module Hsbot.Core ( initHsbot , runHsbot , terminateHsbot ) where import Control.Concurrent import Control.Exception (IOException, catch) import Control.Monad.Reader import Crypto.Random import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.UTF8 as L import qualified Data.Map as M import Network import qualified Network.IRC as IRC import Network.BSD (getHostName) import Network.TLS import Prelude hiding (catch) import System.IO import System.Log.Logger import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec import Hsbot.Plugin import Hsbot.Types import Hsbot.Utils initHsbot :: Config -> IO BotEnv initHsbot config = do chan <- newChan :: IO (Chan Message) botState <- newEmptyMVar threadIdsMv <- newMVar [] quitMv <- newEmptyMVar let hostname = configAddress config port = configPort config infoM "Hsbot.Core" $ "Connecting to " ++ hostname -- ++ ":" ++ port connhdl <- connectTo hostname port hSetBuffering connhdl NoBuffering hSetEncoding connhdl utf8 (tls, tlsCtx) <- if sslOn $ configTLS config then (do infoM "Hsbot.Core" "Initializing TLS communication" tlsenv <- initTLSEnv (configTLS config) randomGen <- newGenIO :: IO SystemRandom sCtx <- client tlsenv randomGen connhdl handshake sCtx return (Just tlsenv, Just sCtx)) else return (Nothing, Nothing) return BotEnv { envBotState = botState , envHandle = connhdl , envChan = chan , envQuitMv = quitMv , envThreadIdsMv = threadIdsMv , envConfig = config , envTLS = tls , envTLSCtx = tlsCtx } runHsbot :: [String] -> Env IO BotStatus runHsbot die_msgs = do botNotInitialized <- asks envBotState >>= liftIO . isEmptyMVar when botNotInitialized runFirstSteps trueRunHsbot where -- | Initialize the dialog with the IRC server runFirstSteps :: Env IO () runFirstSteps = do env <- ask -- First we say hello hostname <- liftIO getHostName let connhdl = envHandle env tlsCtx = envTLSCtx env config = envConfig env nickname = head $ configNicknames config channels = configChannels config case configPassword config of Just pass -> liftIO . sendStr env connhdl tlsCtx . IRC.encode $ IRC.Message Nothing "PASS" [pass] Nothing -> return () liftIO . sendStr env connhdl tlsCtx . IRC.encode $ IRC.nick nickname liftIO . sendStr env connhdl tlsCtx . IRC.encode $ IRC.user nickname hostname "*" (configRealname config) -- Then we join channels mapM_ (liftIO . sendStr env connhdl tlsCtx . IRC.encode . IRC.joinChan) channels -- We advertise any death message we should mapM_ (\msg -> mapM_ (\channel -> liftIO . sendStr env connhdl tlsCtx . IRC.encode $ IRC.Message Nothing "PRIVMSG" [channel, msg]) channels) die_msgs -- Finally we set the new bot state asks envBotState >>= liftIO . flip putMVar BotState { botPlugins = M.empty , botAccess = configAccess config , botHooks = [] , botChannels = channels , botNickname = nickname } -- | Run the bot itself trueRunHsbot :: Env IO BotStatus trueRunHsbot = do env <- ask -- Next we spawn the reader thread liftIO $ debugM "Hsbot.Core" "Spawning reader thread" let connhdl = envHandle env tlsCtx = envTLSCtx env chan <- asks envChan (liftIO . forkIO $ botReader env connhdl tlsCtx chan) >>= addThreadIdToQuitMVar -- Then we spawn all plugins asks envConfig >>= mapM_ loadPlugin . configPlugins -- Finally we spawn the main bot loop (liftIO . forkIO $ runReaderT botLoop env) >>= addThreadIdToQuitMVar -- We wait for the quit signal code <- asks envQuitMv >>= liftIO . takeMVar -- and we clean things up asks envThreadIdsMv >>= liftIO . readMVar >>= liftIO . mapM_ killThread -- TODO : kill plugin threads return code botReader :: BotEnv -> Handle -> Maybe (TLSCtx Handle) -> Chan Message -> IO () botReader env handle mctx chan = do ioException <- botTrueReader "" `catch` return runReaderT (setGlobalQuitMVar $ BotRestart (show ioException, Just "botReader died")) env where botTrueReader :: String -> IO IOException botTrueReader buff = do str <- readThis handle mctx case parse messages [] (buff ++ str) of Right (msgs, trash) -> do mapM_ handleMessage msgs botTrueReader trash Left err -> do errorM "Hsbot.Reader" $ "Reader decode error (" ++ show err ++ ") on " ++ str botTrueReader "" messages = do msgs <- option [] $ many1 message trash <- option "" $ many1 anyChar return (msgs, trash) message = do mess <- many1 $ noneOf "\r\n" end <- string "\r\n" <|> string "\r" <|> string "\n" return $ mess ++ end handleMessage :: String -> IO () handleMessage str = case IRC.decode str of Just msg -> do debugM "Hsbot.Reader" $ "<-- " ++ show msg writeChan chan $ IncomingMsg msg Nothing -> return () readThis :: Handle -> Maybe (TLSCtx Handle) -> IO String readThis _ (Just ctx) = fmap L.toString (recvData' ctx) readThis h Nothing = hGetLine h >>= \s -> return $ s ++ "\n" botLoop :: Env IO () botLoop = forever $ do chan <- asks envChan msg <- liftIO $ readChan chan hooks <- asks envBotState >>= liftIO . flip withMVar (return . botHooks) mapM_ (liftIO . flip writeChan msg) hooks case msg of IncomingMsg _ -> return () -- TODO parse for core commands OutgoingMsg outMsg -> do env <- ask let connhdl = envHandle env tlsCtx = envTLSCtx env liftIO $ debugM "Hsbot.Loop" $ "--> " ++ show outMsg liftIO . sendStr env connhdl tlsCtx $ IRC.encode outMsg terminateHsbot :: Env IO () terminateHsbot = do liftIO $ infoM "Hsbot.Core" "Closing connection" asks envHandle >>= liftIO . hClose