path: root/Hsbot/Core.hs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Hsbot/Core.hs')
1 files changed, 41 insertions, 37 deletions
diff --git a/Hsbot/Core.hs b/Hsbot/Core.hs
index 772a31a..0ae337b 100644
--- a/Hsbot/Core.hs
+++ b/Hsbot/Core.hs
@@ -12,21 +12,9 @@ import Prelude hiding (catch)
import System.IO()
import Hsbot.Config
-import Hsbot.Irc.Config
-import Hsbot.Irc.Core
import Hsbot.Message
import Hsbot.Plugin
--- | The Bot monad
-type Bot = StateT BotState IO
--- | An Hsbot state
-data BotState = BotState
- { botStartTime :: UTCTime -- the bot's uptime
- , botPlugins :: M.Map String (PluginState, ThreadId) -- Loaded plugins
- , botChan :: Chan BotMsg -- The bot's communication channel
- , botConfig :: Config -- the bot's starting config
- }
+import Hsbot.Types
-- | Bot's main entry point
hsbot :: Config -> IO ()
@@ -34,38 +22,54 @@ hsbot config = do
startTime <- getCurrentTime
putStrLn "[Hsbot] Opening communication channel... "
chan <- newChan :: IO (Chan BotMsg)
+ putStrLn "[Hsbot] Spawning bot state manager... "
+ processUpdateChan <- newChan :: IO (Chan String)
+ reportUpdateChan <- newChan :: IO (Chan String)
+ updaterThreadId <- forkIO $ readUpdates processUpdateChan reportUpdateChan ""
putStrLn "[Hsbot] Spawning IrcBot plugins... "
- botState <- execStateT spawnIrcPlugins BotState { botStartTime = startTime
- , botPlugins = M.empty
- , botChan = chan
- , botConfig = config }
+ botState <- execStateT spawnIrcPlugins BotState { botStartTime = startTime
+ , botPlugins = M.empty
+ , botChan = chan
+ , botConfig = config
+ , botUpdateChan = processUpdateChan
+ , botResumeData = M.empty }
putStrLn "[Hsbot] Entering main loop... "
- botState' <- (execStateT botLoop botState) `catch` (\(_ :: IOException) -> return botState)
+ _ <- (execStateT botLoop botState) `catch` (\(_ :: IOException) -> return botState)
+ killThread updaterThreadId
+ resumeData <- readChan reportUpdateChan
+ print resumeData
return ()
-- | Run the bot main loop
botLoop :: Bot ()
botLoop = forever $ do
chan <- gets botChan
- msg <- liftIO $ readChan chan
- -- process messages
- return ()
+ msg <- liftIO $ readChan chan
+ case msg of
+ InMsg _ -> return ()
+ OutMsg _ -> return ()
+ IntMsg intMsg -> do
+ processInternalMessage $ IntMsg intMsg
+ reportUpdate
+-- | Reports an update to the master bot
+reportUpdate :: Bot ()
+reportUpdate = do
+ bot <- get
+ let updateChan = botUpdateChan bot
+ stuff = show $ botResumeData bot
+ liftIO $ writeChan updateChan stuff
--- | spawns IrcPlugins
-spawnIrcPlugins :: Bot ()
-spawnIrcPlugins = do
- config <- gets botConfig
- mapM_ (spawnIrcPlugin) (ircConfigs config)
+-- | Runs bot updates' manager thread
+readUpdates :: Chan String -> Chan String -> String -> IO ()
+readUpdates processChan reportChan resumeData = do
+ resumeData' <- (readChan processChan) `catch` handleException
+ readUpdates processChan reportChan resumeData'
- spawnIrcPlugin :: IrcConfig -> Bot ()
- spawnIrcPlugin config = do
- bot <- get
- let chan = botChan bot
- pchan <- liftIO (newChan :: IO (Chan BotMsg))
- threadId <- liftIO $ forkIO (startIrcbot config chan pchan)
- let plugin = PluginState { pluginName = ircConfigName config
- , pluginChan = pchan
- , pluginHandles = M.empty }
- plugins = botPlugins bot
- put $ bot { botPlugins = M.insert (pluginName plugin) (plugin, threadId) plugins }
+ handleException :: AsyncException -> IO (String)
+ handleException _ = do
+ writeChan reportChan resumeData
+ myId <- myThreadId
+ killThread myId
+ return ""