module Hsbot.Irc.Message ( IrcBotMsg (..) , IrcCmd (..) , IrcMsg (..) , emptyIrcMsg , parseIrcMsg , serializeIrcMsg ) where import Control.Monad.Identity import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec -- | An IRC message data IrcMsg = IrcMsg { ircMsgPrefix :: Maybe String -- the message prefix , ircMsgCommand :: String -- the message command , ircMsgParameters :: [String] -- the message parameters } deriving (Show) emptyIrcMsg :: IrcMsg emptyIrcMsg = IrcMsg Nothing "" [] -- | An internal command data IrcCmd = IrcCmd { ircCmdCmd :: String -- the internal command , ircCmdFrom :: String -- who issues it , ircCmdTo :: String -- who it is destinated to , ircCmdMsg :: String -- the message to be transfered , ircCmdBotMsg :: IrcMsg -- An IrcMsg attached to the command } deriving (Show) data IrcBotMsg = InIrcMsg IrcMsg | OutIrcMsg IrcMsg | IntIrcCmd IrcCmd deriving (Show) -- | Parses an IrcInput parseIrcMsg :: String -> Either ParseError IrcMsg parseIrcMsg line = parse pMsg "" line --pMsg :: Parser String u Identity IrcMsg pMsg = do pfx <- optionMaybe pPrefix cmd <- pCommand params <- many (char ' ' >> (pLongParam <|> pShortParam)) _ <- char '\r' eof return $ IrcMsg pfx cmd params --pPrefix :: Parser String u Identity [Char] pPrefix = do _ <- char ':' pfx <- many1 (noneOf " ") _ <- space return pfx --pCommand :: Parser String u Identity [Char] pCommand = count 3 digit <|> many1 upper --pLongParam :: Parser String u Identity [Char] pLongParam = char ':' >> (many1 (noneOf "\r")) --pShortParam :: Parser String u Identity [Char] pShortParam = many1 (noneOf " \r") -- | Serialize an IRC message to a string. serializeIrcMsg :: IrcMsg -> String serializeIrcMsg (IrcMsg pfx cmd params) = pfxStr ++ cmd ++ paramStr where pfxStr = case pfx of Nothing -> "" Just pfx' -> ":" ++ pfx' ++ " " paramStr = concat (map paramToStr (init params) ++ [lastParamToStr (last params)]) paramToStr p = " " ++ p lastParamToStr p = " :" ++ p