package database import ( "" ) // Creates a new user in the database // a QueryError is return if the username already exists (database constraints not met) func (env *DBEnv) CreateUser(reg *model.UserRegistration) (*model.User, error) { hash, err := hashPassword(reg.Password) if err != nil { return nil, err } query := ` INSERT INTO users (username, password, email) VALUES ($1, $2, $3);` tx, err := env.db.Begin() if err != nil { return nil, newTransactionError("Could not Begin()", err) } result, err := tx.Exec( query, reg.Username, hash, reg.Email, ) if err != nil { tx.Rollback() return nil, newQueryError("Could not run database query, most likely the username already exists", err) } id, err := result.LastInsertId() if err != nil { tx.Rollback() return nil, newTransactionError("Could not get LastInsertId, the database driver does not support this feature", err) } if err := tx.Commit(); err != nil { return nil, newTransactionError("Could not commit transaction", err) } user := model.User{ Id: int(id), Username: reg.Username, Email: reg.Email, } return &user, nil } // Login logs a user in if the password matches the hash in database // a PasswordError is return if the passwords do not match // a QueryError is returned if the username contains invalid sql characters like % func (env *DBEnv) Login(login *model.UserLogin) (*model.User, error) { query := `SELECT id, password, email FROM users WHERE username = $1;` user := model.User{Username: login.Username} var hash string err := env.db.QueryRow( query, login.Username, ).Scan( &user.Id, &hash, &user.Email, ) if err != nil { return nil, newQueryError("Could not run database query", err) } err = checkPassword(hash, login.Password) if err != nil { return nil, err } return &user, nil }