import os, strutils import std/[hashes, oids, re, times, uri] import tiny_sqlite import jester import nimja/parser import database const allCss = staticRead("../static/all.css") const cssRoute = "/static/all.css." & $hash(allCss) const favicon = staticRead("../static/favicon.ico") var db {.threadvar.}: DbConn proc initDB() {.raises: [SqliteError].}= if not db.isOpen(): db = openDatabase("short.db") if not db.Migrate(): echo "Failed to migrate database schema" quit 1 func renderIndex(): string {.raises: [].} = var req: ShortUrl compileTemplateFile(getScriptDir() / "templates/index.html") func renderShort(req: ShortUrl): string {.raises: [].} = compileTemplateFile(getScriptDir() / "templates/short.html") func renderNoShort(req: ShortUrl): string {.raises: [].} = compileTemplateFile(getScriptDir() / "templates/noshort.html") func renderError(code: int, msg: string): string {.raises: [].} = compileTemplateFile(getScriptDir() / "templates/error.html") proc handleToken(token:string): (HttpCode, string) {.raises: [].} = try: let tokenRegexp = re"^[\w]{24}$" if not match(token, tokenRegexp): return (Http400, renderError(400, "Bad Request")) except RegexError: return (Http500, renderError(500, "RegexError")) db.CleanExpired() try: let req = db.GetUrl(token) if req == nil: return (Http404, renderNoShort(req[])) return (Http200, renderShort(req[])) except SqliteError: return (Http500, renderError(500, "SqliteError")) proc handleIndexPost(params: Table[string, string]): (HttpCode, string) {.raises: [].} = var input: ShortUrl var exp: int for k, v in params.pairs: case k: of "title": try: let titleRegexp = re"^[\w\s]{3,64}$" if match(v, titleRegexp): input.Title = v else: echo "title" return (Http400, renderError(400, "Bad Request")) except RegexError: return (Http500, renderError(500, "RegexError")) of "url": try: discard parseUri(v) input.Url = v except: echo "url" return (Http400, renderError(400, "Bad Request")) of "expires": try: exp = parseInt(v) except ValueError: return (Http400, renderError(400, "Bad Request")) if exp < 1 or exp > 527040: echo "exp" return (Http400, renderError(400, "Bad Request")) of "shorten": discard else: return (Http400, renderError(400, "Bad Request")) if input.Title == "" or input.Url == "" or exp == 0: echo "empty" return (Http400, renderError(400, "Bad Request")) input.Token = $genOid() input.Created = input.Expires = input.Created + initDuration(minutes=exp) try: db.AddUrl(input) except SqliteError: return (Http500, renderShort(input)) return (Http200, input.Token) routes: get "/": resp renderIndex() post "/": initDB() var (code, content) = handleIndexPost(request.params) if code != Http200: resp code, content else: redirect("/" & content) get "/static/favicon.ico": resp Http200, {"content-type": "image/x-icon"}, favicon get re"^/static/all\.css\.": resp Http200, {"content-type": "text/css"}, allcss get "/@token": initDB() var (code, content) = handleToken(@"token") resp code, content runForever()