--- title: Documenting my miniflux installation description: miniflux is a rss feed reader and aggregator date: 2021-10-07 --- ## Introduction miniflux.adyxax.org is a [miniflux](https://miniflux.app/) instance that I have been using for about 5 years. It is a rss feed reader and aggregator written as a golang web application. It is a reliable piece of software and I never encountered any issue with it. I just migrated my setup from a standard hosting to my [k3s ipv6 test setup]({{< ref "k3s-ipv6" >}}) and took the opportunity to document the setup. ## Preparing the postgresql database I have a postgresql running in its own namespace from bitnami images. To provision the miniflux database I : ```sh export POSTGRES_PASSWORD=$(k get secret -n postgresql postgresql-secrets -o jsonpath="{.data.postgresql-password}"| base64 --decode) k run client --rm -ti -n postgresql --image docker.io/bitnami/postgresql:13.4.0-debian-10-r52 \ --env="PGPASSWORD=$POSTGRES_PASSWORD" --command -- psql --host postgresql -U postgres CREATE ROLE miniflux WITH LOGIN PASSWORD 'secret'; CREATE DATABASE miniflux WITH OWNER miniflux TEMPLATE template0 ENCODING UTF8 LC_COLLATE 'en_US.UTF-8' LC_CTYPE 'en_US.UTF-8'; \c miniflux create extension hstore; ``` Optionally import a dump of the database by running in another shell : ```sh k -n postgresql cp miniflux.sql-20211005 client:/tmp/ ``` Then in the psql shell : ```sh \c miniflux \i /tmp/miniflux.sql-20211005 ``` ## Kubernetes manifests in terraform This app is part of an experiment of mine to migrate stuff from traditional hosting to kubernetes. I first wrote manifests by hand then imported them with terraform. I do not like it and find it too complex/overkill but that is managed this way for now. ### DNS CNAME Since all configuration regarding this application is in terraform, so is the dns : ```hcl resource "cloudflare_record" "miniflux-cname" { zone_id = lookup(data.cloudflare_zones.adyxax-org.zones[0], "id") name = "miniflux" value = "myth.adyxax.org" type = "CNAME" proxied = false } ``` ### Namespace The basic terraform object works for simple things so here it is : ```hcl resource "kubernetes_namespace" "myth-miniflux" { provider = kubernetes.myth metadata { name = "miniflux" } } ``` ### Secret Here is the kubernetes secret that tells miniflux how to connect the database. The password comes from `terraform.tfvars`, you might need to update the service url with the format `<svc>.<namespace>.svc.cluster.local` : ```hcl resource "kubernetes_secret" "myth-miniflux-secrets" { provider = kubernetes.myth metadata { name = "miniflux-secrets" namespace = kubernetes_namespace.myth-miniflux.id } data = { ADMIN_PASSWORD = var.miniflux-admin-password DATABASE_URL = join("", [ "postgres://miniflux:${var.miniflux-postgres-password}", "@postgresql.postgresql.svc.cluster.local/miniflux?sslmode=disable"]) } type = "Opaque" } ``` ### Deployment I could not write the deployment with the `kubernetes_deployment` terraform ressource, so it is a row manifest which imports a yaml syntax in hcl. It is horrible to look at but works. Change the image tag to the latest stable version of miniflux before deploying : ```hcl resource "kubernetes_manifest" "myth-deployment-miniflux" { provider = kubernetes.myth manifest = { "apiVersion" = "apps/v1" "kind" = "Deployment" "metadata" = { "name" = "miniflux" "namespace" = kubernetes_namespace.myth-miniflux.id } "spec" = { "replicas" = 1 "selector" = { "matchLabels" = { "app" = "miniflux" } } "strategy" = { "type" = "RollingUpdate" "rollingUpdate" = { "maxSurge" = 1 "maxUnavailable" = 0 } } "template" = { "metadata" = { "labels" = { "app" = "miniflux" } } "spec" = { "containers" = [ { "env" = [ { "name" = "DATABASE_URL" "valueFrom" = { "secretKeyRef" = { "key" = "DATABASE_URL" "name" = "miniflux-secrets" } } }, { "name" = "RUN_MIGRATIONS" "value" = "1" }, { "name" = "ADMIN_USERNAME" "value" = "admin" }, { "name" = "ADMIN_PASSWORD" "valueFrom" = { "secretKeyRef" = { "key" = "ADMIN_PASSWORD" "name" = "miniflux-secrets" } } }, ] "image" = "miniflux/miniflux:2.0.33" "livenessProbe" = { "httpGet" = { "path" = "/" "port" = 8080 } "initialDelaySeconds" = 5 "timeoutSeconds" = 5 } "name" = "miniflux" "ports" = [ { "containerPort" = 8080 }, ] "readinessProbe" = { "httpGet" = { "path" = "/" "port" = 8080 } "initialDelaySeconds" = 5 "timeoutSeconds" = 5 } "lifecycle" = { "preStop" = { "exec" = { "command" = ["/bin/sh", "-c", "sleep 10"] } } } }, ] "terminationGracePeriodSeconds" = 1 } } } } } ``` ### Service ```hcl resource "kubernetes_manifest" "myth-service-miniflux" { provider = kubernetes.myth manifest = { "apiVersion" = "v1" "kind" = "Service" "metadata" = { "name" = "miniflux" "namespace" = kubernetes_namespace.myth-miniflux.id } "spec" = { "ports" = [ { "port" = 80 "protocol" = "TCP" "targetPort" = 8080 }, ] "selector" = { "app" = "miniflux" } "type" = "ClusterIP" } } } ``` ### Ingress ```hcl resource "kubernetes_manifest" "myth-ingress-miniflux" { provider = kubernetes.myth manifest = { "apiVersion" = "networking.k8s.io/v1" "kind" = "Ingress" "metadata" = { "name" = "miniflux" "namespace" = kubernetes_namespace.myth-miniflux.id } "spec" = { "ingressClassName" = "nginx" "rules" = [ { "host" = "miniflux.adyxax.org" "http" = { "paths" = [ { "path" = "/" "pathType" = "Prefix" "backend" = { "service" = { "name" = "miniflux" "port" = { "number" = 80 } } } }, ] } }, ] "tls" = [ { "secretName" = "wildcard-adyxax-org" }, ] } } } ``` ### Certificate For now I do not manage my certificates with terraform but manually. Once every two months I run : ```sh acme.sh --config-home "$HOME/.acme.sh" --server letsencrypt --dns dns_cf --issue -d adyxax.org -d *.adyxax.org --force kubectl -n miniflux create secret tls wildcard-adyxax-org --cert=$HOME/.acme.sh/adyxax.org/fullchain.cer \ --key=$HOME/.acme.sh/adyxax.org/adyxax.org.key -o yaml --save-config --dry-run=client | kubectl apply -f - ``` ## Conclusion I am not a fan of terraform for managing kubernetes resources. I committed to testing this path so I went all the way, but looking back I do not really like how it looks. So much boilerplate and so little value or abstractions! Miniflux is well maintained and updates are not so frequent that managing it this way becomes too much a pain, but I will find something better. If you have something clean to recommend do not hesitate to email me about it!