--- title: pf.conf description: The template I use on new installations tags: - FreeBSD - firewall - pf --- ## pf.conf The open ports list is refined depending on the usage obviously... It is just a template : ```conf ext_if=vtnet0 scrub in all table persist table const { self } table const { 10/8, 172.16/12, 192.168/16, fd00::/8 fe80::/10 } table const {, !10/8, !172.16/12, !192.168/16, ::/0, fe80::/10, !fd00::/8 } ##### Basic rules ##### nat pass on $ext_if from to -> ($ext_if:0) rdr-anchor "rdr/*" set skip on lo block return log ##### This firewall ##### block drop in on $ext_if pass inet proto icmp all icmp-type unreach code needfrag # MTU path discovery pass inet proto icmp all icmp-type { echoreq, unreach } # echo reply pass inet6 proto icmp6 all pass in on $ext_if proto tcp from to port { ssh, http, https, smtp, smtps, submission } pass out from to any ```