module Plugins.Quote ( mainQuote ) where import Control.Concurrent.Chan import Control.Exception import Control.Monad.State import Prelude hiding (catch) import System.Time (ClockTime) import Hsbot.IRCPlugin import Hsbot.Types import Hsbot.Utils -- | A quote object data Quote = Quote { quoter :: String , quote :: [String] , quoteTime :: ClockTime , votes :: Int } deriving (Show) -- | A QuoteBot state type QuoteDB = [Quote] -- | The QuoteBot monad type QuoteBot a = StateT QuoteDB IO a -- | The plugin's main entry point mainQuote :: Chan BotMsg -> Chan BotMsg -> IO () mainQuote serverChan chan = do let plugin = PluginState "Quote" serverChan chan evalStateT (mapM_ sendRegisterCommand ["quote"]) plugin _ <- (evalStateT (run quoteBot) plugin) `catch` (\(_ :: AsyncException) -> return quoteBot) evalStateT (mapM_ sendUnregisterCommand ["quote"]) plugin -- | The IrcPlugin monad main function run :: IrcPlugin () run = forever $ do msg <- readMsg eval msg where eval :: BotMsg -> IrcPlugin () eval (InternalCmd intCmd) = do case intCmdCmd intCmd of "RUN" -> let stuff = words $ intCmdMsg intCmd in case head stuff of "quote" -> lift $ trace $ "Quote module has been invoked for: " ++ (show intCmd) _ -> lift $ trace $ show intCmd -- TODO : help message _ -> lift $ trace $ show intCmd eval (InputMsg msg) = return () eval _ = return ()