import { debugLog, } from './api.ts'; import { PriorityQueue } from './priority_queue.ts'; import { getShips } from './ships.ts'; import { market } from './systems.ts'; import { Cargo, CargoManifest, CommonThing, Waypoint, } from './types.ts'; export type CategorizedCargo = { wanted: CargoManifest; goods: CargoManifest; }; type Point = { x: number; y: number; }; type Price = { price: number; }; // cargo is a ship.cargo object, want is an optional symbol export function categorizeCargo(cargo: Cargo, want?: string): CategorizedCargo { const wanted = cargo.inventory.filter(i => i.symbol === want || i.symbol === 'ANTIMATTER'); const goods = cargo.inventory.filter(i => i.symbol !== want && i.symbol !== 'ANTIMATTER'); const wobj = wanted.reduce(function(acc: CargoManifest, e) { acc[e.symbol] = e.units; return acc; }, {}); const gobj = goods.reduce(function(acc: CargoManifest, e) { acc[e.symbol] = e.units; return acc; }, {}); return {wanted: wobj, goods: gobj}; } export function distance(a: Point, b: Point) { return Math.sqrt((a.x-b.x)**2 + (a.y-b.y)**2); } export function is_there_a_ship_at_this_waypoint(waypoint: Waypoint): boolean { return getShips().some(s => s.nav.waypointSymbol === waypoint.symbol); } export function sortByDistanceFrom(a: Point, points: Array): Array<{data: T, distance: number}>{ let result = (m) { return { data: m, distance: distance(a, m), }}); result.sort(function(a, b) { if (a.distance < b.distance) { return -1; } else if (a.distance > b.distance) { return 1; } return 0; }); return result; } export function sortByPrice(data: Array): void { data.sort(function(a, b) { if (a.price < b.price) { return -1; } else if (a.price > b.price) { return 1; } return 0; }); } type Step = {waypoint: Waypoint, prev: string, fuel: number, total: number}; type ShortestPath = Array<{symbol: string, fuel: number}>; export async function shortestPath(origin: Waypoint, destination: Waypoint, range: number, waypoints: Array): Promise { if (range === 0) range = Infinity; let backtrace: {[key: string]: Step} = {}; let fuels: {[key: string]: number} = {}; // fuel = distance + 1 per hop let unvisited: {[key: string]: Waypoint} = {}; waypoints.forEach(function(w) { fuels[w.symbol] = Infinity; unvisited[w.symbol] = w; }); fuels[origin.symbol] = 0; let queue = new PriorityQueue(); queue.enqueue({waypoint: origin, prev: origin.symbol, fuel: 0, total: 0}, 0); while(!queue.isEmpty()) { let step = queue.dequeue() as Step; const symbol = step.waypoint.symbol; if (!(symbol in unvisited)) continue; backtrace[symbol] = step; const prev = unvisited[symbol]; delete unvisited[symbol]; for(const ws in unvisited) { const w = unvisited[ws]; const f = distance(prev, w) + 1; if (f > range) continue; const total = step.fuel + f; if (fuels[ws] > total) { fuels[ws] = total; const nextStep = {waypoint: w, prev: symbol, fuel: f, total: total}; if (ws === destination.symbol) { backtrace[ws] = nextStep; break; } if (!w.traits.some(t => t.symbol === 'MARKETPLACE')) continue; const m = await market(w); if (whatCanBeTradedAt({"FUEL":1}, m.exports.concat( === 0) continue; queue.enqueue(nextStep, total); } } } let result: ShortestPath = []; let step = backtrace[destination.symbol]; if (step === undefined) throw `Cannot compute shortest path from ${origin.symbol} to ${destination.symbol} with range ${range}.`; for (; step.waypoint.symbol != origin.symbol; step = backtrace[step.prev]) { result.push({symbol: step.waypoint.symbol, fuel: step.fuel}); } return result; } export function systemFromWaypoint(waypoint: string): string { return waypoint.split('-').slice(0,2).join('-'); } export function whatCanBeTradedAt(cargo: CargoManifest, goods: Array): Array { return goods.filter(g => cargo[g.symbol] !== undefined ); }