqual(l.get(-5), ' '); try std.testing.expectEqual(l.get(-4), 'e'); try std.testing.expectEqual(l.get(-3), ' '); try std.testing.expectEqual(l.get(2), 'c'); try std.testing.expectEqual(l.get(3), ' '); } }; pub const Field = struct { allocator: std.mem.Allocator, x: i64 = 0, y: i64 = 0, lines: std.ArrayList(*Line), lx: usize = 0, pub fn blank(f: *Field, x: i64, y: i64) !void { const ly = @intCast(i64, f.lines.items.len); if (ly == 0) return error.EmptyFieldError; if (y < f.y or y >= f.y + ly) return; // outside the field var l = f.lines.items[@intCast(usize, y - f.y)]; if (l.len() == 0) return; // the line is already empty l.blank(x); if (l.len() == 0) { if (ly == 1) { return error.EmptyFieldError; } else if (y == f.y) { // we need to remove leading lines l.deinit(); var i: usize = 1; while (f.lines.items[i].len() == 0) : (i += 1) { f.lines.items[i].deinit(); } f.y += @intCast(i64, i); std.mem.copy(*Line, f.lines.items[0 .. f.lines.items.len - i], f.lines.items[i..]); f.lines.items.len -= i; } else if (y == f.y + ly - 1) { // we need to remove trailing lines l.deinit(); var i: usize = @intCast(usize, ly) - 2; while (f.lines.items[i].len() == 0) : (i -= 1) { f.lines.items[i].deinit(); } f.lines.items.len = i + 1; } } if (x == f.x or x == f.x + @intCast(i64, f.lx) - 1) { // recalculate boundaries f.x = std.math.maxInt(i64); var x2: i64 = std.math.minInt(i64); for (f.lines.items) |line| { if (line.len() == 0) continue; if (f.x > line.x) f.x = line.x; if (x2 < line.x + @intCast(i64, line.len())) x2 = line.x + @intCast(i64, line.len()); } f.lx = @intCast(usize, x2 - f.x); } } test "blank" { var f = try Field.init(std.testing.allocator); defer f.deinit(); f.lines.items[0].deinit(); f.lines.clearRetainingCapacity(); try std.testing.expectEqual(f.blank(1, 0), error.EmptyFieldError); var moins2 = try Line.init(std.testing.allocator); try moins2.set(-3, 'a'); var moins1 = try Line.init(std.testing.allocator); try moins1.set(6, 'b'); var zero = try Line.init(std.testing.allocator); try zero.set(-4, 'c'); var un = try Line.init(std.testing.allocator); try un.set(-8, 'd'); var deux = try Line.init(std.testing.allocator); try deux.set(12, 'e'); const initial = [_]*Line{ moins2, moins1, zero, un, deux }; try f.lines.appendSlice(initial[0..]); f.x = -8; f.lx = 21; f.y = -2; try f.blank(6, -1); try std.testing.expectEqual(f.x, -8); try std.testing.expectEqual(f.lx, 21); try std.testing.expectEqual(f.y, -2); try std.testing.expectEqual(f.lines.items.len, 5); try std.testing.expectEqual(f.lines.items[1].len(), 0); try f.blank(-3, -2); try std.testing.expectEqual(f.x, -8); try std.testing.expectEqual(f.lx, 21); try std.testing.expectEqual(f.y, 0); try std.testing.expectEqual(f.lines.items.len, 3); try f.blank(-8, 1); try std.testing.expectEqual(f.x, -4); try std.testing.expectEqual(f.lx, 17); try std.testing.expectEqual(f.y, 0); try std.testing.expectEqual(f.lines.items.len, 3); try std.testing.expectEqual(f.lines.items[1].len(), 0); try f.blank(12, 2); try std.testing.expectEqual(f.x, -4); try std.testing.expectEqual(f.lx, 1); try std.testing.expectEqual(f.y, 0); try std.testing.expectEqual(f.lines.items.len, 1); try std.testing.expectEqual(f.blank(-4, 0), error.EmptyFieldError); } pub fn deinit(self: *Field) void { for (self.lines.items) |*l| { l.