

This ansible role handles the installation and configuration of syncthing.


I wanted a role to install and configure syncthing for me and did not find an existing one that satisfied me. I had a few mandatory features in mind: - the ability to configure a servers parameters in only one place to avoid repetition - having a fact that retrieves the ID of a device - the validation of host_vars which virtually no role in the wild ever does - the ability to manage an additional inventory file for devices which ansible cannot manage (like my phone)


This role relies on doas being installed and configured so that your ansible user can run the syncthing cli as the syncthing user.

Here is an example of a doas.conf that works for the ansible user:

permit  nopass  ansible  as  syncthing

Role variables

There is a single variable to specify in the host_vars of your hosts: syncthing. This is a dict that can contain the following keys: - address: optional string to specify how to connect to the server, must match the format tcp://<hostname> or tcp://<ip>. Default value is dynamic which means a passive host. - shared: a mandatory dict describing the directories this host shares, which can contain the following keys: - name: a mandatory string to name the share in the configuration. It must match on all devices that share this folder. - path: the path of the folder on the device. This can differ on each device sharing this data. - peers: a list a strings. Each item should be either the ansible_hostname of another device, or a hostname from the syncthing_data.yaml file

Configuring a host through its host_vars looks like this:

  address: tcp://lore.adyxax.org
    - name: org-mode
      path: /var/syncthing/org-mode
        - hero
        - light
        - lumapps
        - Pixel 3a

The optional syncthing_data.yaml file

To be found by the action_plugins, this file should be in the same folder as your playbook. It shares the same format as the host_vars but with additional keys for the hostname and its ID.

The data file for non ansible devices looks like this:

- name: Pixel 3a
    - name: Music
      path: /storage/emulated/0/Music
        - phoenix
    - name: Photos
      path: /storage/emulated/0/DCIM/Camera
        - phoenix
    - name: org-mode
      path: /storage/emulated/0/Org
        - lore.adyxax.org

Example playbook

- hosts: all
    -  {  role:  syncthing, tags: [ 'syncthing' ], when: "syncthing is defined" }