import * as autoTrading from './trading.ts'; import { debugLog } from '../lib/api.ts'; import { Ship } from '../lib/ships.ts'; import * as mining from './mining.ts'; import * as selling from './selling.ts'; import { Contract, getContracts } from '../lib/contracts.ts'; import * as libSystems from '../lib/systems.ts'; import * as systems from '../lib/systems.ts'; import { sortByDistanceFrom, } from '../lib/utils.ts'; export async function run(ship: Ship): Promise { const contracts = await getContracts(); const active = contracts.filter(function(c) { if (c.fulfilled) return false; const deadline = new Date(c.terms.deadline).getTime(); const now = new Date().getTime(); return deadline > now; }); for (const contract of active) { await runOne(contract, ship); } while(true) { await runOne(await ship.negotiate(), ship); } } async function runOne(contract: Contract, ship: Ship): Promise { debugLog(contract); await contract.accept(); switch(contract.type) { case 'PROCUREMENT': //if (contract.terms.deliver[0].tradeSymbol.match(/_ORE$/)) { // await runOreProcurement(contract, ship); //} else { await runTradeProcurement(contract, ship); //} break; default: throw `Handling of contract type ${contract.type} is not implemented yet`; } } async function runOreProcurement(contract: Contract, ship: Ship): Promise { const wantedCargo = contract.terms.deliver[0].tradeSymbol; const deliveryPoint = await libSystems.waypoint(contract.terms.deliver[0].destinationSymbol); const asteroids = await systems.type(ship.nav.systemSymbol, 'ENGINEERED_ASTEROID'); const asteroid = await systems.waypoint(asteroids[0].symbol); while (!contract.fulfilled) { const goodCargo = ship.cargo.inventory.filter(i => i.symbol === wantedCargo)[0] // what we do depends on where we are switch (ship.nav.waypointSymbol) { case asteroid.symbol: await mining.mineUntilFullFor(contract, ship, asteroid); await ship.navigate(deliveryPoint); break; case deliveryPoint.symbol: if (goodCargo !== undefined) { // we could be here if a client restart happens right after selling before we navigate away await contract.deliver(ship); if (contract.fulfilled) return; } await ship.navigate(asteroid); break; default: await selling.sell(ship, wantedCargo); await ship.navigate(asteroid); } } } async function runTradeProcurement(contract: Contract, ship: Ship): Promise { const deliver = contract.terms.deliver[0]; const deliveryPoint = await libSystems.waypoint(deliver.destinationSymbol); const wantedCargo = deliver.tradeSymbol; while (!contract.fulfilled) { const goodCargo = ship.cargo.inventory.filter(i => i.symbol === wantedCargo)[0] // make sure we are not carrying useless stuff await selling.sell(ship, wantedCargo); if (ship.cargo.units < ship.cargo.capacity) { // go buy what we need const markets = sortByDistanceFrom(ship.nav.route.destination, await libSystems.trait(ship.nav.systemSymbol, 'MARKETPLACE')); // check from the closest one that exports what we need let buyingPoint: string = ""; outer: for (let i = 0; i < markets.length; i++) { const waypoint = await libSystems.waypoint(markets[i].data.symbol); const market = await; for (let j = 0; j < market.exports.length; j++) { if (market.exports[j].symbol === wantedCargo) { buyingPoint = market.symbol; break outer; } } } // if we did not find an exporting market we look for an exchange if (buyingPoint === "") { outer: for (let i = 0; i < markets.length; i++) { const waypoint = await libSystems.waypoint(markets[i].data.symbol); const market = await; for (let j = 0; j <; j++) { if ([j].symbol === wantedCargo) { buyingPoint = market.symbol; break outer; } } } } if (buyingPoint === "") { debugLog(`runTradeProcurement failed, no market exports or exchanges ${wantedCargo}`); //await; throw "not implemented"; } // go buy what we need await ship.navigate(await libSystems.waypoint(buyingPoint)); const units = Math.min( deliver.unitsRequired - deliver.unitsFulfilled, ship.cargo.capacity - ship.cargo.units, ); await ship.purchase(wantedCargo, units); } // then make a delivery await ship.navigate(deliveryPoint); await contract.deliver(ship); if (contract.fulfilled) return; } console.log("runTradeProcurement not implemented"); throw "not implemented"; }