import events from 'events'; import * as autoContracting from './contracting.ts'; import { debugLog, send, sleep } from '../lib/api.ts'; import { getAgent } from '../lib/agent.ts'; import { getShips, Ship } from '../lib/ships.ts'; import { market, shipyard, trait, waypoint } from '../lib/systems.ts'; import { Waypoint } from '../lib/types.ts'; import { distance, sortByDistanceFrom, } from '../lib/utils.ts'; const bus = new events.EventEmitter(); // a bus to notify the agent to start purchasing ships let running = false; let state = 0; enum states { start_running_contracts_with_the_command_ship = 0, visit_all_shipyards, send_the_starting_probe_to_a_shipyard_that_sells_probes, } export async function run(): Promise { if (running) { throw 'refusing to start a second agent processor'; } running = true; state = 0; try { while(true) { const ships = getShips(); switch(state) { case states.start_running_contracts_with_the_command_ship: // TODO await[0]); state++; continue; case states.visit_all_shipyards: await visit_all_shipyards(ships[1]); state++; continue; case states.send_the_starting_probe_to_a_shipyard_that_sells_probes: await send_the_starting_probe_to_a_shipyard_that_sells_probes(ships[1]); state++; continue; default: debugLog('No more agent processor states implemented, exiting!') return; } } } catch (e) { running = false; throw e; } } async function send_the_starting_probe_to_a_shipyard_that_sells_probes(probe: Ship) { const probeWaypoint = await waypoint(probe.nav.waypointSymbol); const myShipyard = await shipyard(probeWaypoint); if (myShipyard.shipTypes.some(t => t.type === 'SHIP_PROBE')) return; // our starting probe is not at a shipyard that sells probes, let's move const shipyardWaypoints = await trait(probe.nav.systemSymbol, 'SHIPYARD'); let candidates: Array<{price: number, waypoint: Waypoint}> = []; for (const w of shipyardWaypoints) { const shipyardData = await shipyard(w); const probeData = shipyardData.ships.filter(t => t.type === 'SHIP_PROBE'); if (probeData.length === 0) continue; candidates.push({price: probeData[0].purchasePrice, waypoint: w }); }; candidates.sort(function(a, b) { if (a.price < b.price) { return -1; } else if (a.price > b.price) { return 1; } return 0; }); await probe.navigate(candidates[0].waypoint); } async function visit_all_shipyards(probe: Ship) { const probeWaypoint = await waypoint(probe.nav.waypointSymbol); const shipyardWaypoints = await trait(probe.nav.systemSymbol, 'SHIPYARD'); let candidates: Array = []; for (const w of shipyardWaypoints) { const shipyardData = await shipyard(w); if (shipyardData.ships) continue; candidates.push(w); } const nexts = sortByDistanceFrom(probeWaypoint, candidates).map(o =>; for (const next of nexts) { await probe.navigate(next); await market(next); await shipyard(next); } }