import unittest include ../src/field func `==`(a, b: Line): bool = a.x == b.x and a.l == b.l and a.columns == b.columns func `==`(a, b: Field): bool = a.x == b.x and a.lx == b.lx and a.y == b.y and == and a.lines == b.lines func cols(a: openarray[char]): seq[int] = result.setlen(a.len) for i in 0..', ':', '#', ',', '_', '@'].cols)]) check hello1A.load("examples/hello.b98") == true check hello1A == hello1B var rn: Field check rn.load("examples/rn.b98") == true check rn == hello1B var hello2A: Field; var hello2B = Field(x: 1, lx: 33, ly: 2,lines: @[ Line(x:33, l:1, columns: @['v'].cols), Line(x:1, l:33, columns: @['@', ' ', '>', ' ', '#', ';', '>', ':', '#', ',', '_', 'e', '-', 'j', ';', ' ', '"', 'H', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o', ' ', 'w', 'o', 'r', 'l', 'd', '!', '"', 'd', 'a', '<'].cols) ]) check hello2A.load("examples/hello2.b98") == true check hello2A == hello2B var factorial2A: Field; var factorial2B = Field(x: 0, lx: 15, ly: 2,lines: @[ Line(x:0, l:15, columns: @['&', '>', ':', '1', '-', ':', 'v', ' ', 'v', ' ', '*', '_', '$', '.', '@'].cols), Line(x:1, l:11, columns: @['^', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', '_', '$', '>', '\\', ':', '^'].cols) ]) check factorial2A.load("examples/factorial.b98") == true check factorial2A == factorial2B var dna2A: Field; var dna2B = Field(x: 0, lx: 7, ly: 8,lines: @[ Line(x:0, l:7, columns: @['7', '^', 'D', 'N', '>', 'v', 'A'].cols), Line(x:0, l:7, columns: @['v', '_', '#', 'v', '?', ' ', 'v'].cols), Line(x:0, l:7, columns: @['7', '^', '<', '"', '"', '"', '"'].cols), Line(x:0, l:7, columns: @['3', ' ', ' ', 'A', 'C', 'G', 'T'].cols), Line(x:0, l:7, columns: @['9', '0', '!', '"', '"', '"', '"'].cols), Line(x:0, l:7, columns: @['4', '*', ':', '>', '>', '>', 'v'].cols), Line(x:0, l:7, columns: @['+', '8', '^', '-', '1', ',', '<'].cols), Line(x:0, l:7, columns: @['>', ' ', ',', '+', ',', '@', ')'].cols), ]) check dna2A.load("examples/dna.b98") == true check dna2A == dna2B test "set": var f = Field(x: 0, y: 0, lx: 1, ly: 1, lines: @[Line(x: 0, l: 1, columns: @['>'].cols)]) f.set(0,0,int('@')) check f == minimal f.set(1,0,int(' ')) check f == minimal const xappend = Field(x: 0, y: 0, lx: 5, ly: 1, lines: @[Line(x: 0, l: 5, columns: @[int('@'), 32, 32, 32, int('r')])]) f.set(4, 0, int('r')) check f == xappend const xprepend = Field(x: -2, y: 0, lx: 7, ly: 1, lines: @[Line(x: -2, l: 7, columns: @[int('l'), 32, int('@'), 32, 32, 32, int('r')])]) f.set(-2, 0, int('l')) check f == xprepend const yappend = Field(x: -2, y: 0, lx: 8, ly: 3, lines: @[ Line(x: -2, l: 7, columns: @[int('l'), 32, int('@'), 32, 32, 32, int('r')]), Line(x: 0, l: 0, columns: @[]), Line(x: 5, l: 1, columns: @[int('d')]), ]) f.set(5, 2, int('d')) check f == yappend const yprepend = Field(x: -2, y: -3, lx: 11, ly: 6, lines: @[ Line(x: 8, l: 1, columns: @[int('u')]), Line(x: 0, l: 0, columns: @[]), Line(x: 0, l: 0, columns: @[]), Line(x: -2, l: 7, columns: @[int('l'), 32, int('@'), 32, 32, 32, int('r')]), Line(x: 0, l: 0, columns: @[]), Line(x: 5, l: 1, columns: @[int('d')]), ]) f.set(8, -3, int('u')) check f == yprepend const xappendEmptyline = Field(x: -2, y: -3, lx: 12, ly: 6, lines: @[ Line(x: 8, l: 1, columns: @[int('u')]), Line(x: 9, l: 1, columns: @[int('e')]), Line(x: 0, l: 0, columns: @[]), Line(x: -2, l: 7, columns: @[int('l'), 32, int('@'), 32, 32, 32, int('r')]), Line(x: 0, l: 0, columns: @[]), Line(x: 5, l: 1, columns: @[int('d')]), ]) f.set(9, -2, int('e')) check f == xappendEmptyline const xprependEmptyline = Field(x: -3, y: -3, lx: 13, ly: 6, lines: @[ Line(x: 8, l: 1, columns: @[int('u')]), Line(x: 9, l: 1, columns: @[int('e')]), Line(x: 0, l: 0, columns: @[]), Line(x: -2, l: 7, columns: @[int('l'), 32, int('@'), 32, 32, 32, int('r')]), Line(x: -3, l: 1, columns: @[int('f')]), Line(x: 5, l: 1, columns: @[int('d')]), ]) f.set(-3, 1, int('f')) check f == xprependEmptyline const xprependyprepend = Field(x: -5, y: -5, lx: 15, ly: 8, lines: @[ Line(x: -5, l: 1, columns: @[int('x')]), Line(x: 0, l: 0, columns: @[]), Line(x: 8, l: 1, columns: @[int('u')]), Line(x: 9, l: 1, columns: @[int('e')]), Line(x: 0, l: 0, columns: @[]), Line(x: -2, l: 7, columns: @[int('l'), 32, int('@'), 32, 32, 32, int('r')]), Line(x: -3, l: 1, columns: @[int('f')]), Line(x: 5, l: 1, columns: @[int('d')]), ]) f.set(-5, -5, int('x')) check f == xprependyprepend const xprependyappend = Field(x: -7, y: -5, lx: 17, ly: 10, lines: @[ Line(x: -5, l: 1, columns: @[int('x')]), Line(x: 0, l: 0, columns: @[]), Line(x: 8, l: 1, columns: @[int('u')]), Line(x: 9, l: 1, columns: @[int('e')]), Line(x: 0, l: 0, columns: @[]), Line(x: -2, l: 7, columns: @[int('l'), 32, int('@'), 32, 32, 32, int('r')]), Line(x: -3, l: 1, columns: @[int('f')]), Line(x: 5, l: 1, columns: @[int('d')]), Line(x: 0, l: 0, columns: @[]), Line(x: -7, l: 1, columns: @[int('y')]), ]) f.set(-7, 4, int('y')) check f == xprependyappend