#!/bin/bash while true do read LINE || break ### First of all we get rid of a potential trailing \n LEN=`expr ${#LINE} - 1` LINE=${LINE[@]:0:$LEN} ### Parsing potential shcmd if [[ $LINE =~ :([a-zA-Z]*)!.*:shcmd ]]; then EXPAND=(${LINE}) CMD=${EXPAND[4]#:} ARGS=${EXPAND[*]:5} if [ "$CMD" = "advert" ]; then echo "PRIVMSG $ARGS :Listen to shbot, the one true Bot"'!' >&3 elif [ "$CMD" = "join" ]; then echo "JOIN $ARGS" >&3 elif [ "$CMD" = "part" ]; then echo "PART $ARGS" >&3 elif [ "$CMD" = "quote" ]; then ./shquote.sh ${ARGS[*]} elif [ "$CMD" = "trains" ]; then ./shtrains.sh ${ARGS[*]} elif [ "$CMD" = "help" ]; then ./shhelp.sh $ARGS else echo "Use \"shcmd help\" to list available commands." fi break fi ### Parsing brain file for potential replies LINENUM=1 cat shbrain.txt | \ while true do read BRAIN || break IFS=" " BRAIN=($BRAIN) PATTERN=${BRAIN[0]} PERCENT=${BRAIN[1]} RESPONSE=${BRAIN[2]} if [[ "$LINE" =~ ${PATTERN} ]]; then if [[ "$((RANDOM / 320))" -lt ${PERCENT} ]]; then echo `eval echo $RESPONSE` #awk 'NR==$LINENUM{$0='"$RESPONSE"'}1' shbrain.txt #sed "$LINENUM"'s\\'"${PATTERN} 10 ${RESPONSE}" -i shbrain.txt break fi fi (( LINENUM++ )) done done exit 0