path: root/Hsbot/Utils.hs
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1 files changed, 32 insertions, 56 deletions
diff --git a/Hsbot/Utils.hs b/Hsbot/Utils.hs
index 6eec5c4..2ea1a49 100644
--- a/Hsbot/Utils.hs
+++ b/Hsbot/Utils.hs
@@ -1,25 +1,21 @@
module Hsbot.Utils
( addThreadIdToQuitMVar
, delThreadIdFromQuitMVar
+ , hasAccess
, initTLSEnv
- , readCertificate
- , readPrivateKey
, sendStr
, setGlobalQuitMVar
) where
import Control.Concurrent
+import Control.Exception (IOException, catch)
import Control.Monad.Reader
-import qualified Crypto.Cipher.RSA as RSA
-import qualified Data.ByteString as B
-import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as C
-import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
-import qualified Data.Certificate.KeyRSA as KeyRSA
-import Data.Certificate.PEM
-import Data.Certificate.X509
-import Data.List
-import Data.Maybe
+import Control.Monad.State
+import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.UTF8 as L
+import qualified Data.List as L
+import qualified Network.IRC as IRC
import Network.TLS
+import Prelude hiding (catch)
import System.IO
import Hsbot.Types
@@ -33,61 +29,41 @@ addThreadIdToQuitMVar thrId = do
delThreadIdFromQuitMVar :: ThreadId -> Env IO ()
delThreadIdFromQuitMVar thrId = do
threadIdsMv <- asks envThreadIdsMv
- liftIO $ modifyMVar_ threadIdsMv (return . delete thrId)
+ liftIO $ modifyMVar_ threadIdsMv (return . L.delete thrId)
setGlobalQuitMVar :: BotStatus -> Env IO ()
setGlobalQuitMVar status = do
quitMv <- asks envQuitMv
liftIO $ putMVar quitMv status
+-- Access rights
+hasAccess :: Maybe IRC.Prefix -> AccessRight -> Env IO Bool
+hasAccess Nothing _ = return False
+hasAccess (Just mask) right = do
+ asks envBotState >>= liftIO . readMVar >>= evalStateT (fmap (any accessMatch) (gets botAccess))
+ where
+ accessMatch :: AccessList -> Bool
+ accessMatch (AccessList amask arights)
+ | mask == amask = or [Admin `L.elem` arights, right `L.elem` arights]
+ | otherwise = False
-- Helpers
-sendStr :: Handle -> Maybe TLSCtx -> String -> IO ()
-sendStr _ (Just ctx) msg = sendData ctx $ L.fromChunks [C.pack msg]
-sendStr handle Nothing msg = hPutStrLn handle msg
+sendStr :: BotEnv -> Handle -> Maybe TLSCtx -> String -> IO ()
+sendStr env _ (Just ctx) msg = sendData ctx (L.fromString $ msg ++ "\r\n") `catch` handleIOException env ("sendStr " ++ msg)
+sendStr env handle Nothing msg = hPutStrLn handle (msg ++ "\r\n") `catch` handleIOException env ("sendStr " ++ msg)
+handleIOException :: BotEnv -> String -> IOException -> IO ()
+handleIOException env msg ioException = do
+ runReaderT (setGlobalQuitMVar $ BotRestart (show ioException, Just msg)) env
+ myId <- myThreadId
+ killThread myId
+ return ()
-- TLS utils
initTLSEnv :: TLSConfig -> IO TLSParams
initTLSEnv ssl = do
- let certFile = sslCert ssl
- keyFile = sslKey ssl
- versions = sslVersions ssl
+ let versions = sslVersions ssl
ciphers = sslCiphers ssl
- verify = sslVerify ssl
- -- TODO : exception on loading keys
- cert <- readCertificate certFile
- pk <- readPrivateKey keyFile
- return $ defaultParams { pConnectVersion = TLS12
- , pAllowedVersions = versions
- , pCiphers = ciphers
- , pWantClientCert = verify
- , pCertificates = [(cert, Just pk)] }
-readCertificate :: FilePath -> IO X509
-readCertificate filepath = do
- content <- B.readFile filepath
- let certdata = fromMaybe (error "no valid certificate section") $ parsePEMCert content
- cert = case decodeCertificate $ L.fromChunks [certdata] of
- Left err -> error ("cannot decode certificate: " ++ err)
- Right x -> x
- return cert
-readPrivateKey :: FilePath -> IO PrivateKey
-readPrivateKey filepath = do
- content <- B.readFile filepath
- let pkdata = case parsePEMKeyRSA content of
- Nothing -> error "no valid RSA key section"
- Just x -> L.fromChunks [x]
- let pk = case KeyRSA.decodePrivate pkdata of
- Left err -> error ("cannot decode key: " ++ err)
- Right x -> PrivRSA RSA.PrivateKey
- { RSA.private_sz = fromIntegral $ KeyRSA.lenmodulus x
- , RSA.private_n = KeyRSA.modulus x
- , RSA.private_d = KeyRSA.private_exponant x
- , RSA.private_p = KeyRSA.p1 x
- , RSA.private_q = KeyRSA.p2 x
- , RSA.private_dP = KeyRSA.exp1 x
- , RSA.private_dQ = KeyRSA.exp2 x
- , RSA.private_qinv = KeyRSA.coef x
- }
- return pk
+ return $ defaultParams { pAllowedVersions = versions
+ , pCiphers = ciphers }