# Package version = "1.0.1" author = "Julien Dessaux" description = "A Funge-98 interpreter written in nim" license = "EUPL-1.2" srcDir = "src" bin = @["nimfunge98"] # Dependencies requires "nim >= 1.4.8" # Tasks task tests, "Runs the test suite": exec "testament pattern \"tests/*.nim\"" import os, strformat task fmt, "Run nimpretty on all git-managed .nim files in the current repo": ## Usage: nim fmt for file in walkDirRec("./", {pcFile, pcDir}): if file.splitFile().ext == ".nim": let # https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues/6262#issuecomment-454983572 # https://stackoverflow.com/a/2406813/1219634 fileIsGitManaged = gorgeEx("cd $1 && git ls-files --error-unmatch $2" % [getCurrentDir(), file]).exitCode == 0 # ^^^^^-- That "cd" is required. if fileIsGitManaged: let cmd = "nimpretty --maxLineLen=220 $1" % [file] echo "Running $1 .." % [cmd] exec(cmd) task clean, "Clean": exec "rm -rf nimcache testresults tests/megatest.nim" exec "find tests/ -type f -executable -delete"