import { Response, debugLog, send, sleep, } from './api.ts'; import { MarketTradeVolumeError, ShipIsCurrentlyInTransitError, ShipIsStillOnCooldownError, ShipRequiresMoreFuelForNavigationError, } from './errors.ts'; import * as libSystems from './systems.ts'; import { Agent, Cargo, Contract, Cooldown, Fuel, Nav, Registration, Waypoint, } from './types.ts'; import { shortestPath, } from './utils.ts'; import * as dbAgents from '../database/agents.ts'; import * as dbContracts from '../database/contracts.ts'; export async function getShips(): Promise> { const response = await send>({endpoint: `/my/ships`, page: 1}); if (response.error) { debugLog(response); throw response; } return => new Ship(ship)); } export class Ship { cargo: Cargo; cooldown: Cooldown; // crew // engine // frame fuel: Fuel; // modules // mounts nav: Nav; // reactor registration: Registration; symbol: string; constructor(ship: Ship) { this.cargo = ship.cargo; this.cooldown = ship.cooldown; this.fuel = ship.fuel; this.nav = ship.nav; this.registration = ship.registration; this.symbol = ship.symbol; } async dock(): Promise { if (this.nav.status === 'DOCKED') return; const response = await send<{nav: Nav}>({endpoint: `/my/ships/${this.symbol}/dock`, method: 'POST'}); if (response.error) { switch(response.error.code) { case 4214: const sicite = as ShipIsCurrentlyInTransitError; await sleep(sicite.secondsToArrival * 1000); return await this.dock(); default: // yet unhandled error debugLog(response); throw response; } } this.nav =; } async extract(): Promise { if (this.isFull()) return this.cargo; // TODO move to a suitable asteroid? // const asteroidFields = await systems.type({symbol: this.nav.systemSymbol, type: 'ENGINEERED_ASTEROID'}); // TODO if there are multiple fields, find the closest one? //await navigate({symbol: ctx.symbol, waypoint: asteroidFields[0].symbol}); await this.orbit(); // TODO handle surveying? const response = await send<{cooldown: Cooldown, cargo: Cargo}>({endpoint: `/my/ships/${this.symbol}/extract`, method: 'POST'}); // TODO extraction and events api response fields cf if (response.error) { switch(response.error.code) { case 4000: const sisoce = as ShipIsStillOnCooldownError; await sleep(sisoce.cooldown.remainingSeconds * 1000); return await this.extract(); case 4228: // ship is full return this.cargo; default: // yet unhandled error debugLog(response); throw response; } } this.cargo =; await sleep(*1000); return this.cargo; } isFull(): boolean { return this.cargo.units >= this.cargo.capacity * 0.9; } async navigate(waypoint: Waypoint): Promise { let path = shortestPath(await libSystems.waypoint(this.nav.route.destination.symbol), waypoint, this.fuel.capacity, await libSystems.waypoints(this.nav.systemSymbol)); while (path.length > 0) { const next = path.pop(); if (next === undefined) break; if (next.fuel > this.fuel.current) { // TODO also refuel if the destination does not sell fuel? await this.refuel(); } await this.navigateTo(next.symbol); } } private async navigateTo(symbol: string): Promise { await this.orbit(); const response = await send<{fuel: Fuel, nav: Nav}>({endpoint: `/my/ships/${this.symbol}/navigate`, method: 'POST', payload: { waypointSymbol: symbol }}); // TODO events field if (response.error) { switch(response.error.code) { case 4203: // not enough fuel // This should not happen given the logic in navigate() const srmffne = as ShipRequiresMoreFuelForNavigationError; debugLog(response); debugLog(srmffne); throw response; case 4214: const sicite = as ShipIsCurrentlyInTransitError; await sleep(sicite.secondsToArrival * 1000); return await this.navigateTo(symbol); default: // yet unhandled error debugLog(response); throw response; } } this.fuel =; this.nav =; const delay = new Date(this.nav.route.arrival).getTime() - new Date().getTime() ; await sleep(delay); this.nav.status = 'IN_ORBIT'; // we arrive in orbit } async negotiate(): Promise { await this.dock(); const response = await send<{contract: Contract}>({endpoint: `/my/ships/${this.symbol}/negotiate/contract`, method: 'POST'}); if (response.error) { switch(response.error.code) { case 4214: const sicite = as ShipIsCurrentlyInTransitError; await sleep(sicite.secondsToArrival * 1000); return await this.negotiate(); default: // yet unhandled error debugLog(response); throw response; } } dbContracts.setContract(; return; } async orbit(): Promise { if (this.nav.status === 'IN_ORBIT') return; const response = await send<{nav: Nav}>({endpoint: `/my/ships/${this.symbol}/orbit`, method: 'POST'}); if (response.error) { switch(response.error.code) { case 4214: const sicite = as ShipIsCurrentlyInTransitError; await sleep(sicite.secondsToArrival * 1000); return await this.orbit(); default: // yet unhandled error debugLog(response); throw response; } } this.nav =; } async purchase(tradeSymbol: string, units: number): Promise { if (units <= 0) return; await this.dock(); // TODO take into account the tradevolume, we might need to buy in multiple steps const response = await send<{agent: Agent, cargo: Cargo}>({endpoint: `/my/ships/${this.symbol}/purchase`, method: 'POST', payload: { symbol: tradeSymbol, units: units }}); // TODO transaction field if (response.error) { switch(response.error.code) { case 4604: // units per transaction limit exceeded const mtve = as MarketTradeVolumeError; await this.purchase(tradeSymbol, mtve.tradeVolume); return await this.purchase(tradeSymbol, units - mtve.tradeVolume); default: debugLog(response); throw response; } } this.cargo =; dbAgents.setAgent(; } async refuel(): Promise { if (this.fuel.current === this.fuel.capacity) return; // TODO check if our current waypoint has a marketplace (and sells fuel)? await this.dock(); const response = await send<{agent: Agent, fuel: Fuel}>({endpoint: `/my/ships/${this.symbol}/refuel`, method: 'POST'}); // TODO transaction field if (response.error) { debugLog(response); throw response; } this.fuel =; dbAgents.setAgent(; } async sell(tradeSymbol: string, maybeUnits?: number): Promise { // TODO check if our current waypoint has a marketplace and buys tradeSymbol? await this.dock(); let units = 0; if (maybeUnits !== undefined) { units = maybeUnits; } else { this.cargo.inventory.forEach(i => {if (i.symbol === tradeSymbol) units = i.units; }); } // TODO take into account the tradevolume if we know it already, we might need to buy in multiple steps const response = await send<{agent: Agent, cargo: Cargo}>({endpoint: `/my/ships/${this.symbol}/sell`, method: 'POST', payload: { symbol: tradeSymbol, units: units }}); // TODO transaction field if (response.error) { switch(response.error.code) { case 4604: // units per transaction limit exceeded const mtve = as MarketTradeVolumeError; await this.sell(tradeSymbol, mtve.tradeVolume); // TODO cache this information return await this.sell(tradeSymbol, units - mtve.tradeVolume); default: debugLog(response); throw response; } } this.cargo =; dbAgents.setAgent(; return this.cargo; } }