import * as mining from './mining.js'; import * as dbShips from '../database/ships.js'; import * as api from '../lib/api.js'; import * as contracts from '../lib/contracts.js'; import * as ships from '../lib/ships.js'; import * as systems from '../lib/systems.js'; export async function auto(ctx) { let ship = dbShips.getShip(ctx.symbol); // Fetch our contracts in the system the ship currently is in let cs = await contracts.contracts(); cs = => c.terms.deliver[0].destinationSymbol.startsWith(ship.nav.systemSymbol)); if (cs === []) throw `No contract at ${ctx.symbol}'s location`; let contract = cs[0]; if (!contract.accepted) { console.log(new Date(), `accepting contract ${}`); await contracts.accept({contract:}); } const good = contract.terms.deliver[0].tradeSymbol; const deliveryPoint = contract.terms.deliver[0].destinationSymbol; const asteroidFields = await systems.type({symbol: ship.nav.systemSymbol, type: 'ASTEROID_FIELD'}); const asteroidField = asteroidFields[0].symbol; while (true) { ship = dbShips.getShip(ctx.symbol); // If we are in transit, we wait until we arrive const delay = new Date(ship.nav.route.arrival) - new Date(); if (delay > 0) await api.sleep(delay); // Then it depends on where we are let goodCargo = ship.cargo.inventory.filter(i => i.symbol === good)[0]; // the switch makes this 'resumable' switch (ship.nav.waypointSymbol) { case asteroidField: let response = await mining.mineUntilFullOf({good: good, symbol: ctx.symbol}); await ships.navigate({symbol: ctx.symbol, waypoint: deliveryPoint}); break; case deliveryPoint: await ships.dock({symbol: ctx.symbol}); await ships.refuel({symbol: ctx.symbol}); if (goodCargo !== undefined) { console.log(`delivering ${goodCargo.units} of ${good}`); await contracts.deliver({contract:, symbol: ctx.symbol, good: good, units: goodCargo.units }); } await ships.navigate({symbol: ctx.symbol, waypoint: asteroidField}); await ships.dock({symbol: ctx.symbol}); await ships.refuel({symbol: ctx.symbol}); await ships.orbit({symbol: ctx.symbol}); break; default: await ships.navigate({symbol: ctx.symbol, waypoint: asteroidField}); await ships.dock({symbol: ctx.symbol}); await ships.refuel({symbol: ctx.symbol}); await ships.orbit({symbol: ctx.symbol}); } } }