module Hsbot.Message ( answerMsg , getCommand , readMsg , writeMsg ) where import Control.Concurrent import qualified Data.List as L import Control.Monad.Reader import qualified Network.IRC as IRC import Hsbot.Types -- Plugin Utils readMsg :: Plugin (Env IO) Message readMsg = asks pluginChan >>= liftIO . readChan writeMsg :: Message -> Plugin (Env IO) () writeMsg msg = asks pluginMaster >>= liftIO . flip writeChan msg answerMsg :: IRC.Message -> String -> Plugin (Env IO) () answerMsg _ [] = return () answerMsg (IRC.Message (Just (IRC.NickName nick _ _)) _ (channel:_)) msg | head channel == '#' = writeMsg . OutgoingMsg $ IRC.Message Nothing "PRIVMSG" [channel, msg] | otherwise = writeMsg . OutgoingMsg $ IRC.Message Nothing "PRIVMSG" [nick, msg] answerMsg _ _ = return () -- | Get the command in the IRC message if there is one getCommand :: IRC.Message -> Env IO [String] getCommand (IRC.Message _ _ (_:msg:[])) = do currentBotState <- asks envBotState >>= liftIO . readMVar let cmd:stuff = if msg /= "" then words msg else ["",""] if botNickname currentBotState `L.isPrefixOf` cmd then return stuff else return [] getCommand _ = return []