package main import ( "embed" "" "" "" "html/template" "log/slog" "net/http" "strings" "unicode" ) // Variables to customise the search const ( listenStr = "" ) //go:embed ods.txt var ods string //go:embed index.html var templatesFS embed.FS //go:embed static/* var static embed.FS // html templates var indexTemplate = template.Must(template.New("index").ParseFS(templatesFS, "index.html")) type IndexData struct { HasQuery bool Query string Invalid bool } func getIndex() http.Handler { data := IndexData{ HasQuery: false, Query: "", Invalid: true, } return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { w.Header().Set("Cache-Control", "no-store, no-cache") indexTemplate.ExecuteTemplate(w, "index.html", data) }) } func postIndex() http.Handler { normalizer := transform.Chain(norm.NFD, runes.Remove(runes.In(unicode.Mn)), norm.NFC) words := strings.Split(ods, "\n") return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { data := IndexData{ HasQuery: true, Query: r.FormValue("query"), Invalid: true, } query, _, _ := transform.String(normalizer, strings.TrimSpace(strings.ToUpper(data.Query))) for _, w := range words { if w == query { data.Invalid = false break } } slog.Info("post", "word", query, "invalid", data.Invalid) w.Header().Set("Cache-Control", "no-store, no-cache") indexTemplate.ExecuteTemplate(w, "index.html", data) }) } func main() { http.Handle("GET /static/", http.FileServer(http.FS(static))) http.Handle("GET /", getIndex()) http.Handle("POST /", postIndex()) slog.Info("listening", "addr", listenStr) if err := http.ListenAndServe(listenStr, nil); err != nil && err != http.ErrServerClosed { slog.Error("error listening and serving", "error", err) } }