--- title: "Change owner on a PostgreSQL database and all tables" date: 2012-04-20 description: How to change owner on a PostgreSQL database and all tables tags: - PostgreSQL --- ## The solution Here is the sequence of commande that will change the owner of all objects in a database from a user named "support" to another named "test-support": ```sql ALTER DATABASE name OWNER TO new_owner for tbl in `psql -qAt -c "select tablename from pg_tables where schemaname = 'public';" YOUR_DB` ; do psql -c "alter table $tbl owner to NEW_OWNER" YOUR_DB ; done for tbl in `psql -qAt -c "select sequence_name from information_schema.sequences where sequence_schema = 'public';" YOUR_DB` ; do psql -c "alter table $tbl owner to NEW_OWNER" YOUR_DB ; done for tbl in `psql -qAt -c "select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'public';" YOUR_DB` ; do psql -c "alter table $tbl owner to NEW_OWNER" YOUR_DB ; done ``` ```sql reassign owned by "support" to "test-support"; ```