From 03795ac2f793421af9ef2e0f3bbe5295de456933 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Julien Dessaux
Date: Sun, 1 Aug 2010 17:59:02 +0200
Subject: Moved the CLI argument processing stuff in its own file.

 HsbotIrcBot/Hsbot/Irc/CLI.hs | 63 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 63 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 HsbotIrcBot/Hsbot/Irc/CLI.hs

(limited to 'HsbotIrcBot/Hsbot')

diff --git a/HsbotIrcBot/Hsbot/Irc/CLI.hs b/HsbotIrcBot/Hsbot/Irc/CLI.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4147bd1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HsbotIrcBot/Hsbot/Irc/CLI.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+module Hsbot.Irc.CLI
+    ( Options (..)
+    , defaultOptions
+    , header
+    , options
+    ) where
+import System.Console.GetOpt
+import System.Exit
+-- CLI argument parting stuff {{{
+-- | CLI options
+data Options = Options
+    { optDebug      :: Bool
+    , optConfigFile :: Maybe String
+    , optGroup      :: Maybe String
+    , optUser       :: Maybe String
+    , optVerbose    :: Bool
+    } deriving (Show)
+-- | CLI default options
+defaultOptions :: Options
+defaultOptions = Options { optDebug      = False
+                         , optConfigFile = Nothing
+                         , optGroup      = Nothing
+                         , optUser       = Nothing
+                         , optVerbose    = False }
+-- | CLI options logic
+options :: [ OptDescr (Options -> IO Options) ]
+options =
+    [ Option "d" ["debug"]
+        (NoArg (\opt -> return opt { optDebug = True, optVerbose = True }))
+        "Enter verbose debug mode and prevents Hsbot from forking in background"
+    , Option "f" ["file"]
+        (ReqArg (\arg opt -> return opt { optConfigFile = return arg }) "<config_file>")
+        "The config file to use"
+    , Option "g" ["group"]
+        (ReqArg (\arg opt -> return opt { optGroup = return arg }) "<group>")
+        "The group hsbot will run as"
+    , Option "h" ["help"]
+        (NoArg (\_ -> do
+                    putStrLn $ usageInfo header options
+                    exitWith ExitSuccess))
+        "Print this help message"
+    , Option "u" ["user"]
+        (ReqArg (\arg opt -> return opt { optUser = return arg }) "<user>")
+        "The user hsbot will run as"
+    , Option "v" ["verbose"]
+        (NoArg (\opt -> return opt { optVerbose = True }))
+        "Enable verbose messages"
+    , Option "V" ["version"]
+        (NoArg (\_ -> do
+                    putStrLn "hsbot-irc version 0.3"
+                    exitWith ExitSuccess))
+        "Show version"
+    ]
+-- | Usage header
+header :: String
+header = "Usage: hsbot-irc [-dhvV] [-f config_file] [-u user] [-g group]"
+-- }}}
cgit v1.2.3