--- title: Wireguard on Linux description: Alpine, Debian, Ubuntu, Gentoo, RedHat, AlmaLinux, Rocky Linux, Oracle Linux date: 2023-02-20 tags: - Alpine - Debian - Gentoo - Linux - vpn - wireguard --- ## Introduction This article explains how to configure wireguard on Linux. ## Installation Alpine >= 3.17: ```sh apk add wireguard-tools ``` Debian >= 11, Ubuntu >= 22.04: ```sh apt update -qq apt install -y --no-install-recommends iproute2 wireguard ``` Gentoo: ```sh emerge net-vpn/wireguard-tools -q ``` RedHat, AlmaLinux, Rocky Linux, Oracle Linux >= 9: ```sh echo wireguard > /etc/modules-load.d/wireguard.conf modprobe wireguard dnf install wireguard-tools ``` ## Generating keys The private and public keys for a host can be generated with the following commands: ```sh PRIVATE_KEY=`wg genkey` PUBLIC_KEY=`printf $PRIVATE_KEY|wg pubkey` echo private_key: $PRIVATE_KEY echo public_key: $PUBLIC_KEY ``` ## Configuration All linux distributions seem to have standardized on a single directory to hold wireguard's configuration file, we are lucky! Here is an example of my `/etc/wireguard/wg0.conf` that creates a tunnel listening on udp port 342 and has one remote peer: ```cfg [Interface] PrivateKey = MzrfXLmSfTaCpkJWKwNlCSD20eDq7fo18aJ3Dl1D0gA= ListenPort = 342 Address = [Peer] PublicKey = R4A01RXXqRJSY9TiKQrZGR85HsFNSXxhRKKEu/bEdTQ= Endpoint = AllowedIPs = PersistentKeepalive = 60 ``` To implement this example you will need to generate two sets of keys. The configuration for the first server will feature the first server's private key in the `[Interface]` section and the second server's public key in the `[Peer]` section, and vice versa for the configuration of the second server. This example is from a machine that can be hidden behind nat therefore I configure a `PersistentKeepalive`. If your host has a public IP this line is not needed. ## Enabling wireguard and starting the tunnel Alpine: ```sh service wireguard enable echo 'wireguard_interfaces="wg0"' >> /etc/rc.conf service wireguard start ``` Gentoo: ```sh cd /etc/init.d ln -s wg-quick wg-quick.wg0 rc-update add wg-quick.wg0 default /etc/init.d/wg-quick.wg0 start ``` All the other systemd based distributions: ```sh systemctl enable wg-quick@wg0 systemctl start wg-quick@wg0 ``` ## Administration The tunnel can be managed with the `wg` command: ```sh root@hurricane:~# wg interface: wg0 public key: 7fbr/yumFeTzXwxIHnEs462JLFToUyJ7yCOdeDFmP20= private key: (hidden) listening port: 342 peer: R4A01RXXqRJSY9TiKQrZGR85HsFNSXxhRKKEu/bEdTQ= endpoint: allowed ips: latest handshake: 57 seconds ago transfer: 1003.48 KiB received, 185.89 KiB sent persistent keepalive: every 1 minute ``` The ip configuration still relies on `ifconfig`: ```sh root@hurricane:~# ifconfig wg0 wg0: flags=80c1 metric 0 mtu 1420 options=80000 inet netmask 0xffffff00 groups: wg nd6 options=109 ```