--- title: "Installation notes of eventline on FreeBSD" description: My production setup date: 2022-09-15 tags: - Eventline - FreeBSD - PostgreSQL --- ## Introduction Please refer to [the official website](https://www.exograd.com/doc/eventline/handbook.html#_deployment_and_configuration) documentation for an up to date installation guide. This page only lists what I had to do at the time to setup eventline and adapt it to my particular setup. ## Preparing the postgresql database A Postgresql database version 14 or above is the only dependency, let's install it: ```sh pkg install postgresql14-server postgresql14-contrib /usr/local/etc/rc.d/postgresql enable /usr/local/etc/rc.d/postgresql initdb /usr/local/etc/rc.d/postgresql start ``` Now let's provision a database: ```sh su - postgres createuser -W eventline createdb -O eventline eventline ``` Connect to the database and activate the pgcryto extension: ```sql psql -U eventline -W eventline CREATE EXTENSION pgcrypto; ``` ## Eventline Exograd (the company behind eventline) maintains a FreeBSD repository, let's use it: ```sh curl -sSfL -o /usr/local/etc/pkg/repos/exograd-public.conf \ https://pkg.exograd.com/public/freebsd/exograd.conf pkg update pkg install eventline ``` Edit the `/usr/local/etc/eventline/eventline.yaml` configuration file: ```yaml data_directory: "/usr/local/share/eventline" api_http_server: address: "localhost:8085" web_http_server: address: "localhost:8087" web_http_server_uri: "https://eventline.adyxax.org/" pg: uri: "postgres://eventline:XXXXXXXX@localhost:5432/eventline" # You need to generate a random encryption, for example using OpenSSL: # openssl rand -base64 32 encryption_key: "YYYYYYYY" ``` Now start eventline with: ```sh service eventline enable service eventline start ``` ## DNS record Since all configuration regarding this application is in terraform, so is the dns: ```hcl resource "cloudflare_record" "eventline-cname" { zone_id = lookup(data.cloudflare_zones.adyxax-org.zones[0], "id") name = "eventline" value = "" type = "A" proxied = false } ``` This IP is the wireguard endpoint on the server hosting eventline. Having this hostname is important for the ssl certificate validation, otherwise firefox will complain! ## Nginx configuration This nginx configuration listens on the ip of a wireguard interface: ```cfg server { listen; server_name eventline.adyxax.org; location / { return 308 https://$server_name$request_uri; } } # webui server { listen ssl; server_name eventline.adyxax.org; location / { proxy_pass; include headers_secure.conf; } ssl_certificate adyxax.org.fullchain; ssl_certificate_key adyxax.org.key; } # api-server server { listen ssl; server_name eventline.adyxax.org; location / { proxy_pass; include headers_secure.conf; } ssl_certificate adyxax.org.fullchain; ssl_certificate_key adyxax.org.key; } ``` ## Admin account's password Go to the domain you configured (https://eventline.adyxax.org/ for me) and login to your new eventline with username `admin` and password `admin`. Then go to `Account` and click `Change password`. ## Backups Backups are run with borg and stored on `yen.adyxax.org`. I used my [borg ansible role]({{< ref "docs/adyxax.org/backups/borg-ansible-role.md" >}}) for that. There is only one backup job: a pg_dump of eventline's postgresql database ## Final words Eventline is very simple but there is always some sysadmin work to do if you want things done well. Also I cleaned up some of my scripts in [a public repository](https://git.adyxax.org/adyxax/ev-scripts/tree/) and will detail my eventline jobs implementation in a next article. I am now toying with eventline to orchestrate migrations and tasks for which I relied on ansible, I feel I can simplify and improve things this way!