module Hsbot.Core ( hsbot ) where import Control.Concurrent import Control.Concurrent.Chan () import Control.Exception import Control.Monad.State import qualified Data.Map as M import Data.Time import Prelude hiding (catch) import System.IO() import Hsbot.Config import Hsbot.Irc.Config import Hsbot.Irc.Core import Hsbot.Message import Hsbot.Plugin -- | The Bot monad type Bot = StateT BotState IO -- | An Hsbot state data BotState = BotState { botStartTime :: UTCTime -- the bot's uptime , botPlugins :: M.Map String (PluginState, ThreadId) -- Loaded plugins , botChan :: Chan BotMsg -- The bot's communication channel , botConfig :: Config -- the bot's starting config } -- | Bot's main entry point hsbot :: Config -> IO () hsbot config = do startTime <- getCurrentTime putStrLn "[Hsbot] Opening communication channel... " chan <- newChan :: IO (Chan BotMsg) putStrLn "[Hsbot] Spawning IrcBot plugins... " botState <- execStateT spawnIrcPlugins BotState { botStartTime = startTime , botPlugins = M.empty , botChan = chan , botConfig = config } putStrLn "[Hsbot] Entering main loop... " botState' <- (execStateT botLoop botState) `catch` (\(_ :: IOException) -> return botState) return () -- | Run the bot main loop botLoop :: Bot () botLoop = forever $ do chan <- gets botChan msg <- liftIO $ readChan chan -- process messages return () -- | spawns IrcPlugins spawnIrcPlugins :: Bot () spawnIrcPlugins = do config <- gets botConfig mapM_ (spawnIrcPlugin) (ircConfigs config) where spawnIrcPlugin :: IrcConfig -> Bot () spawnIrcPlugin config = do bot <- get let chan = botChan bot pchan <- liftIO (newChan :: IO (Chan BotMsg)) threadId <- liftIO $ forkIO (startIrcbot config chan pchan) let plugin = PluginState { pluginName = ircConfigName config , pluginChan = pchan , pluginHandles = M.empty } plugins = botPlugins bot put $ bot { botPlugins = M.insert (pluginName plugin) (plugin, threadId) plugins }