*.deinit(); } self.lines.deinit(); self.allocator.destroy(self); } pub fn get(f: *Field, x: i64, y: i64) i64 { if (y >= f.y and y < f.y + @intCast(i64, f.lines.items.len)) return f.lines.items[@intCast(usize, y - @intCast(i64, f.y))].get(x); return ' '; } pub fn getSize(f: Field) [4]i64 { return [4]i64{ f.x, f.y, @intCast(i64, f.lx), @intCast(i64, f.lines.items.len) }; } fn init(allocator: std.mem.Allocator) !*Field { var f = try allocator.create(Field); errdefer allocator.destroy(f); f.allocator = allocator; f.x = undefined; f.y = 0; f.lines = std.ArrayList(*Line).init(allocator); var l = try f.lines.addOne(); l.* = try Line.init(allocator); f.lx = 0; return f; } pub fn init_from_reader(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, reader: anytype) !*Field { var f = try Field.init(allocator); errdefer f.deinit(); try f.load(reader); return f; } inline fn isIn(f: *Field, x: i64, y: i64) bool { return x >= f.x and y >= f.y and x < f.x + @intCast(i64, f.lx) and y < f.y + @intCast(i64, f.lines.items.len); } fn load(f: *Field, reader: anytype) !void { if (f.lines.items.len > 1 or f.lx > 0) return error.FIELD_NOT_EMPTY; var lastIsCR = false; var x: i64 = 0; var y: i64 = 0; while (true) { var buffer: [4096]u8 = undefined; var l = try[0..]); if (l == 0) return; var i: usize = 0; while (i < l) : (i += 1) { if (lastIsCR) { lastIsCR = false; switch (buffer[i]) { '\n' => continue, else => return error.GOT_CR_WITHOUT_LF, } } switch (buffer[i]) { 12 => continue, '\r' => { x = 0; y += 1; lastIsCR = true; }, '\n' => { x = 0; y += 1; }, else => { try f.set(x, y, buffer[i]); x += 1; }, } } } } test "load" { const crData = [_]u8{'v'} ** 4095 ++ "\r\n @"; var cr =; var f = try Field.init(std.testing.allocator); defer f.deinit(); try f.load(cr.reader()); try std.testing.expectEqual(f.x, 0); try std.testing.expectEqual(f.y, 0); try std.testing.expectEqual(f.lx, 4095); try std.testing.expectEqual(f.lines.items.len, 2); try std.testing.expectEqual(f.lines.items[0].data.items[0], 'v'); try std.testing.expectEqual(f.lines.items[1].x, 1); try std.testing.expectEqual(f.lines.items[1].data.items[0], '@'); var cr2 ="v\r@"); try std.testing.expectEqual(f.load(cr2.reader()), error.FIELD_NOT_EMPTY); var f2 = try Field.init(std.testing.allocator); defer f2.deinit(); try std.testing.expectEqual(f2.load(cr2.reader()), error.GOT_CR_WITHOUT_LF); } pub fn set(f: *Field, x: i64, y: i64, v: i64) !void { if (v == ' ') return f.blank(x, y); if (y >= f.y) { if (y < f.y + @intCast(i64, f.lines.items.len)) { // the line exists try f.lines.items[@intCast(usize, y - f.y)].set(x, v); } else { // append lines var i: usize = f.lines.items.len; while (i < y - f.y) : (i += 1) { try f.lines.append(try Line.init(f.allocator)); } var l = try Line.init(f.allocator); try l.set(x, v); try f.lines.append(l); } } else { // preprend lines const oldLen = f.lines.items.len; f.lines.items.len += @intCast(usize, f.y - y); try f.lines.ensureUnusedCapacity(f.lines.items.len); std.mem.copyBackwards(*Line, f.lines.items[@intCast(usize, f.y - y)..], f.lines.items[0..oldLen]); var l = try Line.init(f.allocator); try l.set(x, v); f.lines.items[0] = l; var i: usize = 1; while (i < @intCast(usize, f.y - y)) : (i += 1) { f.lines.items[i] = try Line.init(f.allocator); } f.y = y; } if (x < f.x or x >= f.x + @intCast(i64, f.lx)) { // recalculate boundaries f.x = std.math.maxInt(i64); var x2: i64 = std.math.minInt(i64); for (f.lines.items) |line| { if (line.len() == 0) continue; if (f.x > line.x) f.x = line.x; if (x2 < line.x + @intCast(i64, line.len())) x2 = line.x + @intCast(i64, line.len()); } f.lx = @intCast(usize, x2 - f.x); } return; } test "set" { var f = try Field.init(std.testing.allocator); defer f.deinit(); try f.set(0, 0, '0'); try std.testing.expectEqual(f.lines.items.len, 1); try std.testing.expectEqual(f.x, 0); try std.testing.expectEqual(f.lx, 1); try f.set(8, 2, '2'); try std.testing.expectEqual(f.lines.items.len, 3); try std.testing.expectEqual(f.x, 0); try std.testing.expectEqual(f.lx, 9); try f.set(-4, 1, '1'); try std.testing.expectEqual(f.lines.items.len, 3); try std.testing.expectEqual(f.x, -4); try std.testing.expectEqual(f.lx, 13); try std.testing.expectEqual(f.lines.items[1].data.items.len, 1); try std.testing.expectEqual(f.lines.items[1].data.items[0], '1'); try f.set(12, -3, 'a'); try std.testing.expectEqual(f.lines.items.len, 6); try std.testing.expectEqual(f.x, -4); try std.testing.expectEqual(f.lx, 17); try f.set(-7, -2, 'a'); try std.testing.expectEqual(f.lines.items.len, 6); try std.testing.expectEqual(f.x, -7); try std.testing.expectEqual(f.lx, 20); try std.testing.expectEqual(f.get(0, 0), '0'); try std.testing.expectEqual(f.get(8, 2), '2'); try std.testing.expectEqual(f.get(9, 2), ' '); } pub fn step(f: *Field, x: i64, y: i64, dx: i64, dy: i64) struct { x: i64, y: i64 } { var a = x + dx; var b = y + dy; if (f.isIn(a, b)) return .{ .x = a, .y = b }; // # We are stepping outside, we need to wrap the Lahey-space a = x; b = y; while (true) { var c = a - dx; var d = b - dy; if (!f.isIn(c, d)) return .{ .x = a, .y = b }; a = c; b = d; } } test "step" { var minimal ="@"); var f = try Field.init(std.testing.allocator); defer f.deinit(); try f.load(minimal.reader()); try std.testing.expectEqual(f.step(0, 0, 0, 0), .{ .x = 0, .y = 0 }); try std.testing.expectEqual(f.step(0, 0, 1, 0), .{ .x = 0, .y = 0 }); var hello ="64+\"!dlroW ,olleH\">:#,_@\n"); var fHello = try Field.init(std.testing.allocator); defer fHello.deinit(); try fHello.load(hello.reader()); try std.testing.expectEqual(fHello.step(3, 0, 0, 0), .{ .x = 3, .y = 0 }); try std.testing.expectEqual(fHello.step(3, 0, 1, 0), .{ .x = 4, .y = 0 }); try std.testing.expectEqual(fHello.step(0, 0, -1, 0), .{ .x = 23, .y = 0 }); } }; test "all" { std.testing.refAllDecls(@This()); } test "hello" { var hello ="64+\"!dlroW ,olleH\">:#,_@\n"); var f = try Field.init_from_reader(std.testing.allocator, hello.reader()); defer f.deinit(); try std.testing.expectEqual(f.x, 0); try std.testing.expectEqual(f.y, 0); try std.testing.expectEqual(f.lx, 24); try std.testing.expectEqual(f.lines.items.len, 1); try std.testing.expectEqual(f.lines.items[0].data.items[0], '6'); } test "minimal" { var minimal ="@"); var f = try Field.init_from_reader(std.testing.allocator, minimal.reader()); defer f.deinit(); try std.testing.expectEqual(f.x, 0); try std.testing.expectEqual(f.y, 0); try std.testing.expectEqual(f.lx, 1); try std.testing.expectEqual(f.lines.items.len, 1); try std.testing.expectEqual(f.lines.items[0].data.items[0], '@'); }