{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, DeriveDataTypeable, TemplateHaskell #-} -- | This module is an IRC plugin that generates and kills ducks module Hsbot.Plugin.Duck ( DuckArgs (..) , duck , theDuck ) where import Control.Concurrent import Control.Monad.Reader import Control.Monad.State import Data.Acid import qualified Data.List as L import qualified Data.Map as M import Data.Maybe import Data.SafeCopy import Data.Typeable import qualified Network.IRC as IRC import System.Environment.XDG.BaseDir import System.Random import Hsbot.Message import Hsbot.Types import Hsbot.Utils -- The statistics database data StatDB = StatDB { nickStats :: M.Map String Int } deriving (Show, Typeable) -- | Statistics database initial state emptyStatDB :: StatDB emptyStatDB = StatDB { nickStats = M.empty } $(deriveSafeCopy 0 'base ''StatDB) -- | Statistics database transactions updateScore :: String -> Int -> Update StatDB () updateScore sender score = do statDB <- get let stats = nickStats statDB stat = fromMaybe 0 $ M.lookup sender stats put statDB { nickStats = M.insert sender (stat + score) stats } getDuckStats :: Query StatDB StatDB getDuckStats = ask $(makeAcidic ''StatDB ['getDuckStats, 'updateScore]) -- | The duck plugin identity duck :: PluginId duck = PluginId { pluginName = "duck" , pluginEp = theDuck $ DuckArgs { duckChannel = "", duckFreq = 10 } } data DuckArgs = DuckArgs { duckChannel :: String , duckFreq :: Int } -- | An IRC plugin that generates and kills ducks theDuck :: DuckArgs -> Plugin (Env IO) () theDuck (DuckArgs channel seconds) = do baseDir <- liftIO $ System.Environment.XDG.BaseDir.getUserDataDir "hsbot" statDB <- liftIO $ openAcidStateFrom (baseDir ++ "/duckDB/") emptyStatDB ducksMVar <- liftIO newEmptyMVar timeMVar <- liftIO $ newMVar seconds duckSpawner channel seconds ducksMVar forever $ readMsg >>= eval statDB ducksMVar timeMVar where eval :: AcidState StatDB -> MVar Int -> MVar Int -> Message -> Plugin (Env IO) () eval statDB ducksMVar timeMVar (IncomingMsg msg) | IRC.msg_command msg == "PRIVMSG" = do -- First we kill the ducks that we find in the message let kills = howManyDucksInThere . concat $ IRC.msg_params msg when (kills /= "") $ answerMsg msg kills when (getDestination msg == channel) $ do -- Then we check if someone shot some duck let shots = howManyBulletFiredInThere . concat $ IRC.msg_params msg when (shots > 0) $ do empty <- liftIO $ isEmptyMVar ducksMVar ducksWaitingForDeath <- if empty then return 0 else liftIO $ modifyMVar ducksMVar (\x -> return (x - shots, x)) _ <- update' statDB . UpdateScore (getSender msg) $ computeScore ducksWaitingForDeath shots when (and [ ducksWaitingForDeath > 0, shots >= ducksWaitingForDeath ]) $ do _ <- liftIO $ takeMVar ducksMVar time <- liftIO $ readMVar timeMVar duckSpawner channel time ducksMVar return () -- Finally we check if we received some command cmdArgs <- lift $ getCommand msg case cmdArgs of "duck":"freq":time:_ -> case reads time :: [(Int, String)] of (secs,_):_ -> liftIO $ modifyMVar_ timeMVar (\_ -> return secs) _ -> answerMsg msg "Invalid time value." "duck":"freq":_ -> answerMsg msg $ "You must provide an amount of seconds the bot should wait before spawning " ++ "new ducks after the end of a round." "duck":"stat":_ -> query' statDB GetDuckStats >>= printDuckStats channel "duck":_ -> answerMsg msg "Invalid duck command." _ -> return () | otherwise = return () eval _ _ _ _ = return () computeScore :: Int -> Int -> Int computeScore ducksWaitingForDeath shots | shots < ducksWaitingForDeath = shots - 1 | shots == ducksWaitingForDeath = shots + 1 | otherwise = negate shots -- | Spawns ducks on a channel, just waiting to be shot duckSpawner :: String -> Int -> MVar Int -> Plugin (Env IO) () duckSpawner channel secs ducksMVar = do pEnv <- ask lift ask >>= liftIO . forkIO . runReaderT (runReaderT trueSpawner pEnv) >>= lift . addThreadIdToQuitMVar where trueSpawner :: Plugin (Env IO) () trueSpawner = do rsecs <- liftIO . getStdRandom $ randomR (1,secs) liftIO $ threadDelay (1000000 * rsecs) nbDucks <- liftIO . getStdRandom $ randomR (1,4) thoseDucks <- liftIO $ replicateM nbDucks someRandomDuck liftIO $ putMVar ducksMVar nbDucks writeMsg . OutgoingMsg $ IRC.Message Nothing "PRIVMSG" [channel, concat thoseDucks] liftIO myThreadId >>= lift . delThreadIdFromQuitMVar -- | Tels how many shots we can hear from this string howManyBulletFiredInThere :: String -> Int howManyBulletFiredInThere = sum . concatMap (\y -> map (\x -> if x `L.isInfixOf` y then 1 else 0) bangs) . words -- | Shoot as many times there are ducks in the provided string howManyDucksInThere :: String -> String howManyDucksInThere = concat . concatMap (\y -> map (\x -> if x `L.isInfixOf` y then "PAN! " else "") ducks) . words -- | Output a string made of the specified number of random ducks someRandomDuck :: IO String someRandomDuck = do whatDuck <- getStdRandom $ randomR (0,length ducks - 1) return $ ducks !! whatDuck ++ " " -- | There are many ways to hide as a duck, this function tries to cover most of them ducks :: [String] ducks = [ x : y : z | x <- ">=", y <- face, z <- ["__/", "_/"] ] ++ [ L.reverse $ x : y : z | x <- "<=", y <- face, z <- ["__\\", "_\\"] ] where face :: String face = "oO°@©®ð*òôóø⊕ΩꙫꙩꙨ◔ȯõ⁰" -- | Weapons can have different noises bangs :: [String] bangs = [ "PAN", "PAN!" ] -- | Nicely prints duck statistics printDuckStats :: String -> StatDB -> Plugin (Env IO) () printDuckStats channel statDB = do sendLine "Duck slaughter simulator - Hall of Fame" mapM_ (sendLine . buildLine) $ M.toList (nickStats statDB) where buildLine :: (String, Int) -> String buildLine (nick, score) = concat [ nick, ": ", show score ] sendLine :: String -> Plugin (Env IO) () sendLine msg = writeMsg . OutgoingMsg $ IRC.Message Nothing "PRIVMSG" [channel, msg]