diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
new file mode 100644
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+++ b/README.md
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+# ODS
+ODS is a simple French crosswords dictionnary web application. It displays a
+simple input form that users can use to submit words. The web application will
+return whether the words are valid or not in the French scrabble.
+## Dependencies
+go is required. Though the code most certainly work on many operating systems,
+only go version >= 1.24 on Linux amd64 is being regularly tested.
+## Quick Start
+There is a makefile with everything you need, just type `make help` (or `gmake
+help` if running BSD) to see the possible actions.
+Use `make build` to build a static binary of the service, embedding everything.
+## The dictionary
+The "Officiel Du Scrabble" (ODS for short) is what the official dictionary for
+the scrabble game is called. One very sad thing is that this dictionary is not
+free! You cannot download it digitally, which seems crazy for a simple list of
+words. You might use your google-fu and maybe find it on some random GitHub
+account if you look for it, but I certainly did not.
+This repository relies on git-crypt to secure the content of my own dictionary
+file, sorry for not sharing it.
+## Systemd service
+I use this simple systemd service unit to run ODS:
+``` ini
+Description=ods.adyxax.org service
+## Nginx reverse proxy
+I use this simple nginx configuration in front of ODS:
+``` nginx
+server {
+	listen  80;
+	listen  [::]:80;
+	server_name  ods.adyxax.org;
+	location / {
+		return 308 https://$server_name$request_uri;
+	}
+server {
+	listen  443       ssl;
+	listen  [::]:443  ssl;
+	server_name  ods.adyxax.org;
+    error_page  404  /404.html;
+	location / {
+        include  headers_static.conf;
+        proxy_pass;
+	}
+	ssl_certificate      adyxax.org.fullchain;
+	ssl_certificate_key  adyxax.org.key;