--- title: The Kite Runner description: Khaled Hosseini date: 2022-04-30 --- I started reading this book to take a break from fantasy stories. I found it following recommendations online and knew nothing about the story beforehand... I have to admit I could not bring myself to finish this book. After a month and a half I decided to give up on it. It is well written and I enjoyed the discovery of afghan culture that I really knew nothing about, but the trauma of a particular scene was just too much for me. I forced myself to continue reading after that until the characters get to the US, but just like Amir I could not turn the page on the previous events. And with Baba's fate... That was just too much for me and I made excuses to not pick up the book to a point I stopped reading anything. I still think it is a very good and well written book, it just is not for me. The soul crushing events of The Kite Runner are just that much powerful.